Lookin for an UNBIASED media outlet!

Any talk radio host........they only tell the absolute truth.....no spin......they are looking out for my best interests. :eusa_liar:

Yes, talk show hosts and government, I trust them all because I know they will do the best they can for me and you without thinking of themselves. Selfless devotion to those who they serve. :lol::lol:

that list is totally laughable
I'll hazard a guess and say that you've never actually read anything from Al Jazeera or Haaretz.
yes, i have
and those sources are FAR from unbiased

Both offer substantive and insightful coverage of international news. Haaretz, as I said, has a progressive Israeli bias. Al Jazeera's bias is certainly less prominent than that of almost any other major news network.
Every once in a while I briefly watch Fox or CNN, but I can only watch for a few minutes before I'm disgusted. Most of the time I check out various online sites, magazines, and occasionally public TV is pretty good if it doesn't put me to sleep. I have a couple hours most nights before bed where I like to fill my head with thoughts, facts, ideas, and even crazy propaganda. (methinks I can filter the BS out.)

Where do you get your info from? Does anybody have any direct links to sites that you would like to share that ARE NOT BIASED? I'm not sure that's even possibly, maybe I should rephrase to "FACTUAL" sites. Let's see em'!!!!!!

I watch all of them, including many foreign outlets, but the news segments only. Every outlet has some bias to it with specific ones being much more biased than others. BBC World News and BBC America make a very concerted effort to present the news in as unbiased a manner as possible. Fox News, not the analysis & talk show segments, while having a somewhat conservative bent is not as bad as CNN or MSNBCs' liberal tilt. Al Jazeera does have some excellent reporting, just filter out the strong pro Arab position they obviously take in some of their coverage.
Every once in a while I briefly watch Fox or CNN, but I can only watch for a few minutes before I'm disgusted. Most of the time I check out various online sites, magazines, and occasionally public TV is pretty good if it doesn't put me to sleep. I have a couple hours most nights before bed where I like to fill my head with thoughts, facts, ideas, and even crazy propaganda. (methinks I can filter the BS out.)

Where do you get your info from? Does anybody have any direct links to sites that you would like to share that ARE NOT BIASED? I'm not sure that's even possibly, maybe I should rephrase to "FACTUAL" sites. Let's see em'!!!!!!

I watch all of them, including many foreign outlets, but the news segments only. Every outlet has some bias to it with specific ones being much more biased than others. BBC World News and BBC America make a very concerted effort to present the news in as unbiased a manner as possible. Fox News, not the analysis & talk show segments, while having a somewhat conservative bent is not as bad as CNN or MSNBCs' liberal tilt. Al Jazeera does have some excellent reporting, just filter out the strong pro Arab position they obviously take in some of their coverage.

You are kidding? There are NO news programs on FOX that are not emitting a hate Obama underlying message. Even when they try to do straight news, they always tilt it to the far right.

Headline News usually gives only the Headlines. The commentary portions of their broadcasts are garbage and sensationized.
No such thing. Here are the sources I use for international news:

Al Jazeera English - AJE
The Associated Press | The essential global news network
Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel, Israeli News Source

The AP and Al Jazeera are fairly unbiased, Haaretz has a progressive lean.

al jazeera....fair an balanced.......:lol:

Read their articles and decide for yourself. :eusa_whistle:

i have....as well as watched their news casts ..... they are are about as fair and balanced as cnn ... msnbc or fox....
al jazeera....fair an balanced.......:lol:

Read their articles and decide for yourself. :eusa_whistle:

i have....as well as watched their news casts ..... they are are about as fair and balanced as cnn ... msnbc or fox....

I have yet to find a news outlet that even comes close to those three in terms of bias and sensationalist misrepresentation of facts. I read and watch AJ on a daily basis; I watch the others on TV as well. It's as if you're comparing the Wall Street Journal or the Washington Post to the National Enquirer.
PBR and PBS! :)

Also C-Span, C-Span 2 and C-Span 3, which try to cover the more important congressional committee hearings. If you don't have time to read political books, C-Span 2's "book review" on Saturdays and Sundays is wonderful. A great mix of opinions, ideologies, biographies, history, etc. I'm never bored listening to the authors explain their writings and answering questions from their audience.
I'm not really asking for the impossible. EVERYONE gets info from somewhere. Some people get it second hand from the guy standing next to him at the coffee machine who heard it from his buddy's friend. Some people the internet, some people government websites, some people talk radio. The Al Jazeera site had some interesting info. I'm not saying it's 100% true in every word, but I will take bits and pieces on info from that site and digest it.

Just asking where people get there info from, that's all. If there's no input, then I'm guessing people are just making it up in there own head. :cuckoo:

The best unbiased magazine is THE WEEK, which does a brief synopsis of the previous week's news highlights covering everything from politics to global events to Hollywood gossip. If you see something that piques your interest, you can then go to the publication which THE WEEK has sourced and read more on it.

There's hardly anything that doesn't carry some sort of bias these days, however. The secret is knowing that, and when something doesn't pass the smell test for you, seek out other articles on it and find the original source. You can then determine what has been omitted, embellished or made up all for the purpose of justifying a certain point of view.
I do agree with you, no news is completely 100% unbiased. Information comes from all avenues, I'll admit I read some pretty stupid websites. Everyday. I try to take it all with a grain of salt. I'm just bored of the same 15 sites I visit on a daily basis, just wanting to get a different perspective of our nation and our world.

And I'm not trying to call you out Divecon, but since your bashing Kalams sites, where do you get your info from?

The Daily Beast does a decent job, while left-leaning, doesn't intentionally omit questionable activities or bad behavior by dems. They also post columns by conservatives.

The Daily Beast
The New York Times and MSNBC

100% unbiased journalism

there is sarcasm somewhere in my post....who can find it?

There's nothing wrong with reading publications or watching news channels that you KNOW lean one way or the other. It's the ones that try to pretend they don't that you need to watch out for. Some disguise their bias with their titles. "American Thinker" comes to mind. There is no "thought" in that publication that is anything but far far far to the right of center. Same thing with "The Nation" which is strictly a liberal magazine.
Every once in a while I briefly watch Fox or CNN, but I can only watch for a few minutes before I'm disgusted. Most of the time I check out various online sites, magazines, and occasionally public TV is pretty good if it doesn't put me to sleep. I have a couple hours most nights before bed where I like to fill my head with thoughts, facts, ideas, and even crazy propaganda. (methinks I can filter the BS out.)

Where do you get your info from? Does anybody have any direct links to sites that you would like to share that ARE NOT BIASED? I'm not sure that's even possibly, maybe I should rephrase to "FACTUAL" sites. Let's see em'!!!!!!

I watch all of them, including many foreign outlets, but the news segments only. Every outlet has some bias to it with specific ones being much more biased than others. BBC World News and BBC America make a very concerted effort to present the news in as unbiased a manner as possible. Fox News, not the analysis & talk show segments, while having a somewhat conservative bent is not as bad as CNN or MSNBCs' liberal tilt. Al Jazeera does have some excellent reporting, just filter out the strong pro Arab position they obviously take in some of their coverage.


CNN's panel discussions are the least biased of any cable news show. There is a brilliant mix of right- and left-wing opinion pundits discussing among them the issues du jour. I have never found that CNN stacked the deck with liberals and I've been watching it since Ted Turner first turned on the switch. Even the curmudgeon Jack Cafferty gets just as pissed off at this Democratic administration as he did during Republican administrations.

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