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Long may he tweet

I have to admit I don't get tweets, don't read his tweets, probably feel that he might be better off without them, his comment on the Russia hoax now going to Facebook ads reminds me of something that seemingly, a lot of people have forgotten:

It was DONALD TRUMP who last year raised the issue during the election of possible meddling with the election and tampering, maybe by Russia, and, HE WAS SUMMARILY LAUGHED AT! He was only making excuses for his inevitable loss to Hillary.

BARACK OBAMA HIMSELF got up on stage before audience and camera soon after to announce with absolute certainty and assurance that the very idea that our elections could be corrupted, thwarted or changed from without was crazy, as he smiled at the silliness of the idea; many election experts came forward to declare that our system was inherently impervious to such things through it structure. Then Jill Stein came forward challenging the count in three states! And they balked at her request, but begrudgingly went forward with most of it only to have it come back 99.9% accurate, with just a few more votes counted-------- for TRUMP!

Does anyone remember this?

Then there were the leaked emails from Podesta which were largely ignored and unaddressed, except to say their leaking was an effort to hurt Hillary and change votes; NEVER MIND that what was IN those emails was never denied as anything less than factual!! Had they changed anything or not, they were information the public deserved to know about Hillary, and funny as it was, when someone dug back to find some obscure video saved of Trump from 17 years ago when Trump was a much younger man, at a time he thought the mic was off, talking about how contest women would go to any length to get an upper hand, THAT was obviously CLEAR GROUNDS of evidence to be used against Trump to change the election, as though it had happened yesterday on 60 Minutes, yet for Hillary, the leaked Podesta emails revealing DEEP CORRUPTION within the DNC and Hillary's campaign was SWEPT UNDER THE RUG, ignored, then actually turned around to be used as grounds for a Russia investigation------ AGAINST------ you guessed it: TRUMP. IN OTHER WORDS, whether Trump was caught doing something less than honorable or Hillary, even if Hillary's entailed criminality, IT STILL COUNTED AGAINST TRUMP!! Proof eternal that our elections are heavily rigged for the DESIRED candidates (let us not forget Bernie). And when asked, Assauge came forward to say that his sources were protected, but they were NOT the Russians! And Assauge has NEVER been shown wrong.

Does anyone remember this?

Meantime, Comey upon his dismissal of charges against Hillary was championed by the DNC in June 2016 as a man after Truth, Justice and the American Way, that is, until before the election, he came forward to say the FBI was going to reopen the matter and have another look at her (which investigation has since disappeared); after that, Comey was dirt. Who knows, maybe Comey had a twinge of guilt and a sense of conscience at the last minute? Had Hillary won, there is no doubt that Comey would never have been kept on by Hillary, and no one would have ever questioned her motives.

BUT JUMP FORWARD TO TRUMP's WINNING: suddenly there was no doubt that this man could not have POSSIBLY won without some sort of funny business from without! Never mind his historic popularity. Never mind his legendary trouncing of SIXTEEN other top qualified long experienced GOP candidates. Never mind unprecedented rally after rally where stadiums were filled to bursting sometimes twice a day with yet more thousands gladly staying outside just to listen. I mean, how else can you explain Hillary's loss? She was the whale in the pool next to a guppy. Regardless of all, it was (and remains) incredulous and impossible to accept that this New York Tycoon could have stood even ankle high next to the great Hillary Rodham Clinton. Thus was born the conspiracy theory of Russia.

Wasn't it 2012 that during a media and press party in Washington before Barack Obama, that Obama laughingly joked about Trump not being (or ever would be) president as the room full of supportive media laughed at him?

Does anyone remember this?

Yet to this day not a person nor a single credible mechanism has ever been produced to show where anything had a significant effect in the outcome of the election. I have never seen ONE PERSON say that they were going to vote Hillary UNTIL they read some stupid ad; for the most part, people's minds were made up about who they were picking LONG BEFORE the election. My mind was made up June 15 2015 the day Trump announced he was running.

Yet despite all these contradictions, the Russia story has persisted. First it was laughable that anyone could even suggest outside meddling in one of our elections, and the Democrats BENT OVER BACKWARDS to make that case, and it was just an excuse Trump was building as his reason for his inevitable loss, to suddenly being that there HAD to be meddling, otherwise how could Trump have won?

EITHER WAY, the eternal failing of the Left year after year, decade after decade is that they are never FACT-DRIVEN. Just as with the election-tampering hypothesis, they will believe, advance and forward WHATEVER story, even if totally fabricated, that they believe has the best chance of swaying voters. Even if they have to change that story 15 times. While a GOP candidate will generally try to point out his best good qualities and the opponent's worst qualities, all well-founded in established facts as reason to vote for them, a Democrat will use the most outrageous claims both for themselves but especially against their opponent as to why to vote AGAINST the other party! With a dearth of facts and/or evidence to back any of their claims, they only get away with it through a compliant and cooperating media.

Despite the fact the Comey was history either way, and many knew for a long time of Trump's eventual firing of Comey, when he finally did, the ongoing simmering democratic claim of Russian collusion was immediately tied to Comey! Obviously, Comey was getting too close to Trump and Trump obviously fired Comey in order to thwart his investigation!

Except for the fact that everyone knew that with or without Comey, the investigation would go on unchanged.

