London murders outnumber New York 2 months in a it starts....

A high percentage of teen killings result from multiple Jds lusting after the same teen female. Therefore the cause must be eliminated; ultrasound tests mandated for all pregnant women and mandatory abortion of all female babies. That will eliminate the cause and there will be fewer killings (if you don't count the unborn....and no liberal ever does).
15 stabbings......10 were allah monkeys.

Sadiq Mohamed,
20, Kentish Town

Abdikarim Hassan, 17, Kentish Town

Josef Boci, 30, Greenwich

Seyed Khan, 49, Ilford

Rotimi Oshibanjo, 26, Southall

Promise Nkenda
, 17, Canning Town

Sabri Chibani, 19, Streatham Common

Lewis Blackman, 19, Kensington

Hasan Ozcan, 19, Barking

Hannah Leonard, 55, Swiss Cottage

Kwabena Nelson, 22, Tottenham

Mark Smith, 48, Chingford

Bulent Kabala, 41, Enfield

Saeeda Hussain, 54, Ilford

Juan Olmos Saca, 39, Peckham
But not a problem by the left's standards. As long as they weren't killed by guns, it's all good.

"London murder rate is HIGHER than New York's for the first time ever after TWELVE killings in just 19 days.."

Man in his 20s is stabbed to death to become 12th capital murder victim in 19 days | Daily Mail Online

Liberals have to be the dumbest people I have ever seen. The whole gun ban is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard. It will fix nothing Let’s put the attention to where it needs to be. The kids in that school never said anything. They New he was crazy and had guns and made threats but no one said a word. His family and friends new he had guns and was crazy it they said nothing. The FBI dropped the ball big time and the police officers on scene that didn’t go in should be fired along with there Chief. Put the blame where it should be. I am tired of the liberals and Democrats. They are scum of the earth and Clinton and Obama are the worst offenders. Clinton the murderer and Obama’s and his band of criminals. They both need to go Then you have Bloomberg who was one of the worst Mayors in NYC History along with the piece of shit mayor they have now.

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London should not be ungrateful!

London should thank profusely it's Mayor Sadiq Kahn and his immigration policies. :rolleyes-41:
Soon London's murder rate will surpass that of Chicago. Oh well.

The joy of diversity!
Guns are banned in London. Knives are banned in London.

So tell us LWNJ's , why didn't that stop these killings?

No one has ever claimed that gun bans prevent all murders, or all crimes. But they cut down substantially on those numbers.

The USA has the highest murder rate, the highest rate of gun violence, the highest rate of suicide by gun, and the highest rate of accidental shootings in the first world.

New York’s murder rate has dropped by 90%, in large part because the state has the toughest gun laws in the US.
As long as the muzz are killing one another why bother interfering? Let them. Every dead muzz is a live Brit. It's a rape that didn't happen. Don't stop them. Encourage them.
Soon London's murder rate will surpass that of Chicago. Oh well.

The joy of diversity!
This culture clash IS the reason for all the violence. As we continue to import foreign cultures the crime rate will continue to escalate.
Good for New York

It’s strict gun control laws are working

Not hardly.....Considering Britain banned and confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate is going up, not down.....23% across England and Wales last year, up 42% in London, and 30% in Yorkshire......if gun control can't work on an island nation that completely banned and confiscated all guns except for the hunting shotguns of the rich.......gun control ain't gonna work anywhere....

And the British gave up their guns on the promise it would make them didn't....

Meanwhile, in the U.S.......we know that more guns = less gun crime...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Crime in NYC is at historic lows following a 20+ year downward trend. That has more to do with your headline than London's momentary spike.

More like where the hell do you get your information WISHFUL thinking NETWORK affiliated with CNN, RACHEL MADOW, or maybe it's Al Sharpton
Oh banning those guns works so well. What part of logic doesn't function correctly in a liberal mind base off one statement " WHEN IN THE HELL DO CRIMINALS FOLLOW LAWS ANY LAWS" .......... they could strip ever gun there is from the US and still a US criminal could obtain a gun it's called " blackmarket, it's called go to Mexico and run a few in ike Obama did for fast and furious.

View attachment 185842

View attachment 185843
NYPD reveals increase in homicides and gun violence in NYC
How is that in any way a response to what I posted?

I dunno but when you figure it out get back to me . :iyfyus.jpg:
London’s problem is that is seems more guns are working their way into the city

A sure formula for more murder

But, according to you that is impossible. All you have to do is ban guns and gun crimes will vanish. That has been your claim all along. Here, you have a country that DID EXACTLY what you wanted. And the gun crimes are skyrocketing. Looks like your theory is pretty bad. Seems like you need to come up with another way to combat crime. I have an idea, how about we punish the criminals?

Too easy?
"London murders outnumber New York 2 months in a it starts...."
A small price to pay for diversity. The fruits of multikulti as Euros say. Harvest it and be happy folks, nothing to see here.
And the levels of violence in London are going up and now their murder rates are going up...

Murders in London Overtake New York for First Time Since 1800 Under Sadiq Khan

London has overtaken New York City for number of murders for the first time in over 200 years under the mayoralty of Labour’sSadiq Khan.

Yeah, well, a few years ago I read a report where crime had shot up after enacting confiscation and making the country a "gun-free zone." Between David Hogghead and all the rest of the Gun Grabbers here on this forum like Lahota, MaryL and others demanding an end to gun violence by (simply) taking away all the guns, it all sounds so obvious and easy, but I'm still waiting for anyone to show me one place where it ever really worked.

You can never disarm the criminal element so all the gun grabbing does is take away the ability of lawful, peaceful people to protect themselves! Can you think of a BETTER way to induce crime?
Good for New York

It’s strict gun control laws are working

Not hardly.....Considering Britain banned and confiscated guns....and their gun crime rate is going up, not down.....23% across England and Wales last year, up 42% in London, and 30% in Yorkshire......if gun control can't work on an island nation that completely banned and confiscated all guns except for the hunting shotguns of the rich.......gun control ain't gonna work anywhere....

And the British gave up their guns on the promise it would make them didn't....

Meanwhile, in the U.S.......we know that more guns = less gun crime...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Crime in NYC is at historic lows following a 20+ year downward trend. That has more to do with your headline than London's momentary spike.

More like where the hell do you get your information WISHFUL thinking NETWORK affiliated with CNN, RACHEL MADOW, or maybe it's Al Sharpton
Oh banning those guns works so well. What part of logic doesn't function correctly in a liberal mind base off one statement " WHEN IN THE HELL DO CRIMINALS FOLLOW LAWS ANY LAWS" .......... they could strip ever gun there is from the US and still a US criminal could obtain a gun it's called " blackmarket, it's called go to Mexico and run a few in ike Obama did for fast and furious.

View attachment 185842

View attachment 185843
NYPD reveals increase in homicides and gun violence in NYC
How is that in any way a response to what I posted?

I dunno but when you figure it out get back to me . :iyfyus.jpg:
So you don't understand what you posted or why?

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