LOL! Corsi's trying to get MUELLER disbarred & prosecuted for treason

How is that EVERYONE including this asshole are forgetting that MUELLER is REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’
Makes you wonder if these Corsi and Alex Jones type conspiracy theorists aren’t just trolling to pour gasoline on political fires, but are actually mentally ill.
He has a reputation for getting people prosecuted, when they are innocent.
How is that EVERYONE including this asshole forgets that MUELLER is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’
Right.....that's sure gonna work, Corsi.....:71:
They are talking to their followers, not the courts.
ding ding ding

We have a winner.

I have zero idea which. But WHO DOES THIS SHIT? Clinically mentally ill? I'm betting something will show up on pscyhological testing. If it's all a big joke, it's SICK! And who the F has the time for all this nonsense? Who has the money to file bullshit lawsuits? The truth isn't interesting enough?

What portion of the population believes this shit? That's really scary.

The audience is what frightens me. Its a big chunk of the population that has gladly joined a conspiracy cult. And will believe pretty much anything Trump and his minion tell them to believe.

Those people scare me. The charlatans and con-men that feed them, not as much.
They'll start getting violent soon.
Corsi's lawsuit may just freak out Mueller enough to end the charade. Bob won't do well in GenPop....he put too many other inmates in there with him.
"lawsuit"? "GenPop"? You are a trumpanzee, aren't you? I can tell by you thinking that people get thrown in prison on lawsuits......:777:
The observation of known facts.
Dodge. As expected.

How many Republican-donor prosecutors did he employ?
Irrelevant. He picked the best prosecutors. it's not his fault that hyper-educated, brilliant people tend to vote democrat.
It wouldn't matter to deplorable trumpanzees anyways....if they were all Republicans, they'd just call them all RINOs.
The observation of known facts.
Dodge. As expected.

How many Republican-donor prosecutors did he employ?
Irrelevant. He picked the best prosecutors. it's not his fault that hyper-educated, brilliant people tend to vote democrat.

Yeah, all those inner city slaves of the Democrats sure fit that bill.
"inner city slaves"....I sure don't get why the GOP has problems expanding their voting demographics.
How is that EVERYONE including this asshole forgets that MUELLER is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’
Corsi's an idiot.
And a documented AND self-proclaimed liar.
Corsi's lawsuit may just freak out Mueller enough to end the charade. Bob won't do well in GenPop....he put too many other inmates in there with him.

Wow. Just,

Corsi's audience just showed up.

Take a look at Mueller's team sometime, dummy....they're all partisan frauds with sketchy track records. Corsi was approached and offered leniency if agreed to lie for them. Corsi is the one who will bring down this house of cards and hopefully indict Mueller for treason in a failed coup to unseat a sitting president.

Yeah, Corsi's emails tell a very different story. They show that Corsi did what Stone asked of him, got in touch with a contact in London to speak to Assange, had the contact get the information that Stone requested, and delivered to Stone the dates of data drops by Wikileaks. Exactly as Stone had asked him to do.

Corsi claimed he never did any of that. Corsi's emails say he did. Corsi is lying.

And you're just dumb enough to believe Corsi. Good luck with that.
They are talking to their followers, not the courts.
ding ding ding

We have a winner.

I have zero idea which. But WHO DOES THIS SHIT? Clinically mentally ill? I'm betting something will show up on pscyhological testing. If it's all a big joke, it's SICK! And who the F has the time for all this nonsense? Who has the money to file bullshit lawsuits? The truth isn't interesting enough?

What portion of the population believes this shit? That's really scary.

The audience is what frightens me. Its a big chunk of the population that has gladly joined a conspiracy cult. And will believe pretty much anything Trump and his minion tell them to believe.

Those people scare me. The charlatans and con-men that feed them, not as much.
They'll start getting violent soon.

It will get worse before it gets better. Britpat told me yesterday that evidence that shows Trump lies is fake news. With another Trumpie insisting that 'Russia is our trusted ally'.

They're going full retard. You never go full retard.
Justice isnt served if a prosecutor forces his witnesses to lie.
That's not what happened . It's a totally made up sack of bizarre bovine excrement. You guys are just loosing your shit as Mueller closes in.
Shall we give you your choice of gun or sword when you commit suicide when Mueller's report proves that Trump is innocent of all allegations.
And...what will you do if the opposite occurs? Cry?
They are talking to their followers, not the courts.
ding ding ding

We have a winner.

I have zero idea which. But WHO DOES THIS SHIT? Clinically mentally ill? I'm betting something will show up on pscyhological testing. If it's all a big joke, it's SICK! And who the F has the time for all this nonsense? Who has the money to file bullshit lawsuits? The truth isn't interesting enough?