And with that investigation in danger of stalling out for lack of credible evidence, it was morphed into an obvious need for a Special Counsel, because apparently the problem wasn't lack of evidence, it was just that they hadn't dug deep enough yet. The DNC HAD to save face to retain its backers by explaining Hillary's loss as anything other than THEIR fault!!! To be honest, they were SO SURE that Hillary would win, they pretty much waltzed into the election; ALL of the usual tools had been used in ENORMOUS MEASURE that were time-proven to win elections! The DNC believed that they could get elected a pair of OLD SHOES if only they used their time-tested formulas! After all, the voting public were THAT STUPID AND GULLIBLE. To ensure that they would dig deep enough now, they saw to the broadening of the Russia investigation with the help of a spineless GOP partly aboard the Never-Trump agenda to go FAR BEYOND the original purview of Russian collaboration to ANYTHING in Trump's life! If Trump used Russian-made condoms when screwing Melania, or had a computer AV program made in a former Soviet state (as many are), that too would come under fire. If Trump had ever DINED with a Russian, MET with a Russian, TALKED to a Russian over the phone, had a Russian Valet park his car or even ordered Russian dressing on his salad, that was needing closely investigated. Can you imagine them EVER doing that to Hillary?

SO TRUMP TWEETS. If he played the nose harmonica, that too would be the cause of derision. Trump has made the ultimate political folly:
  • He has shown up and embarrassed the DNC by going outside their system of control.
  • He has sidestepped their media and made fools of them. Shown that he doesn't even NEED them!
  • By doing so, shown all future candidates how to circumvent the machinations of the DNC as well.
  • Has spoken to, enlightened, and especially invoked the solidarity of the massive, under-represented Middle Class largely totally ignored for years to unswerving loyalty.
  • Trump has gone straight on head first into attacking the Deep State underpinnings, the very foundation of political power and wealth of Washington DC.
Without even realizing so, the Left, the DNC and Washington, in their endless attacks of everything Trump no matter how phony or petty, in their tired and tireless investigations leading to empty rooms, in all of their struggles to kill, cut off or starve Trump's every effort only go on to show the LEGITIMACY OF EVERYTHING TRUMP HAS SAID! More so, in doing so, they REAFFIRM every reason why the voters voted for him and every resolve Trump will have to tirelessly continue the fight until Kingdom Come. In trying to destroy Trump, trying to embarrass and shame him, they at once prove every reason why the country voted for him, HAD to vote for him and will vote for him again!

It may have started with a mere tweet, but what the Left has yet to learn much less believe, is that Trump is the focus of the anger of a nation lied to and disappointed for generations, whose resolve and determination builds by the day, and like a struggling animal, the more the Left struggles, the tighter the noose becomes. Trump represents a force for truth that goes BEYOND money, beyond donations, beyond lobbying, beyond marketing and advertisement, beyond rhetoric. And the Left is SCARED SHITLESS because their entire politic is based on illusion.

Trump's rise to power is based on a nation's hopes and determination, and their zeal for a real, down-to-Earth candidate that really talks to the people, relates to and understands the average person on the street. He calls a spade a spade regardless of how they like it. He spits in the eye of America's enemies. He backs down from no one. He unabashedly promotes America and Americanism to all. How refreshing. The Left doesn't realize it yet, at least not outside tightly locked doors, but the arena of American politics has CHANGE DRAMATICALLY in America, and Trump was the change agent. The public never again will be willing to accept the old politics as business-as-usual. Trump is the T-Bone Steak to a nation fed ground hamburger all their lives------ we will never be willing to go back. The next election cycles will be quite the surprise to the DNC, maybe even the GOP, and something as small and seemingly insignificant as a TWEET is but the symbol of a vast insurgence of reaffirmed will, reaffirmed hope in America, reaffirmed belief, and as a TOTAL DEFIANCE TO AND REJECTION OF the Deep State of the whole vast government-media complex swollen fat on sucking the marrow of the taxpayer dry for years. The Left during Obama simply PLAYED THEIR HAND much too far, right in the face of the voters contemptuously, and the voters are FED UP with it.

Like a trusting dog that was repeatedly beaten over and over for no good reason until finally the dog turns on his owner, now a tired, fed-up and enlightened populace have their ambassador of change, and it has only begun. Indeed, the Left CREATED Donald Trump! They created him out of the many pieces of their broken promises, lies and contempt. Politics in America will never be the same again because we have been shown what lies standing behind the white curtain, and there is no silver stake or henbane in the world that can kill the monster. It only makes him STRONGER.
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“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past....All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it”

And remember Hillary trying desperately to get Trump to say he would concede if he lost?
Democrats project. Can’t imagine honesty.
And remember Hillary trying desperately to get Trump to say he would concede if he lost?
Democrats project. Can’t imagine honesty.

Hillary? Don't forget the Republicans as well. They always knew his potential, that is why they ridiculed his chances; if they could make the viewer believe THEY didn't think he had a chance, then maybe YOU wouldn't believe either. Everyone, they were all SO DAMNED CONCERNED that should he lose the GOP nomination or lose the national election, that he'd split off into his own party or challenge the race! Because THEY KNEW his popularity and potential. The Left knew that if we fractured into THREE parties, they would lose too many voters to ever win again.

The Monster lives.


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