Lol, so Comey gots a $10,000,000 book deal

James Comey $10 million payday dish on Hillary and Trump | Daily Mail Online

EXCLUSIVE: Lordy! James Comey set for $10 million payday as publishers scramble to sign book deal with fired FBI chief for inside story on Hillary, Trump - and his own brush with death by a serial rapist
How do you know that's true?

How do you know it isn't? CNN, Fox, MSNBC, as well as a shot ton of print media has given them me to it. Why would they all lie about their hero?
The OP is one of USMB's sickest, weirdest and delusional posters. This thread is an example.

Disprove it or get back to your farm animal porn.
Good for Comey.
He will need it for sure, but he needed to remember he has to wait awhile before he dishes. Would be a shame to get his payday all tied up in leagal issues. Hell, he may still be charges with crimes him self
Trump wants nothing further to do with Comey. The former FBI Director came out champ from the hearings.

You missed the hearings then........he likely committed a crime by admitting under oath that he leaked information to the press.......he stated that Trump was never under investigation, he stated that the Russians didn't change one vote, he made it clear that Flynn isn't under investigation for anything to do with colluding with the Russians...but that he likely made innaccurate statements on his paperwork and in his interviews with the FBI......he also admitted to taking illegal orders from Loretta Lynch, and that he was weak and cowardly whenever he felt the need to appear weak and cowardly.....
There's no law against leaking unclassified information.

He stole government property to use for political and financial gain.
Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641, which makes it a crime to steal, sell, or convey “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.”

Wow, you guys must be really desperate at this point.
Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641, which makes it a crime to steal, sell, or convey “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.”

Wow, you guys must be really desperate at this point.

All you have to do is read them Joe. You can likely look it up right there on your Xbox between loading screens.
Comey is not subject to anything in leaking unclassified information.

You best look in his employee hand book. He also stole government property as he made his memos on a government lap top, and even if he didn't , the fact that it was FBI business made what ever device it was on property of he US government. It's all right there in the Employee had book from he FBI, not son schmo on usmb.

New Employees — FBI
Wow, you guys must be really desperate at this point.

All you have to do is read them Joe. You can likely look it up right there on your Xbox between loading screens.

Comey didn't convey a memo, he conveyed a copy of a memo, not the memo itself. Think of it like someobody taking the US constitution, vs taking a photocopy.
Crixus, you sound as silly as protectionist.

The memos were his not the government's.

You are out of luck.
All you have to do is read them Joe. You can likely look it up right there on your Xbox between loading screens.

Wouldn't know, don't have an Xbox.

But again, you guys are pretty desperate if you think the story here is that Comey was talking out of school by pointing out what a creep Trump is.

You best look in his employee hand book. He also stole government property as he made his memos on a government lap top, and even if he didn't , the fact that it was FBI business made what ever device it was on property of he US government. It's all right there in the Employee had book from he FBI, not son schmo on usmb.

that works on the assumption it was FBI business. Good luck with that. If you work on the assumption all of his conversations with the Orange Shitgibbon were FBI Business, than any discussion Trump had about loyalty or ending the investigation becomes Obstruction by default.
Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641, which makes it a crime to steal, sell, or convey “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.”

Wow, you guys must be really desperate at this point.


18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

Whoever receives, conceals, or retains the same with intent to convert it to his use or gain, knowing it to have been embezzled, stolen, purloined or converted—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; but if the value of such property in the aggregate, combining amounts from all the counts for which the defendant is convicted in a single case, does not exceed the sum of $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

The word “value” means face, par, or market value, or cost price, either wholesale or retail, whichever is greater.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 725; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), (L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, § 606(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3511; Pub. L. 108–275, § 4, July 15, 2004, 118 Stat. 833.)

Then Comeys $10,000,000 book and movie deal. He knew after dealing with the Cintons that his career was done and would end in shame being known as the guy who tried to impact an election so he stole documents and sold them to book and movie people. It's even covred in the FBI employee hand book. You brought nothing but emotional opinions.
Wow, you guys must be really desperate at this point.

All you have to do is read them Joe. You can likely look it up right there on your Xbox between loading screens.

Comey didn't convey a memo, he conveyed a copy of a memo, not the memo itself. Think of it like someobody taking the US constitution, vs taking a photocopy.

If the copy was government property it's theft. Comeys memo's were government property and he took them for what looks like monetary gain.
All you have to do is read them Joe. You can likely look it up right there on your Xbox between loading screens.

Wouldn't know, don't have an Xbox.

But again, you guys are pretty desperate if you think the story here is that Comey was talking out of school by pointing out what a creep Trump is.