What portion of the population believes this shit? That's really scary.

The audience is what frightens me. Its a big chunk of the population that has gladly joined a conspiracy cult. And will believe pretty much anything Trump and his minion tell them to believe.

Those people scare me. The charlatans and con-men that feed them, not as much.
They'll start getting violent soon.

It will get worse before it gets better. Britpat told me yesterday that evidence that shows Trump lies is fake news. With another Trumpie insisting that 'Russia is our trusted ally'.

They're going full retard. You never go full retard.
THEY go full retard.

Obama judges will deny these honest complaints.

It will go all the way to the Supreme Court.

That takes time.

Time in which there will be new Justices and an honest court.

Watch your ass, Mewller.
Corsi's lawsuit may just freak out Mueller enough to end the charade. Bob won't do well in GenPop....he put too many other inmates in there with him.

I guess you don't know the difference between a civil and criminal law suit.

corsi and his lawyer have absolutely no authority to impose any criminal lawsuit on anyone much less Mueller.

This is a civil lawsuit and can only result in monetary damages. Not criminal charges.

No one is investigating Mueller and no one has any criminal charges to impose on Mueller.

You're in for a big rude awakening.

By the way, wasn't Mueller supposed to be arrested by 4pm eastern standard time? It's 4:31 pm. No arrests.

You people are so stupid and being played so easily.


You are good for comic relief though. I'm having a fun time watching you buy lies from people and being made such a fool.

Your stupidity is outstanding. Corsi, whether you like him or not, has EVERY right to file charges on Mueller for misconduct. Mueller has been CONVICTED of this in the past, showing a pattern. You must enjoy making an ass of yourself in public.

He didn't file any charges against Mueller. He has no authority to do that.

What he did was file a complaint.

That's it. No one arrested Mueller. No one is going to arrest him.

That complaint will be filed away and all that will come from it is that corsi made fools of all you right wing crazy people.
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Corsi's lawsuit may just freak out Mueller enough to end the charade. Bob won't do well in GenPop....he put too many other inmates in there with him.
"lawsuit"? "GenPop"? You are a trumpanzee, aren't you? I can tell by you thinking that people get thrown in prison on lawsuits......:777:

It's not even a lawsuit.

corsi filed a complaint.

That's it.

The right wing crazy people are being played for the fools they are. Again.

How is that EVERYONE including this asshole forgets that MUELLER is a REPUBLICAN appointed by REPUBLICANS? Talk about an inconvenient truth!

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’


03 DEC 2018 AT 10:28 ET

Jerome Corsi and his gadfly attorney on Monday demanded the removal — and disbarment — of special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors.

The conservative activist says he turned down a “sweetheart deal” from Mueller in the ongoing Russia investigation involving President Donald Trump and his campaign, and Corsi and attorney Larry Klayman filed a complaint with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker alleging misconduct against the special counsel.

“This rogue government tyranny perpetrated by a Special Counsel and his prosecutorial staff, which is designed to effectively overthrow a duly elected president by coercing and extorting false testimony by Dr. Corsi and others, cannot be permitted in a civilized society,” Klayman writes.

Those efforts amount to treason, according the complaint.

“Special Counsel Mueller and his prosecutorial staff, the majority of whom are partisan Democrats and supporters of Hillary Clinton, whom he has intentionally hired, are effectively engaged in a ‘coup’ against the United States and are working to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States, elected and empowered by the voters pursuant to the U.S. Constitution,” the complaint alleges.

The attorney insisted Corsi, the former Washington, D.C., bureau chief for InfoWars and the author of several conspiratorial books, was an “American hero” — not a felon — and that his activities were conducted as an investigative journalist and protected by the First Amendment....

Birther king Jerome Corsi and his gadfly lawyer just tried to get Mueller disbarred and prosecuted for ‘treason’
So he is Republican? You don't think the Republicans want to derail Trump? Flake, Corker, McCain, Ryan et al?


Obama judges will deny these honest complaints.

It will go all the way to the Supreme Court.

That takes time.

Time in which there will be new Justices and an honest court.

Watch your ass, Mewller.

You have no idea what you're posting about and what the Supreme Court Does.

The Supreme Court has nothing to do with any of this.

Corsi didn't file a lawsuit. He filed a complaint.

That's it a complaint. No.charges. No arrests. No lawsuit.

A complaint.

The Supreme Court doesn't get involved in complaints.

Wow you people are so stupid.

Corsi files formal complaint against Mueller
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