LOL when she asked questions in Congress.

The Democrat Party's gift to Americans!

How cheap this insurance policy against there ever again being a Democrat anywhere near The White House!
Obozo should have been enough, but the GOP ran with that traitor McLame then followed up with a bed wetting globalist.

Our greatest enemy is the DNC's ministry of propaganda. We would not have nearly as many stupid and misinformed drones running around if not for that.

She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

So, now we have congress on trial, and it will be on trial for the remainder of this woman's active career in politics ???

So, this woman was elected not to come to Washington in order to add yet a new vibrant member who can do good things for her constituency, and do it in an orderly member fashion, and in an orderly decent way, but no she has instead come to Washington to place all opposition members or the members found upon one side of the isle only (on trial for their crimes, treasonous activities, traitorous activities, and inappropriate actions while serving) ????????

And she is operating by what she see's and/or is being told by those in the background, that they are all guilty ????

So an attack is now on bigtime by the left, and their aim is to uncover, attack, and serve notice that they have a new sheriff in town, and her name is AOC.

This wrecklace Mueller bullcrap has unleashed hell in Washington DC, and it has given rise to the possibility of any new faces not being there just to serve their constituency and their state as represented, but they are instead their to over throw and overcome wealth and power being held in the hands of what they see as WHITES who must be broken and defeated in order to cleanse the nation of it's past and present sins of oppression, racism, greed, and dictatorships.

The 1960's have finally come to seize power, and it wants revenge big time through the students that have been groomed just for that purpose in their lives.

I love how she was sitting there, thinking she was so fucking smart. Talking to Congress like they were 3rd graders.

I have experienced women like this before. They are in positions of power and they act like that. They are embarrassments. Fortunately for me I never had to work for this type of shit.

Women like that should be teaching actual 3rd graders or kindergartners. Not in some position where they are making legislation.

My God, and the hypocrisy of the left. We all know it has no bounds. They have no control over it whatsoever.

It sounds to me like she's not seeking advice from anybody in her party. She's just winging it thinking she's come up with something new. It's going to be a fun two years when you have an adult that talks like a 10 year old making a "what if" hypothetical using herself. It took her ten minutes to try and make one point which she obviously failed at.

Seriously.......I think the Democrats need to open up an investigation to see if she's taking "dark money" from the Republicans to make the Democrat party look so bad. I understand she gained residence at a very expensive apartment complex. I think she should have pitched a tent and saved the money she's making now, because I don't think it's going to last very long.
Another thread on this woman. You must be utterly terrified.
/—-/ Using your logic, with the number of threads on Trump bashing, you libtards must be terrified

Here's the difference dipshit. AOC is one freshman Congresswoman with very limited power, and what power she has, she is using to help the people who elected here.

As President, Trump has a LOT of power, which he is abusing, and using to undermine the government and the rule of law. But instead of just whining about Trump, liberals took to the street and started organizing. While you laughed about the women in their "vagina hats", liberals were getting busy.

They took the House, 7 governors mansions and 6 state legislatures. Conservatism in dying in the USA because it's FAILED utterly to deliver the Great American dream that Reagan promised when he told workers they would get a big raise when the unions were gone, and he lied. 40 years later, the opportunity to go from poor to middle class has shrunk from 20% to 2%. Worrker wages have stagnated for 40 years while management salareis went up 300%.

There are more workers than managers and the workers are mad as hell and they're not going to take it any more. They voted for Obama and got little. The voted for Trump and are getting fucked in the ass. They're done.

"Worrker wages have stagnated for 40 years while management salareis went up 300%."

You need to lay off the mind-altering substances while posting!
/——/ Workers and managers are paid what they are worth.
why do you say that?
/——/ Economics 101
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.

Since only 1% of the population is going to be paying an 80% tax rate, why should EVERYONE get ready for it? And they're only paying 80% on the taxable income over $10million, exactly how many people do you think this is going to affect?

The utter obliteration of the middle class has already happened with Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy.
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.

Since only 1% of the population is going to be paying an 80% tax rate, why should EVERYONE get ready for it? And they're only paying 80% on the taxable income over $10million, exactly how many people do you think this is going to affect?

The utter obliteration of the middle class has already happened with Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy.

Now that I'm bringing home more pay, I really fear I will be pushed out of the middle-class.
The DNC will purge her.
I don't think you understand. I agree with you, but they are also being overwhelmed.

beto, gillum, cortez, newsome, they are all taking over. It is like finding a couple ants in your house. Where you see one, you know there are many more.

This woman won the election and she is still being applauded by her voters. There is at least 50% of this country that truly believe in this vision. Believe the world will be ending in 12 years if the airline industry is not eradicated. If ALL cars are taken from the middle and poor classes, and if EVERY LAST BUILDING in America (including every home) is not torn down and made GREEN.

This is what is being voted in. This is what is being taught in the schools. Being promoted on ALL of the media sources not named FOX or OAN. This is what is being promoted in every movie, and every song, and every TV show.

This is the result.

They are too many to count, and this ought to concern us a lot more than it is. This cortez may very well go away, but the ideology is not. They will eventually find one that will lie like obama (keep your doctor) and convince more than 50%.

I hope everyone is getting ready for 80% tax rate, $10 per gallon for gas, and the utter obliteration of the middle class. This is going to happen.

We are not going to be overhauling the education system in this country and this is what is being pumped into our society.

Did you ever think that gender would be an actual issue that has influenced actual policy in this world? In this country.

