Longterm Commitments


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2010
The three greatest problems this country as well as many countries face is:
1. Deficit Reduction.
2. Energy Independence
3. Climate Change.

These three problems have one thing in common. They all require long-term solutions and commitments. None of these problems will be solved in a year or even a decade. They all require national and political commitment over a long period. With each power change in the presidency and the Congress, the party in power attempts to nullify the works of their predecessor or change direction. We have seen this in America’s attempt to become energy independent. Back in the 70’s when there was a gas shortage, America set it’s course toward energy independence with increased oil production and conservation measures. With political changes, the emphasis was no longer energy independence but increasing economic activity. Our reliance on foreign oil has grown from 37% in 1980 to 65% today. With each change in political power, our energy policies change.

Likewise our policy concerning the deficit changes with both political power and events of the time. Most sensible people know that you cannot eliminate the deficit in one year or 4 years. It will take a commitment of both parties and the people over a decade or more to stick to a plan. In the past, deficit reduction has always been short lived.

Solving the problems in climate change is probably the most difficult of all. Many disagree that man is the primary cause. There are even some that don’t even admit that the climate is changing. Then there are those who don't give damn what happens to world in 50 or a 100 years. Thus there is no real commitment to deal with any aspects of climate change, which would have to last indefinitely.

How do we solve problems that require a commitment that spans many years with changes in political power, attitudes, and events? If we are not able to do this, our future looks pretty dim.
The three greatest problems this country as well as many countries face is:
1. Deficit Reduction.
2. Energy Independence
3. Climate Change.

Although I do not agree 2 and 3 are our greatest problems, let's just take a crack at these issues using logic and reason:

1) Stop fucking spending more than we take in.
2) Remove the government imposed impediments to that which would allow people and companies to utilize the energy sources already in our country. You want to provide some tax incentive for new "alternative" energy sources, fine.
3) If you fear the climate is warming (as we feared it was cooling back in the 70s), then move the fuck away from the shore.

The employment/unemployment numbers that came out this morning were terrible, but our jobs problem doesn't crack your top 3?
The three greatest problems this country as well as many countries face is:
1. Deficit Reduction.
2. Energy Independence
3. Climate Change.

These three problems have one thing in common. They all require long-term solutions and commitments. None of these problems will be solved in a year or even a decade. They all require national and political commitment over a long period. With each power change in the presidency and the Congress, the party in power attempts to nullify the works of their predecessor or change direction. We have seen this in America’s attempt to become energy independent. Back in the 70’s when there was a gas shortage, America set it’s course toward energy independence with increased oil production and conservation measures. With political changes, the emphasis was no longer energy independence but increasing economic activity. Our reliance on foreign oil has grown from 37% in 1980 to 65% today. With each change in political power, our energy policies change.

Likewise our policy concerning the deficit changes with both political power and events of the time. Most sensible people know that you cannot eliminate the deficit in one year or 4 years. It will take a commitment of both parties and the people over a decade or more to stick to a plan. In the past, deficit reduction has always been short lived.

Solving the problems in climate change is probably the most difficult of all. Many disagree that man is the primary cause. There are even some that don’t even admit that the climate is changing. Then there are those who don't give damn what happens to world in 50 or a 100 years. Thus there is no real commitment to deal with any aspects of climate change, which would have to last indefinitely.

How do we solve problems that require a commitment that spans many years with changes in political power, attitudes, and events? If we are not able to do this, our future looks pretty dim.

The damn climate is gonna change. You can't do a damn thing about it either.. Unless you live in unicorn universe!
The employment/unemployment numbers that came out this morning were terrible, but our jobs problem doesn't crack your top 3?

Are you kidding? Listing jobs as a problem would highlight the failures of their dear leader...and we can't have that!
Well then, get on your Corporate boys to loosen up some of that 2+ trillion dollars and hire people...

Oh, wait... that's right, they're playing games to see if they can make even more of the backs of the little people... Let's see, cut their services to the bone... lower the tax rate to nil, get rid of the minimum wage... maybe we can even squeeze banning overtime pay out of it!
The three greatest problems this country as well as many countries face is:
1. Deficit Reduction.
2. Energy Independence
3. Climate Change.

These three problems have one thing in common. They all require long-term solutions and commitments. None of these problems will be solved in a year or even a decade. They all require national and political commitment over a long period. With each power change in the presidency and the Congress, the party in power attempts to nullify the works of their predecessor or change direction. We have seen this in America’s attempt to become energy independent. Back in the 70’s when there was a gas shortage, America set it’s course toward energy independence with increased oil production and conservation measures. With political changes, the emphasis was no longer energy independence but increasing economic activity. Our reliance on foreign oil has grown from 37% in 1980 to 65% today. With each change in political power, our energy policies change.

Likewise our policy concerning the deficit changes with both political power and events of the time. Most sensible people know that you cannot eliminate the deficit in one year or 4 years. It will take a commitment of both parties and the people over a decade or more to stick to a plan. In the past, deficit reduction has always been short lived.

Solving the problems in climate change is probably the most difficult of all. Many disagree that man is the primary cause. There are even some that don’t even admit that the climate is changing. Then there are those who don't give damn what happens to world in 50 or a 100 years. Thus there is no real commitment to deal with any aspects of climate change, which would have to last indefinitely.

How do we solve problems that require a commitment that spans many years with changes in political power, attitudes, and events? If we are not able to do this, our future looks pretty dim.

