Lol, so Comey gots a $10,000,000 book deal

If the copy was government property it's theft. Comeys memo's were government property and he took them for what looks like monetary gain.

The originals were not government property. They were not work product or concerning an ongoing investigation. They were no more FBI property than the note Comeys secretary made telling him his wife called, and to pick up a guart of milk on his way home.
I believe that you are wrong due to the subject and nature of the memos. Demanding that the investigations of Flynn be stopped, the status of active investigation (is Trump a target?) is not the same as "bring milk home tonight." I think you will agree with that.

Don't disagree, but considering what Comey is alleging with our alleging, and that the memos were on government property I'm thinking that's a way in. All I know is that aduring my time as a federal employee anything we wrote stuff down on government stuff It then became property of the us govt. That was only the DOT. After reading in the FBI employee handbook the policy seem the same,
I assume more strict since it is the FBI. Either way be it criminal or just not looking good one thing for sure is Comey will be the first person ripped apart in the press. His character is getting assassinated.
This man has lost ALL credibility. He is scum I hope he dies.
He's lost NO credibility. You watch too much Fox.
The guy's out of a job. He needs to make a living. What's wrong with writing a book?
Most famous people write books. You're just pissed TRump is incapable of writing a book, the dunce. And don't give that shit about Art of the Deal. Tony Schwartz wrote that book which of course Trump took all the credit for as he always does.

Your right. He sold it for ten million dollars.
This man has lost ALL credibility. He is scum I hope he dies.
He's lost NO credibility. You watch too much Fox.
The guy's out of a job. He needs to make a living. What's wrong with writing a book?
Most famous people write books. You're just pissed TRump is incapable of writing a book, the dunce. And don't give that shit about Art of the Deal. Tony Schwartz wrote that book which of course Trump took all the credit for as he always does.

Um. He wrote a couple, just not out of desperation like Comey did. He still hasn't his PR guy to pay as well a as some lawyer fees .
Follow the dots and when Trump asked if he was part in parcel of that investigation, it was talking about the Russian attempt. When Comey answered it, he made it even worse. The two were talking about an active nvestigation.

Actually Comey pointed out that Trump never inquired what the russians were up to. Trump had been given several presidential briefs on it, after which Trump stopped getting daily briefings. So the talk wasn't about the investigation, but about stopping the investigation, whyich is about obstructing FBI business.
Having computer problems, want to add to some thing to what Mac said " in a perfect world every one would concentrate on the issues" All who heard both Comey & Trumps actual words can decide what is true for them self. every one who gets 15 min of spot light writes a book, if we would start talking about policy instead of personality, we would gain much more knowledge .
All I know is that aduring my time as a federal employee anything we wrote stuff down on government stuff It then became property of the us govt. That was only the DOT. After reading in the FBI employee handbook the policy seem the same,.

So if Trump visited the DOT, and you asked him for his autograph, you wouldn't be allowed to take it home.

That's what you're saying?
Sigh...all Russian propaganda...produced by the Daily Mail tabloid, with majority owner a Russian Oligarch...Lebedev.

You guys are not following the money as you should....

Comey has NOT and is NOT signing a $10 million dollar deal to tell his story...

Tabloids and book publishers want him to tell all....

Comey HAS nothing at all TO DO WITH THAT.....

WHY OH WHY do you on the right wing, let yourselves be played a fool all the time?
No. His superior is the AG, Jeff Sessions.

Nope, it stops at the agency head.

Just like Jeff Sessions didn't have to get permission from Trump to recuse himself.
It was stated in the hearings. Jeff Sessions should have been notified if Comey felt intimidated.

The hens complaining to the fox guarding the henhouse?

Think about it.
All I can say is that is what was said under oath by the senators and Comey. They never mentioned hens or foxes.
All I know is that aduring my time as a federal employee anything we wrote stuff down on government stuff It then became property of the us govt. That was only the DOT. After reading in the FBI employee handbook the policy seem the same,.

So if Trump visited the DOT, and you asked him for his autograph, you wouldn't be allowed to take it home.

That's what you're saying?
Did you miss "on government stuff "? Your humor tends to make you look foolish.
It was stated in the hearings. Jeff Sessions should have been notified if Comey felt intimidated.
All I can say is that is what was said under oath by the senators and Comey. They never mentioned hens or foxes.

The senators were not under oath. Only Comey was. He was the only one requred to tell the truth, and I don't remember Comey saying he was supposed to notify Sessions. Do you have the quote?
It was stated in the hearings. Jeff Sessions should have been notified if Comey felt intimidated.
All I can say is that is what was said under oath by the senators and Comey. They never mentioned hens or foxes.

