LOL Maxine Waters canceled her hate rally

Maxine Waters Cancels Events After 'Very Serious Death Threat'

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has canceled weekend events in Alabama and Texas due to a “ very serious death threat ,” according to a statement reported by CNN Thursday.

The threat follows Waters’ controversial call to protesters to confront members of the Trump administration in public over their support for the president’s zero tolerance policy against immigrants.

Waters’ statement says she received an increased number of hate calls and death threats after President Donald Trump attacked her on Twitter Monday and in a series of other comments.

And now we'll hear cons everywhere wail "the insane right is now threatening people with death, they have come unhinged".

No that isn't what is happening, you blowhards are celebrating people being threatened with death. So no more of your bellyaching about anything that is pointed in your direction. You have gotten the world you want.
What a liar. You stanks always blame other people for exactly what you are doing. You should be tried and sentenced.
She advocates violence and is surprised when people pick up on her cry? Oh, wait, they were supposed to be violent ONLY to non-Democrats!

Speak more clearly, Maxie.
I am now waiting to see if Joe Biden plans to cancel any future rallies
All these hater dupes all excited because of false fake news about Waters wanting physical violence. Fox Rush Savage Jones heritage all a disgrace
.... Hundreds of thousands protested today no violence at all as always. Democrats are not violent at all... Black gangs members and anTifa are not Democrats, super dupes.
She advocates violence and is surprised when people pick up on her cry? Oh, wait, they were supposed to be violent ONLY to non-Democrats!

Speak more clearly, Maxie.
I am now waiting to see if Joe Biden plans to cancel any future rallies
She had a rally the next day and said she would never encourage physical violence. This is like open borders, not of the real-world, dupes. Fake news, dumbasses. All you get.

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