Lol ! Crazed Trump-hater tries to get MAGA hat wearer fired, instead gets fired herself !

Karma at it's finest !! :clap:

Political polarization sparks confrontation at Starbucks, triggering online fury
On social media, woman tries to 'dox' MAGA-hat-wearing man, becomes target of 'doxing' herself

In the latest example of social-media fueled extremism, a heated confrontation over politics in a Palo Alto Starbucks on Monday has gone viral nationwide, leading to reported death threats and also calls for greater dialogue and empathy.

It began when Palo Alto resident Rebecca Parker Mankey attempted to shame an elderly white man wearing a red Make America Great Again hat as he sat in the coffeehouse — an encounter she later wrote about on social media. Calling him a "hater of brown people,"

She looks better from behind...
Karma at it's finest !! :clap:

Political polarization sparks confrontation at Starbucks, triggering online fury
On social media, woman tries to 'dox' MAGA-hat-wearing man, becomes target of 'doxing' herself

In the latest example of social-media fueled extremism, a heated confrontation over politics in a Palo Alto Starbucks on Monday has gone viral nationwide, leading to reported death threats and also calls for greater dialogue and empathy.

It began when Palo Alto resident Rebecca Parker Mankey attempted to shame an elderly white man wearing a red Make America Great Again hat as he sat in the coffeehouse — an encounter she later wrote about on social media. Calling him a "hater of brown people,"

Political polarization sparks confrontation at Starbucks, triggering online fury

I just read the story. These tards are amazingly arrogant. This freak deserves what she got.
Wow, when are people going to learn that when you stick your nose into the business of others, your own business may be what is messed with when the dust settles?

God bless you and the person who still has their job always!!!

The irony of one of her Facebook posts:

"If you see him in this hat please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn’t speak up as we slipped into fascism," the post continued.
Sometimes you gotta scratch your head. Hypocrite libs want to force us to accept hairy men in dresses in the ladies room but they get freaking crazy when they see someone with a hat that supports the President of the United States.
Karma at it's finest !! :clap:

Political polarization sparks confrontation at Starbucks, triggering online fury
On social media, woman tries to 'dox' MAGA-hat-wearing man, becomes target of 'doxing' herself

In the latest example of social-media fueled extremism, a heated confrontation over politics in a Palo Alto Starbucks on Monday has gone viral nationwide, leading to reported death threats and also calls for greater dialogue and empathy.

It began when Palo Alto resident Rebecca Parker Mankey attempted to shame an elderly white man wearing a red Make America Great Again hat as he sat in the coffeehouse — an encounter she later wrote about on social media. Calling him a "hater of brown people,"

Political polarization sparks confrontation at Starbucks, triggering online fury

The quintessential Leftist:


Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 11.00.26 AM.jpg


She also had to resign from her co-chair position at 'BAYSHORE PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS'.

Press Releases and Statements

4/3/19 Statement from Bayshore Progressive Democrats

Earlier today, the officers of the Bayshore Progressive Democrats (BPD) received and accepted Parker Mankey’s resignation as co-chair, officer, and member of our organization. From the standpoint of BPD, this matter is now closed.

Bayshore Progressive Democrats seeks a world that works for everyone, where all humans have a chance to realize their full potential and to live lives of dignity. Harassment and abuse are inconsistent with these values, and we reject the use of such tactics in civil society.

4/2/19 Statement from Bayshore Progressive Democrats

We live in highly polarized times due to nearly unprecedented levels of economic inequality and the struggles of many to obtain basic necessities of life such as housing or healthcare. The President of the U.S. has contributed to an atmosphere that encourages open hatred and scapegoating of brown people for this structural inequality, causing many to live in fear.

Yesterday a volunteer leader of Bayshore Progressive Democrats, a relatively new Democratic Club that seeks to engage people in the political process to address our current situation, posted on social media about how she chose to confront a guy sitting in a coffee shop who was wearing a "MAGA" hat. As a result of publicity surrounding her actions, today she and her family members were doxxed (had personal contact revealed to encourage threats and harassment) on right-wing social media and internet channels. She and her family have received multiple death threats and other threats of injury and harm, and is losing her employment.