You best look in his employee hand book. He also stole government property as he made his memos on a government lap top, and even if he didn't , the fact that it was FBI business made what ever device it was on property of he US government. It's all right there in the Employee had book from he FBI, not son schmo on usmb.

that works on the assumption it was FBI business. Good luck with that. If you work on the assumption all of his conversations with the Orange Shitgibbon were FBI Business, than any discussion Trump had about loyalty or ending the investigation becomes Obstruction by default.

You do. That's where you got all them war medals you lie about having earned.
Crixus, your links do not prove what you think they prove.

You simply do not understand.
You best look in his employee hand book. He also stole government property as he made his memos on a government lap top, and even if he didn't , the fact that it was FBI business made what ever device it was on property of he US government. It's all right there in the Employee had book from he FBI, not son schmo on usmb.

New Employees — FBI

Trump wasn't under investigation. Therefore it WASN'T FBI business.
Donald Trump's big problem isn't Jim Comey. It's Donald Trump.

In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, just over one in five people (22%) said they trust what Trump says "a great deal" or a "good amount." Seventy two percent trust Trump on Russia less than that or not at all. Almost half (49%) of all independents say they don't trust Trump at all when it comes to Russia. Significant majorities of the public also believe Trump is "interfering" with the Russia investigation (56%) and that he fired Comey to protect himself rather than for the good of the country (61%).

Trump's poll problems extend well beyond Russia. His job approval rating in a new Quinnipiac University national poll was 34% with 57% disapproving. More than twice as many people (51%) strongly disapprove of Trump as strongly approve of him (25%). Nearly six in ten (59%) say Trump is not honest -- including a majority (56%) of independents. Almost seven in 10 (68%) say Trump is not "level-headed."
You best look in his employee hand book. He also stole government property as he made his memos on a government lap top, and even if he didn't , the fact that it was FBI business made what ever device it was on property of he US government. It's all right there in the Employee had book from he FBI, not son schmo on usmb.

New Employees — FBI

Trump wasn't under investigation. Therefore it WASN'T FBI business.

It was done on an FBI lap top during what the left claim wrongly was a criminal investigation of trump so yes, FBI business belongs to he FBI. I posted their employee handbook as well as the law omen will be prosecuted under. Stop giving your opinion and go to both links and prove me wrong. You won't because like Joe, Camp you can not. Gonna be a long 8 years for y'all.
Crixus, your links do not prove what you think they prove.

You simply do not understand.

Unless you point out where I'm wrong that's only your opinion. Comey removed government property and basically sold it. He committed a crime and he sold out all his buds at the FBI. Y'all are just in denial becaus your impeachment wet dream is going down the drain.
Donald Trump's big problem isn't Jim Comey. It's Donald Trump.

In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, just over one in five people (22%) said they trust what Trump says "a great deal" or a "good amount." Seventy two percent trust Trump on Russia less than that or not at all. Almost half (49%) of all independents say they don't trust Trump at all when it comes to Russia. Significant majorities of the public also believe Trump is "interfering" with the Russia investigation (56%) and that he fired Comey to protect himself rather than for the good of the country (61%).

Trump's poll problems extend well beyond Russia. His job approval rating in a new Quinnipiac University national poll was 34% with 57% disapproving. More than twice as many people (51%) strongly disapprove of Trump as strongly approve of him (25%). Nearly six in ten (59%) say Trump is not honest -- including a majority (56%) of independents. Almost seven in 10 (68%) say Trump is not "level-headed."

Now Joe deflects. Can not stick with this point so we go to Rasmussen and all the other polls. Mad gay Joe. Very disappointed.
These are the quotes that appear to be applicable in this case:

knowingly converts to his use

retains the same with intent to convert it to his use or gain

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both

Retaining the memos of the meetings with the president is, converting to his own use. He used the memos for record that he was intimidated by the president and did not confer with a higher counsel to see f he could divulge these to a news reporter.

Retains the same to convert it to his own use or gain. It's not sure if he was using these memos in a case already being investigated, or trying to open a obstruction of justice and collusion case. In either case, those memos would be property of the FBI and he clearly broke the law, a contract or protocol.
Retaining the memos of the meetings with the president is, converting to his own use. He used the memos for record that he was intimidated by the president and did not confer with a higher counsel to see f he could divulge these to a news reporter.

Retains the same to convert it to his own use or gain. It's not sure if he was using these memos in a case already being investigated, or trying to open a obstruction of justice and collusion case. In either case, those memos would be property of the FBI and he clearly broke the law, a contract or protocol.

You try going with that as a legal theory, but then every ex-government official who ever wrote a memoir would be subject to it.

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