LOOK AT ME! Born female, running for Prom King

There is NO SUCH THING as transgender.
It's mental problem and now another stupid liberal cause.
A cause from which liberals seek to create yet another politically correct protected class.

The professionals at the APA disagree with your assessment.

i suppose you have more education and experience in psychology than they do?


It's a politically correct decision. Yet they think you are mentally ill if you bite your fingernails. Psychology is a politically correct joke. They are also trying to normalize pedophelia now too
Yes, when presented with how insane liberals are, all they have are insults. This people litereally want others to believe that a woman can have a penis. And when you try to explain reality to them, they go insane. Prancing around, limp wrists everywhere, throwing tantrums that would make a 3 year old seem mature.

Yeah! Those dang liberals! All they have are insults....like....like.....
"Add three hundred pounds and a Kilt and you would have bodey", or “limp wristed, prancing liberal”, or
“Fist Fucked Faggot”, or “How fucked in the head do you have to be a liberal?”.

‘Cause Gawd knows we Conservatives neeeeeever insult…….right?


Heh heh heh heh you all are funny fellers, that’s fer shore.


Where did you get yours from? How did you become such an expert in something you have no training in?

It is simple biology. Males have a penis and testicles. Women have vaginas and ovaries.
There is no in between.

intersex - one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made.
thefreedictionary dot com

Knowledge...it's a wonderful thing.


Where does it say he/she has both male and female organs?
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Prom King? Prom Queen?

In this day in age I'm surprised we're not at prom Person of Royalty or some such nonsense.

Been a few years now that at our local minor league baseball park there's no one retrieving bats at home plate with BB on the back of their uniform. That's now the BP's job.
It is simple biology. Males have a penis and testicles. Women have vaginas and ovaries.
There is no in between.

That would be a false statement on your part.
Unless you are referring to hermaphroditism and other birth defects you are wrong and asking other people to deny reality so liberals can have a feel good moment.

Is this person a hermaphrodite?

If not, I see no reason to mix up the roles of King and Queen.

Looks like a typical teenage attention grab to me.
There is NO SUCH THING as transgender.
It's mental problem and now another stupid liberal cause.
A cause from which liberals seek to create yet another politically correct protected class.

The professionals at the APA disagree with your assessment.

i suppose you have more education and experience in psychology than they do?


It's a politically correct decision. Yet they think you are mentally ill if you bite your fingernails. Psychology is a politically correct joke. They are also trying to normalize pedophelia now too

Ah, nice. I like how your argument works. So whenever i disagree with someone who's had years and years more education and experience in a particular field, all’s i gotta say to prove him wrong and me right is say that his decision was just the "politically correct decision".

“Hey Judge, you don't know what you're talkin’ ‘bout with the law and all, your decision was just a "politically correct decision". I don’t have to pay restitution. Wait, hey….where’re you guys takin’ me? Hey! Jail? But…but….”

“What’d you say Bob? The doctor said you've got appendicitis? Nah, he's wrong; he was just making a “politically correct decision”; i say it's just a cramp...walk it off, you'll be okay. Bob???? Bob???? Hey, you okay? Bob????”

“What? That electrician said that the wiring is faulty? Ah, bullshit, Helen; that was just his “politically correct decision”. I say the wiring is juuuust fine, watch…...”



On second thought……I think I’ll go with what the professionals say, rather than with what some dude on the internet says.

No offense or nuthin’.

It's political correctness. Why would the give medically unnecessary drugs and medically unnecessary surgeries? If they did that with bulemics they would get jailed.
It is simple biology. Males have a penis and testicles. Women have vaginas and ovaries.
There is no in between.

intersex - one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made.
thefreedictionary dot com

Knowledge...it's a wonderful thing.


Where does it say he/she has both male and female organs?

It doesn't; i was simply rebutting the claim made that: "There is no in between.". he did not say "the kid is not an in between." he said "There is no in between."

The fact is there is an in-between. Whether this kid's one of them in-between's is irrelevent to the fact there are indeed in-betweens.

simple really. :D
It's political correctness. Why would the give medically unnecessary drugs and medically unnecessary surgeries? If they did that with bulemics they would get jailed.

Yeppers, truuuust Dr Novasteve. He knows what he's talkin' 'bout, alright.

If they aren't mentally ill why do they have such high suicide rates and such high HIV infection rates (male to female) due to risky behavior?
intersex - one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made.
thefreedictionary dot com

Knowledge...it's a wonderful thing.


Where does it say he/she has both male and female organs?

It doesn't; i was simply rebutting the claim made that: "There is no in between.". he did not say "the kid is not an in between." he said "There is no in between."

The fact is there is an in-between. Whether this kid's one of them in-between's is irrelevent to the fact there are indeed in-betweens.

simple really. :D

Then there are no blurred lines here, we are what we are, not what we think we are, or what we will be in the future.

A King is a male assignment and a Queen is a female assignment. One no better than the other, they just are.