Since only 1% of the population is going to be paying an 80% tax rate, why should EVERYONE get ready for it? And they're only paying 80% on the taxable income over $10million, exactly how many people do you think this is going to affect?

The utter obliteration of the middle class has already happened with Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy.

It won't be enough to make a difference, so why bother?

Cutting your nose off to spite your face appears to be a libtard trait!
/—-/ Using your logic, with the number of threads on Trump bashing, you libtards must be terrified

Here's the difference dipshit. AOC is one freshman Congresswoman with very limited power, and what power she has, she is using to help the people who elected here.

As President, Trump has a LOT of power, which he is abusing, and using to undermine the government and the rule of law. But instead of just whining about Trump, liberals took to the street and started organizing. While you laughed about the women in their "vagina hats", liberals were getting busy.

They took the House, 7 governors mansions and 6 state legislatures. Conservatism in dying in the USA because it's FAILED utterly to deliver the Great American dream that Reagan promised when he told workers they would get a big raise when the unions were gone, and he lied. 40 years later, the opportunity to go from poor to middle class has shrunk from 20% to 2%. Worrker wages have stagnated for 40 years while management salareis went up 300%.

There are more workers than managers and the workers are mad as hell and they're not going to take it any more. They voted for Obama and got little. The voted for Trump and are getting fucked in the ass. They're done.

"Worrker wages have stagnated for 40 years while management salareis went up 300%."

You need to lay off the mind-altering substances while posting!
/——/ Workers and managers are paid what they are worth.
why do you say that?
/——/ Economics 101
which chapter?
Here's the difference dipshit. AOC is one freshman Congresswoman with very limited power, and what power she has, she is using to help the people who elected here.

As President, Trump has a LOT of power, which he is abusing, and using to undermine the government and the rule of law. But instead of just whining about Trump, liberals took to the street and started organizing. While you laughed about the women in their "vagina hats", liberals were getting busy.

They took the House, 7 governors mansions and 6 state legislatures. Conservatism in dying in the USA because it's FAILED utterly to deliver the Great American dream that Reagan promised when he told workers they would get a big raise when the unions were gone, and he lied. 40 years later, the opportunity to go from poor to middle class has shrunk from 20% to 2%. Worrker wages have stagnated for 40 years while management salareis went up 300%.

There are more workers than managers and the workers are mad as hell and they're not going to take it any more. They voted for Obama and got little. The voted for Trump and are getting fucked in the ass. They're done.

"Worrker wages have stagnated for 40 years while management salareis went up 300%."

You need to lay off the mind-altering substances while posting!
/——/ Workers and managers are paid what they are worth.
why do you say that?
/——/ Economics 101
which chapter?
Matthew 20:1-16
"For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. "Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did the same thing. "And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, 'Why have you been standing here idle all day long?' "They said to him, 'Because no one hired us.' He said to them, 'You go into the vineyard too.' "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, 'Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last group to the first.'
"Worrker wages have stagnated for 40 years while management salareis went up 300%."

You need to lay off the mind-altering substances while posting!
/——/ Workers and managers are paid what they are worth.
why do you say that?
/——/ Economics 101
which chapter?
Matthew 20:1-16
"For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. "Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did the same thing. "And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, 'Why have you been standing here idle all day long?' "They said to him, 'Because no one hired us.' He said to them, 'You go into the vineyard too.' "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, 'Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last group to the first.'
I have to go with "Israeli doctrine" instead of "Judean doctrine", on this one. We know which ones are the "international bankers" of the community.

She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

Oh you mean like police unions that usually vote republican or the less than 7 percent of the working class which is in a union..?
Planned parenthood which is still in operation even after and all Republican govt.?

Planned Parenthood still in operation just goes to show just how intimidating and powerful the leftist in this nation has become over the years. It all started in the 60's, and it has been steam rolling over anything and everything it could ever since. Conservatives carved out their little blocks in this nation over time, but through the take over of government positions through in and through out this nation by the left, those virtual fences and blocks are being breached, and knocked down at alarming and dramatic rates now. Leftism is at your doorsteps now, and it's banging on your doors with sledge hammers saying let us in to convince you or else.

I think the left has been just brainwashed themselves overtime, and they are Americans whom think they are right just like others think they are right, but hopefully most all Americans in America still agree on honoring God, freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Now just sorting out the details on what America will stand for going forward is the challenges of the day.

Planned Parenthood provided valuable services st low cost. Why shouldn’t they be around?

She forgot to mention Plan parenthood and unions which have a lot of influence on the Democrats!

My God, what a gift. Thank you liberals for this.

Oh you mean like police unions that usually vote republican or the less than 7 percent of the working class which is in a union..?
Planned parenthood which is still in operation even after and all Republican govt.?

Planned Parenthood still in operation just goes to show just how intimidating and powerful the leftist in this nation has become over the years. It all started in the 60's, and it has been steam rolling over anything and everything it could ever since. Conservatives carved out their little blocks in this nation over time, but through the take over of government positions through in and through out this nation by the left, those virtual fences and blocks are being breached, and knocked down at alarming and dramatic rates now. Leftism is at your doorsteps now, and it's banging on your doors with sledge hammers saying let us in to convince you or else.

I think the left has been just brainwashed themselves overtime, and they are Americans whom think they are right just like others think they are right, but hopefully most all Americans in America still agree on honoring God, freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Now just sorting out the details on what America will stand for going forward is the challenges of the day.

Planned Parenthood provided valuable services st low cost. Why shouldn’t they be around?

They shouldn’t be taxpayer funded.

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She’s not even smart enough to grandstand like a real politician

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