Lol, so Comey gots a $10,000,000 book deal

These are the quotes that appear to be applicable in this case:

knowingly converts to his use

retains the same with intent to convert it to his use or gain

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both

Retaining the memos of the meetings with the president is, converting to his own use. He used the memos for record that he was intimidated by the president and did not confer with a higher counsel to see f he could divulge these to a news reporter.

Retains the same to convert it to his own use or gain. It's not sure if he was using these memos in a case already being investigated, or trying to open a obstruction of justice and collusion case. In either case, those memos would be property of the FBI and he clearly broke the law, a contract or protocol.

Yup. Last night I was unsure, but the book deal clinched it/ Comey is not stupid. He has had anPR guy most of his career. Far as we know this could have been in the works for awhile. Even if it wasn't, he better hope Trump and his guys really are stupidly. This can get hung on his neck in a very bad way.
If the copy was government property it's theft. Comeys memo's were government property and he took them for what looks like monetary gain.

The originals were not government property. They were not work product or concerning an ongoing investigation. They were no more FBI property than the note Comeys secretary made telling him his wife called, and to pick up a guart of milk on his way home.
Retaining the memos of the meetings with the president is, converting to his own use. He used the memos for record that he was intimidated by the president and did not confer with a higher counsel to see f he could divulge these to a news reporter.

Retains the same to convert it to his own use or gain. It's not sure if he was using these memos in a case already being investigated, or trying to open a obstruction of justice and collusion case. In either case, those memos would be property of the FBI and he clearly broke the law, a contract or protocol.

You try going with that as a legal theory, but then every ex-government official who ever wrote a memoir would be subject to it.

Comey did not write a memoir he took notes because he thought he presidant of the United States was going to lie about him. He took those notes on government property from the lap till, to the car he was sitting in when he did it. Your still only bringing opinion with nothing but your emotion behind it. Your flailing now and its unbecoming.
If the copy was government property it's theft. Comeys memo's were government property and he took them for what looks like monetary gain.

The originals were not government property. They were not work product or concerning an ongoing investigation. They were no more FBI property than the note Comeys secretary made telling him his wife called, and to pick up a guart of milk on his way home.

Really ? How did you come by that?
It was done on an FBI lap top during what the left claim wrongly was a criminal investigation of trump so yes, FBI business belongs to he FBI. I posted their employee handbook as well as the law omen will be prosecuted under. Stop giving your opinion and go to both links and prove me wrong. You won't because like Joe, Camp you can not. Gonna be a long 8 years for y'all.

The handbook you posted didn't contain any regulations or laws binding employees. But it did talk about the thrift savings plan, and what they should pack for Quantico.

As far a FBI work goes. If Comeys wife calls up an FBI phone, answered by an FBI secretary, who enters his wife's shopping list on an FBI computer, and prints it out on FBI paper with an FBI printer, and gives the shopping list to Comey.

Can he take it home?
Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641, which makes it a crime to steal, sell, or convey “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.”

Wow, you guys must be really desperate at this point.

desperate left a few hour ago…!
Retaining the memos of the meetings with the president is, converting to his own use. He used the memos for record that he was intimidated by the president and did not confer with a higher counsel to see f he could divulge these to a news reporter.

Retains the same to convert it to his own use or gain. It's not sure if he was using these memos in a case already being investigated, or trying to open a obstruction of justice and collusion case. In either case, those memos would be property of the FBI and he clearly broke the law, a contract or protocol.

You try going with that as a legal theory, but then every ex-government official who ever wrote a memoir would be subject to it.
From my understanding, permission from a higher authority has to be given before the information is used in any respect. That is what I learned from reading the different links.
I agree with you point, that would seem like nothing could be used in many of the terr all books. But permission has to be granted for sensitive or current information that is being used in an investigation and then it could be used.
Yup. Last night I was unsure, but the book deal clinched it/ Comey is not stupid. He has had anPR guy most of his career. Far as we know this could have been in the works for awhile. Even if it wasn't, he better hope Trump and his guys really are stupidly. This can get hung on his neck in a very bad way.

Comey planned for the orange one to fire him in the middle of a russia investigation?
If the copy was government property it's theft. Comeys memo's were government property and he took them for what looks like monetary gain.

The originals were not government property. They were not work product or concerning an ongoing investigation. They were no more FBI property than the note Comeys secretary made telling him his wife called, and to pick up a guart of milk on his way home.
I believe that you are wrong due to the subject and nature of the memos. Demanding that the investigations of Flynn be stopped, the status of active investigation (is Trump a target?) is not the same as "bring milk home tonight." I think you will agree with that.
From my understanding, permission from a higher authority has to be given before the information is used in any respect. That is what I learned from reading the different links..

At the FBI that higher authority is the Director of the FBI.
Yup. Last night I was unsure, but the book deal clinched it/ Comey is not stupid. He has had anPR guy most of his career. Far as we know this could have been in the works for awhile. Even if it wasn't, he better hope Trump and his guys really are stupidly. This can get hung on his neck in a very bad way.

Comey planned for the orange one to fire him in the middle of a russia investigation?

Na, he invented a candle so he would have a ten million dollar golden parachute.
I believe that you are wrong due to the subject and nature of the memos. Demanding that the investigations of Flynn be stopped, the status of active investigation (is Trump a target?) is not the same as "bring milk home tonight." I think you will agree with that.

Trump wasn't the subject of an investigation, so it wasn't an FBI subject. If Trump talked about the Flynn investigation, or in order to make the meeting an FBI matter, it also made it obstruction of justice.
This man has lost ALL credibility. He is scum I hope he dies.
He's lost NO credibility. You watch too much Fox.
The guy's out of a job. He needs to make a living. What's wrong with writing a book?
Most famous people write books. You're just pissed TRump is incapable of writing a book, the dunce. And don't give that shit about Art of the Deal. Tony Schwartz wrote that book which of course Trump took all the credit for as he always does.
I believe that you are wrong due to the subject and nature of the memos. Demanding that the investigations of Flynn be stopped, the status of active investigation (is Trump a target?) is not the same as "bring milk home tonight." I think you will agree with that.

Trump wasn't the subject of an investigation, so it wasn't an FBI subject. If Trump talked about the Flynn investigation, or in order to make the meeting an FBI matter, it also made it obstruction of justice.
The Russian effort to play with our election was and Trump was the head of the GOP compaign. Follow the dots and when Trump asked if he was part in parcel of that investigation, it was talking about the Russian attempt. When Comey answered it, he made it even worse. The two were talking about an active nvestigation.

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