Long after death, Confederate spy honored in Ark.

If you are happy with that then good for you, maybe you will never have to experience the sick feeling of your state acting hostile towards rights that you treasure yet are treated as political footballs.
Was it one of those 'you gotta have two of everything' arks? Did they have to dig up another traitor to the Union to put in there with him?
Was it one of those 'you gotta have two of everything' arks? Did they have to dig up another traitor to the Union to put in there with him?

If it's in Arkansas all they need is a selection of sexy female farm critters.
I guess your ok with the examples I privided, how about you provide a few examples of what your speak of.

You should be fully familiar with the vast efforts of the GOP to disfranchise voters, stop people from getting abortions, union busting and that's just what they thought they might be able to get away with, what do you think they would do if they regularly put rights up for a vote as they seem to really like doing? How long do you think libertarian values last when one has unchecked power?

Oh yeah I almost forgot, an all out attack on separation, if that does not constitute a threat to liberty to you then perhaps you deserve a Christian Talibani theocracy.

Get real, that's some really dumb shit.
If you are happy with that then good for you, maybe you will never have to experience the sick feeling of your state acting hostile towards rights that you treasure yet are treated as political footballs.

The fucking libs are treating everyone as political footballs, some are just too stupid to realize it. What happened, did you run out of arguements, so you result to this crap.
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Was it one of those 'you gotta have two of everything' arks? Did they have to dig up another traitor to the Union to put in there with him?

If it's in Arkansas all they need is a selection of sexy female farm critters.

Can't come up with actual reply...so makes self look even dumber...oh and probably has never been to Arkansas...beautiful state btw.
Was it one of those 'you gotta have two of everything' arks? Did they have to dig up another traitor to the Union to put in there with him?

If it's in Arkansas all they need is a selection of sexy female farm critters.

Can't come up with actual reply...so makes self look even dumber...oh and probably has never been to Arkansas...beautiful state btw.

...and beautiful people!

Was it one of those 'you gotta have two of everything' arks? Did they have to dig up another traitor to the Union to put in there with him?

If it's in Arkansas all they need is a selection of sexy female farm critters.

Can't come up with actual reply...so makes self look even dumber...oh and probably has never been to Arkansas...beautiful state btw.

Been there plenty, I live in the south and have traveled extensively therein.
Are we done? Is every one giving up?

Sure, why not, this topic is only interesting until the proxy confederates give up trying to justify the real confederates and start trying to say how it can be done again without somehow ending up a pile of wet dog food.
Are we done? Is every one giving up?

Sure, why not, this topic is only interesting until the proxy confederates give up trying to justify the real confederates and start trying to say how it can be done again without somehow ending up a pile of wet dog food.

Yep, may as well let the whole damn coutry end up that way, no since trying to find solutions and just let 536 professional politicians do what ever the hell they can dream up. That always winds up peachy keen. I figured you had a little more conviction and would have countered my answer to your teabagger claims. Sorry I over estimated you.
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Are we done? Is every one giving up?

Sure, why not, this topic is only interesting until the proxy confederates give up trying to justify the real confederates and start trying to say how it can be done again without somehow ending up a pile of wet dog food.

Yep, may as well let the whole damn coutry end up that way, no since trying to find solutions and just let 536 professional politicians do what ever the hell they can dream up. That always winds up peachy keen. I figured you had a little more conviction and would have countered my answer to your teabagger claims. Sorry I over estimated you.
LOL you have met my expectations and then some. Still crying about the lost confederacy and still wanting to take the ball and go home. You guys are all the same in the end, still full of visions of doom and not willing to lift a finger to do damned thing other than vote your fears and bitch about being personally insulted that the world still stubbornly refuses conform to your selfish wishes.
Sure, why not, this topic is only interesting until the proxy confederates give up trying to justify the real confederates and start trying to say how it can be done again without somehow ending up a pile of wet dog food.

Yep, may as well let the whole damn coutry end up that way, no since trying to find solutions and just let 536 professional politicians do what ever the hell they can dream up. That always winds up peachy keen. I figured you had a little more conviction and would have countered my answer to your teabagger claims. Sorry I over estimated you.
LOL you have met my expectations and then some. Still crying about the lost confederacy and still wanting to take the ball and go home. You guys are all the same in the end, still full of visions of doom and not willing to lift a finger to do damned thing other than vote your fears and bitch about being personally insulted that the world still stubbornly refuses conform to your selfish wishes.

Check and mate. Deflection and name calling, the staple of the left when they've run out of propaganda. Have a good life.
Yep, may as well let the whole damn coutry end up that way, no since trying to find solutions and just let 536 professional politicians do what ever the hell they can dream up. That always winds up peachy keen. I figured you had a little more conviction and would have countered my answer to your teabagger claims. Sorry I over estimated you.
LOL you have met my expectations and then some. Still crying about the lost confederacy and still wanting to take the ball and go home. You guys are all the same in the end, still full of visions of doom and not willing to lift a finger to do damned thing other than vote your fears and bitch about being personally insulted that the world still stubbornly refuses conform to your selfish wishes.

Check and mate. Deflection and name calling, the staple of the left when they've run out of propaganda. Have a good life.

I have a great life and fear does not rule it, jealous?
Long after death, Confederate spy honored in Ark. - Yahoo! News

As he should be. Great men who fought for the right to determine our own fate,interesting how 150 years later we still have morons in the msm who still think the war was fought over slavery...wonder why they don't make such a huge fuss over white slaves from Britain? I don't agree with slavery and indeed my family as far as I know never owned a slave just like a good majority of Confederate soldiers did not they fought for their homeland and their freedom...today more than ever I do wish we had succeeded.

Slavery was the underlying issue of the war. Its not a flipping coincidence that all but four slave states seceded. If you don't realize that you're dumb as rocks.

Have you ever even bothered to read any of the acts of succession?

Here's the first few lines of Gerogia's
The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic.
The FIRST issue they talk about is slavery.

Fuck you're dumb.
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Are we done? Is every one giving up?

Sure, why not, this topic is only interesting until the proxy confederates give up trying to justify the real confederates and start trying to say how it can be done again without somehow ending up a pile of wet dog food.

Yep, may as well let the whole damn coutry end up that way, no since trying to find solutions and just let 536 professional politicians do what ever the hell they can dream up. That always winds up peachy keen. I figured you had a little more conviction and would have countered my answer to your teabagger claims. Sorry I over estimated you.

that was the agreement each state made.....Confederates are like progressives if things dont go exactly they way they want they show their word means nothing.....
Sure, why not, this topic is only interesting until the proxy confederates give up trying to justify the real confederates and start trying to say how it can be done again without somehow ending up a pile of wet dog food.

Yep, may as well let the whole damn coutry end up that way, no since trying to find solutions and just let 536 professional politicians do what ever the hell they can dream up. That always winds up peachy keen. I figured you had a little more conviction and would have countered my answer to your teabagger claims. Sorry I over estimated you.

that was the agreement each state made.....Confederates are like progressives if things dont go exactly they way they want they show their word means nothing.....

Have you actually taken the time to read the Constitution, if you have you might want to do it again cause you didn't understand it the first time, if you think what we have now even resembles what is contained in that document.

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