And that's really what's simple.
If they aren't mentally ill why do they have such high suicide rates and such high HIV infection rates (male to female) due to risky behavior?

In the wake of several highly publicized suicides by gay teenagers, a new study finds that a negative social environment surrounding gay youth is associated with high rates of suicide attempts by lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth.

Native Americans die by suicide at higher rates than any other ethnic group in the United States (AAS USA Fact Sheet). Suicide rates are higher in tribes that reside in the Northern Plains, and this group also tends to have a lower sense of
social cohesion than tribes of the Southwest (Van Winkle & May, 1993).

Does this mean Native Americans are mentally ill?

Suicide rates in the US Military were at a record high in 2012 at 349.

Does that mean that our soldiers are more mentally ill than they were in 1982, 1992, or 2002?

Does being a Native American mean you’re mentally ill? Does being an American service member mean you’re mentally ill? Does being gay mean you’re mentally ill?

Or is there something in Native Americans’ American service members’ and gays’ lives which cause more stress resulting in increased likelihood of suicides?

Women account for one in four people living with HIV in the United States; African American women and Latinas are disproportionately affected at all stages of HIV infection.

Does that mean African American women and Latinas are disproportionately more mentally ill than Caucasian women?

“To date, there are no confirmed cases of female-to-female sexual transmission of HIV in the United States database (K. McDavid, CDC, oral communication, March 2005).”

Does this mean that lesbians are less mentally ill than heterosexual women?

Careful with confusing correlation with causation.

Better to strive to seek the true root causes of suicide and higher HIV infection rates; rather than being lazy brained and simply attributing it to “those people” are mentally ill.

Your error is a very good example of why I trust medical and psychological research professionals' empirically derived opinions more so than opinions of laymen who base their opinions upon mere assumption and possible prejudices.
If they aren't mentally ill why do they have such high suicide rates and such high HIV infection rates (male to female) due to risky behavior?

In the wake of several highly publicized suicides by gay teenagers, a new study finds that a negative social environment surrounding gay youth is associated with high rates of suicide attempts by lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth.

Native Americans die by suicide at higher rates than any other ethnic group in the United States (AAS USA Fact Sheet). Suicide rates are higher in tribes that reside in the Northern Plains, and this group also tends to have a lower sense of
social cohesion than tribes of the Southwest (Van Winkle & May, 1993).

Does this mean Native Americans are mentally ill?

Suicide rates in the US Military were at a record high in 2012 at 349.

Does that mean that our soldiers are more mentally ill than they were in 1982, 1992, or 2002?

Does being a Native American mean you’re mentally ill? Does being an American service member mean you’re mentally ill? Does being gay mean you’re mentally ill?

Or is there something in Native Americans’ American service members’ and gays’ lives which cause more stress resulting in increased likelihood of suicides?

Women account for one in four people living with HIV in the United States; African American women and Latinas are disproportionately affected at all stages of HIV infection.

Does that mean African American women and Latinas are disproportionately more mentally ill than Caucasian women?

“To date, there are no confirmed cases of female-to-female sexual transmission of HIV in the United States database (K. McDavid, CDC, oral communication, March 2005).”

Does this mean that lesbians are less mentally ill than heterosexual women?

Careful with confusing correlation with causation.

Better to strive to seek the true root causes of suicide and higher HIV infection rates; rather than being lazy brained and simply attributing it to “those people” are mentally ill.

Your error is a very good example of why I trust medical and psychological research professionals' empirically derived opinions more so than opinions of laymen who base their opinions upon mere assumption and possible prejudices.

Good post! :thup:
Where does it say he/she has both male and female organs?

It doesn't; i was simply rebutting the claim made that: "There is no in between.". he did not say "the kid is not an in between." he said "There is no in between."

The fact is there is an in-between. Whether this kid's one of them in-between's is irrelevent to the fact there are indeed in-betweens.

simple really. :D

Then there are no blurred lines here, we are what we are, not what we think we are, or what we will be in the future.
'Zactly; and if a person is intersexed, then they are what they are, neither fully male nor fully female...but in between.

A King is a male assignment and a Queen is a female assignment. One no better than the other, they just are.

Yep, and since it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things whether a girl wants to be homecoming king and a boy wants to be homecoming queen, then why should we fuss and fret over it? Better to fuss and fret over the debt, or war, or disease, or crime.

And that's really what's simple.
Mmm hmmm, we should fuss and fret over problems that really matter. goddess knows there's enough of 'em out there without having to add more.

Quite simple.

It is simple biology. Males have a penis and testicles. Women have vaginas and ovaries.
There is no in between.

That would be a false statement on your part.
Unless you are referring to hermaphroditism and other birth defects you are wrong and asking other people to deny reality so liberals can have a feel good moment.

So what is your solution for a child born with a penis but who has a womb and ovaries? Are they male or female?
It's political correctness. Why would the give medically unnecessary drugs and medically unnecessary surgeries? If they did that with bulemics they would get jailed.

Lots of people have surgery that is not necessary - would you like to outlaw cosmetic surgery?

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