London Mayor Boris Johnson Slams Obama as ‘Part-Kenyan’ Hypocrite

Boris Johnson was born an American, but renounced his citizenship. Talk about ancestral dislike.
I am under the impression he only threatened to do so. I haven't been able to find confirmation he carried out his stated intention.

But Boris is a laughing stock. Everyone likes clowns.
Don't worry about it. "Boris" is a bit of a joke both inside and outside London.

Dear Lord - what a fuck up.
Only has a 60% approval rating, shitforbrains...

Polling Matters: The ‘unstoppable’ rise of Boris Johnson?
Only has a 60% approval rating, shitforbrains... London. As for popularity, you need to understand the British; as the joke goes, "His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity to see what he'd do next." don't get me wrong, I quite like him as a person, he's cheerful and affable, but I'm not sure I'd want him running the country. The promises Boris Johnson has broken as mayor
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I think yall need to look at the context here.
Boris joined the out campaign for a reason. He is massively ambitious and wants to succeed Cameron. The likely opposition will be Osborne who is backing the "in" campaign. Johnson is hoping that his position here will help him get the tory party "out" vote and beat Osborne who is massively unpopular.
So the next step is to cosy up to Democracies friend Murdoch. Murdoch is an outer and all his papers reflect that. Johnsons piece was published in the Sun and will ensure Murdochs support for his upcoming leadership campaign.
Everyones a winner.

Boris is a strange one. Everyone finds him amusing and that sort of helps to gloss over his politics.

Obama did the UK a massive favour yesterday by shedding a little light on the process. He might also be commended for being upfront about it unlike Putin who is funding "Leave EU" through offshore companies.

Obama is massively popular in the UK, possibly more for what he represents than any specific policy he might have. Although only an idiot would deny that he saved the US from the mess that Bush left him.
The British just issued a warming to their citizens that gays should take precautions against violence when traveling to the USA.

That's the embarrassing part, that's we've been on sort of a international watch list, entirely due to the actions of conservatives.

And the London mayor certainly embarrassed himself with his meltdown. No wonder conservatives like him. Kindred tantrum-throwing toddler souls.

Why don't you move to someplace that adores queers. How's Iraq sound?
Someone was bitching that Obama was interfering in SA and British politics yestereday, the same someone who was defending the Israeli PM for doing the same thing last year. Prick.

How would Americans feel if the British Prime Minister waded into say the Presidential Election and said that if The Donald and/or Hillary were elected President then Britain would have to think about dumping the support for America?

The American people rightly would be annoyed at such an interjection of meddling.

British Prime Minister Accuses Donald Trump of Helping Islamic Extremists - Breitbart
Cameron is a moron. There is already a clash of civilizations btw the Islam and everyone else (the West, China, Russia, non-Muslims in Africa, etc).

Islam is a plague across the globe!
Germany has turned against the obastard too. Just kick him out already. He thinks he's king of the world.
Obama reminds me of a dictator like Hitler. He really believes he is the ONE, that the whole world wants his input from.
little skinny insane person/traitor to us and our country has been our President. I never thought I'd live to see to see this happen. I guess I knew it would, but not in my lifetime.
Has anyone noticed how much Johnson is like Trump? He's rumored to be running for PM? So in a couple years, we will have Trump here in the White House and Johnson at 10 Downing Street. Doppelgangers. How wierd.
or I guess we need someone like this: a crook and insane woman just like Obama

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Hillary Was Paid For Speeches By Government Contractors

April 23, 2016


An explosive new report from the Associated Press confirms what many people have suspected all along. Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches represent a direct conflict of interest with the office she seeks.

From the AP report:

Firms that paid for Clinton speeches have US gov’t interests

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s not just Wall Street banks. Most companies and groups that paid Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to speak between 2013 and 2015 have lobbied federal agencies in recent years, and more than one-third are government contractors, an Associated Press review has found. Their interests are sprawling and would follow Clinton to the White House should she win election this fall.

The AP’s review of federal records, regulatory filings and correspondence showed that almost all the 82 corporations, trade associations and other groups that paid for or sponsored Clinton’s speeches have actively sought to sway the government — lobbying, bidding for contracts, commenting on federal policy and in some cases contacting State Department officials or Clinton herself during her tenure as secretary of state.

Presidents are not generally bound by many of the ethics and conflict-of-interest regulations that apply to non-elected executive branch officials, although they are subject to laws covering related conduct, such as bribery and illegal gratuities. Clinton’s 94 paid appearances over two years on the speech circuit leave her open to scrutiny over decisions she would make in the White House or influence that may affect the interests of her speech sponsors.

This is surely one of the reasons she won’t release the transcripts of her speeches

all of it here:
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Hillary Was Paid For Speeches By Government Contractors - Progressives Today
I spend a month or so a year in England (not "Britain" - the real England part of The United Kingdom). From conversations in the course of business and in socialization two things have become clear:

1. Johnson is firmly believed to be the next Prime Minister. Cameron has disgraced himself but the liberal (Labour) side has chosen an un-electable caricature (Corbyn) of Nutty Old Uncle Bernie Sanders as its figurehead.

2. Obama was once was seen as a figure of ridicule, especially when He threw away the good will built by countless American World War II dead by not just removing the bust of Churchill from The (former) White House- he sent it back in a gesture of contempt. But these days the ridicule has turned to contempt.

He best concentrate on his hopes for a retirement-in-exile home in Cuba as He would find himself unwelcome in England. Now in liberal-ridden Scotland....that might be a pig of a different odour and, after all, The Scots are famed for their golf courses...

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