Longest Wet Kiss... gets sloppier

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Anyone that ventured on to the liberal tingle legged media channels this week were treated to a slobber fest of liberal media orgasmic delight. Why it's, "Historical" " Obama walks on water again", "Pelosi Smiles", oh come on, she can't.

Any who, I like the down home southern humor reaction by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour on Sunday said that since healthcare reform legislation passed a week ago, the liberal media have given the Obama administration the longest wet kiss in political history.

After ABC's Jake Tapper hosting "This Week" asked the Governor about a new Washington Post poll finding Democrats have become a little more popular since the bill passed, Barbour replied, "I am surprised that the, the numbers in the Washington Post poll weren't better."

He marvelously continued, "I mean since this thing passed last weekend, we've been seeing the longest wet kiss in political history given to the Obama administration by the liberal media league, and every day it goes by it gets sloppier"

Governor: Media Giving Obama 'Longest Wet Kiss In Political History' | NewsBusters.org
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I agree it's a bit self-aggrandizing for all the outlets to be likening this to civil rights progress.
I agree it's a bit self-aggrandizing for all the outlets to be likening this to civil rights progress.

It's not so hard to understand when you think, like the MSM does, that the Tea Party protests are a lynch mob trying to deny the needy their share of healthcare.

That's what the "Freedom March" of Pelosi, Hoyer, John Lewis, and others was about, besides sticking it in the faces of the Tea Partiers.

Gotta Love Haley Barbour!

. . . It gets better when you
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I agree it's a bit self-aggrandizing for all the outlets to be likening this to civil rights progress.

Yup.. they had dead Presidents rolling in their graves, comparing Obama to Lincoln, Roosevelt, Johnson, Kennedy, hell, they even tested out General Grant and Reagan.

(strangely though.. no mention of Carter)
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I agree it's a bit self-aggrandizing for all the outlets to be likening this to civil rights progress.

It's not so hard to understand when you think, like the MSM does, that the Tea Party protests are a lynch mob trying to deny the needy their share of healthcare.

That's what the "Freedom March" of Pelosi, Hoyer, John Lewis, and others was about, besides sticking it in the faces of the Tea Partiers.

Gotta Love Haley Barbour!

. . . It gets better when you
click attachment to enlarge

Haley Barbour.. far to honest, to be President
Anyone that ventured on to the liberal tingle legged media channels this week were treated to a slobber fest of liberal media orgasmic delight. Why it's, "Historical" " Obama walks on water again", "Pelosi Smiles", oh come on, she can't.

Any who, I like the down home southern humor reaction by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour on Sunday said that since healthcare reform legislation passed a week ago, the liberal media have given the Obama administration the longest wet kiss in political history.

After ABC's Jake Tapper hosting "This Week" asked the Governor about a new Washington Post poll finding Democrats have become a little more popular since the bill passed, Barbour replied, "I am surprised that the, the numbers in the Washington Post poll weren't better."

He marvelously continued, "I mean since this thing passed last weekend, we've been seeing the longest wet kiss in political history given to the Obama administration by the liberal media league, and every day it goes by it gets sloppier"

Governor: Media Giving Obama 'Longest Wet Kiss In Political History' | NewsBusters.org

Good ol' Haley...he's never been afraid to speak his mind. While New Orleans still suffers from the wrath of the west side of Katrina, the MS Gulf Coast is rising from the flat slabs that were left by the direct hit and 30 foot surge that demolished not just one city but many. But because of the fine leadership of Gov. Haley Barbour, you'd hardly know it was the same storm that wiped out N.O. And you hardly heard about it during the event.
Anyone that ventured on to the liberal tingle legged media channels this week were treated to a slobber fest of liberal media orgasmic delight. Why it's, "Historical" " Obama walks on water again", "Pelosi Smiles", oh come on, she can't.

Any who, I like the down home southern humor reaction by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour on Sunday said that since healthcare reform legislation passed a week ago, the liberal media have given the Obama administration the longest wet kiss in political history.

After ABC's Jake Tapper hosting "This Week" asked the Governor about a new Washington Post poll finding Democrats have become a little more popular since the bill passed, Barbour replied, "I am surprised that the, the numbers in the Washington Post poll weren't better."

He marvelously continued, "I mean since this thing passed last weekend, we've been seeing the longest wet kiss in political history given to the Obama administration by the liberal media league, and every day it goes by it gets sloppier"

Governor: Media Giving Obama 'Longest Wet Kiss In Political History' | NewsBusters.org

lol..yeah, that was awesomly funny. :lol:
It REALLY gets to you cons, doesn't it?

Heh, heh, heh . . . .

It gets us to the fact that most in the liberal media are buffoons and have zero credibility but that's about it, I'm sure you would readily agree. heh..heh..heh..
Anyone that ventured on to the liberal tingle legged media channels this week were treated to a slobber fest of liberal media orgasmic delight. Why it's, "Historical" " Obama walks on water again", "Pelosi Smiles", oh come on, she can't.

Any who, I like the down home southern humor reaction by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour on Sunday said that since healthcare reform legislation passed a week ago, the liberal media have given the Obama administration the longest wet kiss in political history.

After ABC's Jake Tapper hosting "This Week" asked the Governor about a new Washington Post poll finding Democrats have become a little more popular since the bill passed, Barbour replied, "I am surprised that the, the numbers in the Washington Post poll weren't better."

He marvelously continued, "I mean since this thing passed last weekend, we've been seeing the longest wet kiss in political history given to the Obama administration by the liberal media league, and every day it goes by it gets sloppier"

Governor: Media Giving Obama 'Longest Wet Kiss In Political History' | NewsBusters.org

Yes, probably tongue and all.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
It gets us to the fact that most in the liberal media are buffoons and have zero credibility but that's about it, I'm sure you would readily agree. heh..heh..heh..

Because the con media has a tonne of credibility..

Hannity, O'Reilly, Malkin, Coulter, Beck.....brimming with credibility, each and every one of them. Have I missed anybody?
It gets us to the fact that most in the liberal media are buffoons and have zero credibility but that's about it, I'm sure you would readily agree. heh..heh..heh..

Because the con media has a tonne of credibility..

Hannity, O'Reilly, Malkin, Coulter, Beck.....brimming with credibility, each and every one of them. Have I missed anybody?

Excellent... by changing the subject you have recognized the fact...
Mannnn! I totally thought this thread was about something else. :(

Sorry, I'm not quite ready to run for the Dirtiest Old Man competition but I'm sure I could make you blush..
The Liberal dominated MSM is a joke at this point. I think more & more people are figuring that out. The CNN's,NBC's,and NY Times are sad Liberal Media dinosaurs at this point. They lost all credibility a long time ago. They are not nearly as respected or taken as seriously as they think. Most people i know just laugh at CNN & NBC at this point. Their endless Hopey Changey Boot-Licking is pretty embarrassing. The Liberal Media is dead.

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