The senators were not under oath. Only Comey was. He was the only one requred to tell the truth, and I don't remember Comey saying he was supposed to notify Sessions. Do you have the quote?
He explained why he did not go to Comey as required.
An important exchange:

SEN. RON WYDEN: ...In talking to senator Warner about this dinner that you had with the president, I believe January 27th, all in one dinner, the president raised your job prospects, he asked for your loyalty and denied allegations against him. All took place over one supper. Now, you told senator Warner that the president was looking to, quote, get something. Looking back, did that dinner suggest that your job might be contingent on how you handled the investigation?

COMEY: I don't know that I'd go that far. I got the sense my job would be contingent upon how he felt I — excuse me — how he felt I conducted myself and whether I demonstrated loyalty. But I don't know whether I'd go so far as to connect it to the investigation.

WYDEN: He said the president was trying to create some sort of patronage. Behaving in a manner consistent with the wishes of the boss?

COMEY: Yes. At least consider how what you're doing will affect the boss as a significant consideration.

WYDEN: Let me turn to the attorney general. In your statement, you said that you and the FBI leadership team decided not to discuss the president's actions with Attorney General Sessions, even though he had not recused himself. What was it about the attorney general's interactions with the Russians or his behavior with regard to the investigation that would have led the entire leadership of the FBI to make this decision?

COMEY: Our judgment, as I recall, is that he was very close to and inevitably going to recuse himself for a variety of reasons. We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an opening setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia-related investigation problematic. So we were convinced — in fact, I think we'd already heard the career people were recommending that he recuse himself, that he was not going to be in contact with Russia-related matters much longer. That turned out to be the case.

WYDEN: How would you characterize Attorney General Sessions's adherence to his recusal? In particular, with regard to his involvement in your firing, which the president has acknowledged was because of the Russian investigation.

COMEY: That's a question I can't answer. I think it is a reasonable question. If, as the president said, I was fired because of the Russia investigation, why was the attorney general involved in that chain? I don't know. So I don't have an answer for the question.

WYDEN: Your testimony was that the president's request about Flynn could infect investigation. Had the president got what he wanted and what he asked of you, what would have been the effect on the investigation?

COMEY: We would have closed any investigation of general Flynn in connection with his statements and encounters — statements about encounters with Russians in the late part of December. We would have dropped an open criminal investigation.

WYDEN: So in effect, when you talk about infecting the enterprise, you would have dropped something major that would have spoken to the overall ability of the American people to get the facts?

COMEY: Correct. And as good as our people are, our judgment was, we don't want them hearing that the president of the United States wants this to go away because it might have an effect on their ability to be fair, impartial and aggressive.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia
WYDEN: Let me turn to the attorney general. In your statement, you said that you and the FBI leadership team decided not to discuss the president's actions with Attorney General Sessions, even though he had not recused himself. What was it about the attorney general's interactions with the Russians or his behavior with regard to the investigation that would have led the entire leadership of the FBI to make this decision?

COMEY: Our judgment, as I recall, is that he was very close to and inevitably going to recuse himself for a variety of reasons. We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an opening setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia-related investigation problematic. So we were convinced — in fact, I think we'd already heard the career people were recommending that he recuse himself, that he was not going to be in contact with Russia-related matters much longer. That turned out to be the case.

WYDEN: How would you characterize Attorney General Sessions's adherence to his recusal? In particular, with regard to his involvement in your firing, which the president has acknowledged was because of the Russian investigation.

COMEY: That's a question I can't answer. I think it is a reasonable question. If, as the president said, I was fired because of the Russia investigation, why was the attorney general involved in that chain? I don't know. So I don't have an answer for the question.
Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

It was stated in the hearings. Jeff Sessions should have been notified if Comey felt intimidated.
All I can say is that is what was said under oath by the senators and Comey. They never mentioned hens or foxes.

The senators were not under oath. Only Comey was. He was the only one required to tell the truth, and I don't remember Comey saying he was supposed to notify Sessions. Do you have the quote?
He explained why he did not go to Comey as required.
You mean Sessions?

He didn't say, "as Required", he did say he did not go to Sessions because he knew Sessions was going to RECUSE himself from anything Russian with the President, and with his campaign team...that includes Flynn....he then said he would tell them why he knew Sessions was going to recuse himself in closed session....which is a bit of a mystery right now and I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall in the closed session meeting. :p
It was stated in the hearings. Jeff Sessions should have been notified if Comey felt intimidated.
All I can say is that is what was said under oath by the senators and Comey. They never mentioned hens or foxes.

The senators were not under oath. Only Comey was. He was the only one required to tell the truth, and I don't remember Comey saying he was supposed to notify Sessions. Do you have the quote?
He explained why he did not go to Comey as required.
You mean Sessions?

He didn't say, "as Required", he did say he did not go to Sessions because he knew Sessions was going to RECUSE himself from anything Russian with the President, and with his campaign team...that includes Flynn....he then said he would tell them why he knew Sessions was going to recuse himself in closed session....which is a bit of a mystery right now and I would have loved to have been a fly on that wall in the closed session meeting. :p
Thanks, Care. Yes, I meant Sessions. Perhaps this information will come out later.

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