



arghhh! Chinese Sharpei. I have one. I wish I didn't. She is one of my rescues, I didn't get her by choice.

She smells, she scoots her butt on the floor, her mouth is messy, her eyes ooze, she gets oozing sores and scabs on her skin. She licks her front legs and makes them slimey. Not just wet, there is something about her saliva that makes them slimey. She doesn't come when called. She goes in and roots around in the cat boxes and comes out with kitty litter all over her nose, just to add to her overall yuckiness. She snorts and makes all kinds of sloppy noises with her mouth that drive me crazy. She shakes her head and spittle flies around and sticks to the walls. I like the smell of dogs, but her smell is different than my other dogs...I don't like it.

I know I sound like a horrible person, but this is the truth. I suppose it's not fair to her to come into a house with sleek, sweet, clean, dry-mouthed Dobermans and be compared to them. And the minpins.

When I rescued her I never intended to keep her, I intended to find her a home. But my husband was so appalled that I would "give her away" that I kept her.

I try to make her feel loved, include her in everything, etc. But it's hard with a dog you can't touch without getting some kind of bodily fluid on your hands.

She makes me feel like I'm being punished for rescuing her. She makes me feel like a phony, I supposedly love animals, but here's this dog I really dislike. : (

I guess she's a reminder that rescue work is just

Thanks for listening.

arghhh! Chinese Sharpei. I have one. I wish I didn't. She is one of my rescues, I didn't get her by choice.

She smells, she scoots her butt on the floor, her mouth is messy, her eyes ooze, she gets oozing sores and scabs on her skin. She licks her front legs and makes them slimey. Not just wet, there is something about her saliva that makes them slimey. She doesn't come when called. She goes in and roots around in the cat boxes and comes out with kitty litter all over her nose, just to add to her overall yuckiness. She snorts and makes all kinds of sloppy noises with her mouth that drive me crazy. She shakes her head and spittle flies around and sticks to the walls. I like the smell of dogs, but her smell is different than my other dogs...I don't like it.

I know I sound like a horrible person, but this is the truth. I suppose it's not fair to her to come into a house with sleek, sweet, clean, dry-mouthed Dobermans and be compared to them. And the minpins.

When I rescued her I never intended to keep her, I intended to find her a home. But my husband was so appalled that I would "give her away" that I kept her.

I try to make her feel loved, include her in everything, etc. But it's hard with a dog you can't touch without getting some kind of bodily fluid on your hands.

She makes me feel like I'm being punished for rescuing her. She makes me feel like a phony, I supposedly love animals, but here's this dog I really dislike. : (

I guess she's a reminder that rescue work is just

Thanks for listening.
Sounds like you got a 'Breeder Reject". Western Shar Pei are terribly unhealthy and have horrible skin and other genetic issues because of massive inbreeding thanks to Chinese prohibitions on letting the breed stock out of China.

The slimy saliva is caused by a second set of salivary glands that produce when the dog is under stress. This is very common with the big breeds, particularly St. Bernards and Mastiff breeds.

Shar Pei are one PERSON dogs as well. They are not very good with others as well generally speaking. Beware of aggression from her.

Also, you MUST and this is pretty much for all dogs that are copraphagic, get those catboxes blocked off with a baby gate that the dog can't get past but they can. Dogs like that will get parasites, sick and be just plain nasty. They see cat turds as nummy little nuggets to be scarfed down. It's critical you block that off. That litter in their system is very bad, and they do end up eating lots of it when snuffling around.

Honestly, IMNSHO, you are doing the dog a disservice by leaving it in an environment that is obviously unsuited for, and stressful to her. She needs a firm, one person home where she can be the center of attention and can put up with her droolcicles of goo. It's good you tried, but you're not being fair to yourself or her in the end.

You ain't horrible. It's just not a good fit. Do right by her and her anti-social breeding.
Fitz, thanks for all the information. Sounds like you are knowledgeable about the breed.

One person dog, eh? Well, guess who her "person" is? Me! She adores me. She follows me everywhere. Lays down near me, for example, right now she is laying right behind my chair while I type on the computer. When I get up, she will follow me to my next task and hang around nearby. The other dogs are allowed on the bed, but she is not. So she has a sleeping mat on the floor on my side of the bed because she wants to be as close to me as possible. I slide it under the bed during the day.

But she has never shown any aggression whatsoever to another person. Nor cats. But dogs...yes. She bit my favorite doberman on the leg once, a bad bite...I think that's when I started really disliking her. The doberman kind of started it though. And the aggression has not escalated, in fact there is more of an issue between my two dobermans than with the Sharpei.

I don't think finding her a new home is really an option. I act like I'm mean, but I would be totally worried that they didn't take good care of her.

I take good care of her, you know. I think she likes it here, she likes playing tug of war with one of the dobermans and a couple of the cats seem to have made friends with her. I think I'm the only one who is suffering, and...well, I guess that's what us rescuers sometimes do. Sacrifice our own needs for others. :(
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I have an ex wife who's a vet. We researched a lot for what breeds were good for us, (English Mastiffs, TYVM) I love the way Shar Pei's look, but discovered they have behavoiral and health problems I couldn't put up with. So yeah, I've done my research, worked with vets, got info from professionals in the field of Veterinary Medicine, and know a little bit about certain breeds.

That said, Yeah, you're her person. A bit of a velcro dog too it seems. She's guarding you too it seems. It's good she hasn't shown aggression. They are more known for dog aggression than people aggression, (yes there is a difference) and remember they are traditional Chinese WAR dogs. Hence the floppy skin. Used to guard troops and temples along with Chow Chows.

Well hang in there with the rescue. Sounds like you're committed and she does seem attached to you. Just read up more about Shar Pei's so you can get used and expect the quirks they are known to have.


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