The damn climate is gonna change. You can't do a damn thing about it either.. Unless you live in unicorn universe!

They don't think they live in a unicorn universe...but they do have magic beans you know!
Well then, get on your Corporate boys to loosen up some of that 2+ trillion dollars and hire people...

Oh, wait... that's right, they're playing games to see if they can make even more of the backs of the little people... Let's see, cut their services to the bone... lower the tax rate to nil, get rid of the minimum wage... maybe we can even squeeze banning overtime pay out of it!

The minimum wage keeps the least capable, the uneducated and the elderly from earning a living while driving up the retail prices of the goods and services those very people must pay to survive. What kind of monster would support that?
Well then, get on your Corporate boys to loosen up some of that 2+ trillion dollars and hire people...

Oh, wait... that's right, they're playing games to see if they can make even more of the backs of the little people... Let's see, cut their services to the bone... lower the tax rate to nil, get rid of the minimum wage... maybe we can even squeeze banning overtime pay out of it!

The minimum wage keeps the least capable, the uneducated and the elderly from earning a living while driving up the retail prices of the goods and services those very people must pay to survive. What kind of monster would support that?

That's what Beck keeps telling you, isn't it?... Or is it the Heritage(Koch)Foundation?
Well then, get on your Corporate boys to loosen up some of that 2+ trillion dollars and hire people...

Oh, wait... that's right, they're playing games to see if they can make even more of the backs of the little people... Let's see, cut their services to the bone... lower the tax rate to nil, get rid of the minimum wage... maybe we can even squeeze banning overtime pay out of it!

The minimum wage keeps the least capable, the uneducated and the elderly from earning a living while driving up the retail prices of the goods and services those very people must pay to survive. What kind of monster would support that?

That's what Beck keeps telling you, isn't it?... Or is it the Heritage(Koch)Foundation?

Can't contradict the message so attack the messenger. Typical.
Welll that's what happens when you can't prove your assertion.

How do you know it's "keeping them down"? How do you know employers won't take full advantage of them and give them $3, 4 or 5/ hour instead of the $7.25?

In short... It's a stupid conclusion based on nothing more than your beliefs.
Prediction on the Conservative response:

1. Cut all service to nothing and lower taxes on the wealthy
2. Drill baby drill
3. What climate change?

You have it down pat Steelplate. That is what the right has to say about long term solutions.

But I have to say it really puzzles me that anyone would continue to push or believe that lowering taxes on the top 2 or 3 percent would lead to one job.

Makes me wish that Reagan could come back and explain why he raised taxes.
Prediction on the Conservative response:

1. Cut all service to nothing and lower taxes on the wealthy
2. Drill baby drill
3. What climate change?

You have it down pat Steelplate. That is what the right has to say about long term solutions.

But I have to say it really puzzles me that anyone would continue to push or believe that lowering taxes on the top 2 or 3 percent would lead to one job.

Makes me wish that Reagan could come back and explain why he raised taxes.

Well let me ask you a question: how many jobs do you think a guy creates if he only makes minimum wage? Or $50,000 or $100,000?
A whole bunch of people making many millions, some many tens of millions, per year, just put millions of Americans out of work.
Well let me ask you a question: how many jobs do you think a guy creates if he only makes minimum wage? Or $50,000 or $100,000?

Can we take a look at reality instead of theory? How many Private sector jobs were created in May... NATIONWIDE? 54k.

Taxes aren't the issue. The effective Tax rate in America(not published... but the real dollars they pay) is nil, Income taxes are at a near modern day near record low. Unions aren't the issue, they comprise 7% of the workforce and most of them are in the Public Sector... so that's a damned lie.

Profiteering and outsourcing are the issues. Profits are up, executive salaries are up... mostly because of the Asian slave labor market. What they want is for us Americans to adopt those wages so they can make even more.

The whole hogwash about global competition is just that. Hogwash... In European Countries, the Workforce gets to help hire their CEO's, their wages are higher and they have less "Necessary" expenses like Health Care.

And before you even begin to start... don't point out Ireland or Greece. Those are marginal countries with very little in the way of a natural economy. We are the #1 economy in the world.. soon to be #2(China), Thanks to Corporate Treason.
What I am trying to get at is that how do you enact a plan that would take ten years to implement, realizing that control of government will shift from party to party over this period as the will the priorities of the voters?
Well... Jeez... Why didn't you say so? That's easy... Find common ground and have both sides step up and be adults.... oh wait... yeah, you're right... quite the pickle.

The Tea Party Sucks. They take anything government does and make it out to be tyranny of the worst kind. They are the True Believers of Capitalism...even if it puts them in poverty(... I know... NO IT WON'T!!!)

The GOP Sucks. They are trying to hang on to what they got, so they adopted the Tea Party to dictate their platform. plus they are so far up the corporate ass, that it's a wonder they can breathe.

The Democrats Suck. They are fighting for room inside the Corporate ass. Plus they aren't cohesive.

Socialists suck... they are TOO much for government and not enough for the Private Sector.

Libertarians suck... They think that they are so important that no one else matters but their own personal space in the world. Screw everyone else... why should I have to pay(which also can be said for the Tea Party, which in my opinion is Lbertarianism's retarded cousin)

Rationality is gone... Long live Chaos! Hey, maybe the anarchists can do something! Nah... they suck too.

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