Parker felt strongly that she wanted to use her privilege as a white woman to stand up for those who are living in fear because of the hateful atmosphere fostered by Trump. Unfortunately the manner in which she chose to stand up against a slogan that stands for racism led to an even stronger hateful response that has endangered her and her family.

We are acquainted with a number of examples of how nonviolent engagement has successfully changed the hearts and minds of some very racist people while not allowing their statements and beliefs to go unchallenged. Parker's actions did not follow these principles and do not reflect our organization's political philosophy and approach. We regret how her actions have further reverberated and sundered human connection in the community at-large. And we condemn those who have threatened her and her family with bodily harm.

We call upon community members to learn from this incident, to study the principles of nonviolent resistance and to teach ways to call attention to injustice while also encouraging reconciliation. It is only way that we will ultimately succeed in creating a world that works for everyone.

Press Releases & Statements — Bayshore Progressive Democrats
The irony of one of her Facebook posts:

"If you see him in this hat please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn’t speak up as we slipped into fascism," the post continued.
The left is leadership has their mindless drones all worked up to believe Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler so they've convinced themselves that ANYTHING -- INCLUDING MURDER is justifiable against Trump and his voters. These people are DANGEROUS!
Sometimes you gotta scratch your head. Hypocrite libs want to force us to accept hairy men in dresses in the ladies room but they get freaking crazy when they see someone with a hat that supports the President of the United States.
of course the Harry man thing never happened. The only Spike in violence is agains Jews black Muslims and gays by right-wingers. Try some real news
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search
The irony of one of her Facebook posts:

"If you see him in this hat please confront him. You do not want to be the person who didn’t speak up as we slipped into fascism," the post continued.
The left is leadership has their mindless drones all worked up to believe Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler so they've convinced themselves that ANYTHING -- INCLUDING MURDER is justifiable against Trump and his voters. These people are DANGEROUS!
And yet the only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays by right-wingers. Also known as Neanderthals.
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search
I like this part especially:
Victor, who is Jewish, also told other news outlets that the woman called him a Nazi

I guess the tards here didn't notice a Trump hater attacked a JEW
Sometimes you gotta scratch your head. Hypocrite libs want to force us to accept hairy men in dresses in the ladies room but they get freaking crazy when they see someone with a hat that supports the President of the United States.
of course the Harry man thing never happened. The only Spike in violence is agains Jews black Muslims and gays by right-wingers. Try some real news
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search

Could be because you unhinged asshole's hate.

Clearly this "thing" was hateful and in the end got it's just dessert
Sometimes you gotta scratch your head. Hypocrite libs want to force us to accept hairy men in dresses in the ladies room but they get freaking crazy when they see someone with a hat that supports the President of the United States.
of course the Harry man thing never happened. The only Spike in violence is agains Jews black Muslims and gays by right-wingers. Try some real news
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search

Could be because you unhinged asshole's hate.

Clearly this "thing" was hateful and in the end got it's just dessert
so why is the only actual spikes in violence by right winger's against Muslims Jews blacks and gays, ding bat dupe?
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search
Sometimes you gotta scratch your head. Hypocrite libs want to force us to accept hairy men in dresses in the ladies room but they get freaking crazy when they see someone with a hat that supports the President of the United States.
of course the Harry man thing never happened. The only Spike in violence is agains Jews black Muslims and gays by right-wingers. Try some real news
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search

Could be because you unhinged asshole's hate.

Clearly this "thing" was hateful and in the end got it's just dessert
so why is the only actual spikes in violence by right winger's against Muslims Jews blacks and gays, ding bat dupe?
hate crimes have risen 30% since Trump - Google Search

I don't believe your numbers"ding bat dupe".

Grow the fuck up old man...i mean really. Should of kept your stupid ass on ignore
Why would you want to hunt someone down because of a hat that says Make America Great Again? Seriously...have you on the far left lost your minds? IT'S A DAMN POLITICAL SLOGAN!!! It's not a swastika! It's not a white hood! It's a hat with a rather benign slogan on it. Get over it!

Perhaps some people that do not share your political affliction do not see it as benign.

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