LOL!!...Republicans using gas stations as voter registration places.....Chuckle.......Chuckle

My my my. Hit a nerve. Well, you have your safe space.
I do, and agree. Just look at your non-existing argument. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: You just admitted to not having one. That's the safe space. Going uncontested couldn't be safer. Your ignorance, weakness, and dishonesty, are always a losing recipe. Thanks!
As a Democrat, I welcome any effort to increase voter registration

I don’t care where it is, the more voters the better
Leftwhiner doesn’t bother to conceal that what matters to him and other left wing kooks is the numbers; other considerations, like “legal” voters, doesn’t concern them at all. Not. One. Bit.
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That's some kinda proof to you? First off he was saying how there was cheating in the election against him. He was wanting the Governor to look into it. He was right, there was cheating. Just because your media has never showed you the evidence of it doesn't mean nothing to the facts. Btw, that was another left wing source. Have you ever been shown the evidence of the dems cheating? If so, what part of it do you disagree with? was a poll of registered voters of both parties and independents...he polls at over 90% with republicans....
Ho hum. I seem to remember the "We" party and the MAGAtards do not believe in polls.
I guess polls are only reliable after losing. Rump Rump Rump.

See if you use your brains instead of cheating your rears off................WELL?????.............................LOLOLOL

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you don't like it, stop doing it yourself. :5_1_12024:
More propaganda by the Right;
It is true that U.S. oil production is lower now than it was in in February of 2020, when it hit an all-time record high of 12.8 million barrels. (That was before the market crashed at the onset of the coronavirus crisis.) But based on the GOP’s rhetoric, you might be tempted to think that U.S. oil production had collapsed since Biden stepped into the Oval Office.

That’s just not the case: In fact, oil production has actually increased, from about 11 million barrels per day to 11.5 million barrels through 2021. As Biden himself noted last week when announcing sanctions on Russian energy, domestic oil companies pumped more crude during the first year of his presidency than in the first year of Donald Trump’s. The number of oil rigs operating in the United States is still growing, too.
They behave just like Putin; Opinion | The GOP is lying to you about gas prices
Still 2 million barrels A DAY short pinhead plus Fuhrer ShitzHizPantz and the rest of the world are also taking Russian Oil off of the market.
LOL! Vanity Fair? You've gotta be kidding me. You can do better than that can't ya?
The left leaning Vanity Fair is used a lot by the left.

How about this site?

or this:

It's no different if it's at a WalMart or a 7-11. Why is it such a big deal to the OP? He probably thinks only new GOP voters will register. Such logic escapes me.
Good time to pick up voters and when they are disgruntled by prices, they are more apt to be upset sign with the other party.
Too bad Concerned American. If you don't like it, then tell your Democrat buddies to stop doing it...
One of us has got their wires crossed. I don't have any democrat buddies. If you weren't an uninformed rookie, you would know that. You might get a better take on who you are responding to before labeling obvious conservatives as leftists. Please keep up.
This one will work; Proud Boys leader had plans to ‘storm’ government buildings on 6 January

Here's the problem with you posting a link. You aren't going to be able to produce a documented argument debunking mine. but then again, everyone knows you are a loser and a liar.

Your hit piece mentions plans, plans, plans, but no involvement. Even they admitted he wasn't even in Washington at the time. From your article:

Questions remain over the origin of the document and whether Tarrio, 38, shared it with any of the individuals charged alongside him. Tarrio has denied involvement in planning the riot. His lawyer, Nayib Hassan, declined comment to the Times.

On the other hand:


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