Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus

You're the dumbass who said we should listen to Fauci and then said we shouldn't when he pointed out that Trump wasn't responsible for the delay in test kits.

Trump is not responsible for the delay in test kits, but he lacked the foresight to get out ahead of this. Both SK and the US had their first case at the same time. In Jan the leader of SK got together with the leaders of the companies that could help and told them the country needed text kits developed and mass produced...and they did it.

Trump got together with such companies in March. He lacked the wisdom and foresight to prepare the nation.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have a local chapter of the Klan here. The closest thing we have to that would be the DNC convention that's going to be in Milwaukee this Summer.

Oh, the Klan is bad now?

Having never met any Klanners, I can't tell you if they're bad, good, or otherwise.

How many of them do you know personally?
President Trump is going to come out of this like a war time President in victory.

We may need to amend the Constitution to allow him to serve our four full terms like FDR.

Yes, like war time president GH Bush.
You have to have faith. Watch the massive bounce in the markets after the Wuhan Virus subsides.

I'm predicting it'll go over 30,000.

What are you willing to bet on that?

And what time frame? I am sure sometime in the next decade it will go over 30,000

That depends solely on whether Trump is reelected. I don't see a strong market under Biden.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have a local chapter of the Klan here. The closest thing we have to that would be the DNC convention that's going to be in Milwaukee this Summer.

Oh, the Klan is bad now?

Having never met any Klanners, I can't tell you if they're bad, good, or otherwise.

How many of them do you know personally?

Cute dodge, can't stand the heat?
Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have a local chapter of the Klan here. The closest thing we have to that would be the DNC convention that's going to be in Milwaukee this Summer.

Oh, the Klan is bad now?

Having never met any Klanners, I can't tell you if they're bad, good, or otherwise.

How many of them do you know personally?

Cute dodge, can't stand the heat?

Nope. I just refuse to play your stupid little game, child.
You have to have faith. Watch the massive bounce in the markets after the Wuhan Virus subsides.

I'm predicting it'll go over 30,000.

What are you willing to bet on that?

And what time frame? I am sure sometime in the next decade it will go over 30,000

That depends solely on whether Trump is reelected. I don't see a strong market under Biden.
Wealth that is worth "x" yesterday because concentrated capital was in one mood, but is worth "y" today because concentrated wealth is in another mood is fictitious wealth and economic security. As we see.
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

The majority of Americans did not take that poll. Trump is failing miserably and his handling of this situation is going to cost him re election. Among other things. He has been a consistent headache for the majority of Americans for 4 years. That's why his approval ratings have never hit 50 percent no matter how much he bragged about the economy. Enjoy what time he has left.

The majority of Americans don't take any poll, you moron.
Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have a local chapter of the Klan here. The closest thing we have to that would be the DNC convention that's going to be in Milwaukee this Summer.

Oh, the Klan is bad now?

Having never met any Klanners, I can't tell you if they're bad, good, or otherwise.

How many of them do you know personally?

Cute dodge, can't stand the heat?

Nope. I just refuse to play your stupid little game, child.
Isn't that just your face saving way of saying the same thing?
TDS conspiracy theory.


On Feb 26th Trump said this...“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done"

On the 27th he said this...“It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

On the 27th a Senator from NC told his donors this..."There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history. It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic." And warned them that schools would likely close and not to travel.

Trump had the same information this guy did.
You have to have faith. Watch the massive bounce in the markets after the Wuhan Virus subsides.

I'm predicting it'll go over 30,000.

What are you willing to bet on that?

And what time frame? I am sure sometime in the next decade it will go over 30,000

That depends solely on whether Trump is reelected. I don't see a strong market under Biden.
Wealth that is worth "x" yesterday because concentrated capital was in one mood, but is worth "y" today because concentrated wealth is in another mood is fictitious wealth and economic security. As we see.
You theory that there is some objective standard of wealth only shows why socialism always fails.
Lets see ,,,cruise lines, Airlines, Hotels getting bailed out All helping Tump properties
did you hear there is a bad virus going around the globe? And you think Trump is doing all that for the airlines, hotels and cruise lines? That has to be the stupidest comment on this board. You should get an award!
Any awards given out belong to you and the supporters of this dumb ass you put in the WH the dumb ass who ignored scientists and allowed this virus to spread more than it could have Congrats Wonder what loud mouths like you said when Obama was bailing out America?
You cry about Trump's response...........then bring up Obama, who let 18,000 Americans die of H1N1 with his feckless response.
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

The majority of Americans did not take that poll. Trump is failing miserably and his handling of this situation is going to cost him re election. Among other things. He has been a consistent headache for the majority of Americans for 4 years. That's why his approval ratings have never hit 50 percent no matter how much he bragged about the economy. Enjoy what time he has left.

The majority of Americans don't take any poll, you moron.

The accuracy of any poll is a result of said poll's "findings" for the vast majority of americans as we've all seen.
Lets see ,,,cruise lines, Airlines, Hotels getting bailed out All helping Tump properties
did you hear there is a bad virus going around the globe? And you think Trump is doing all that for the airlines, hotels and cruise lines? That has to be the stupidest comment on this board. You should get an award!
Any awards given out belong to you and the supporters of this dumb ass you put in the WH the dumb ass who ignored scientists and allowed this virus to spread more than it could have Congrats Wonder what loud mouths like you said when Obama was bailing out America?
You cry about Trump's response...........then bring up Obama, who let 18,000 Americans die of H1N1 with his feckless response.
Plenty of time for Don to get to numbers you'll be impressed with, we shall see.
Obama was prepared His officials walked Trump officials through what can happen if pandemic struck Do you think the Obama hater acted ?? Or did he ignore and go by his hunches? The pandemic group was disbanded by idiot, severely diminished,,Thanks once again repubs for the worst ever POS to come down the highway

We're out of tissues but my wife can give you a tampon.
miketx approve of this???
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Friday issued an impassioned plea for news networks to stop broadcasting President Donald Trump’s daily press briefings about the coronavirus pandemic on live TV, warning they are “going to cost lives.”

Maddow, in a lengthy monologue, noted how Trump has repeatedly used the conferences to spread misinformation and promote developments that he knows Americans would love to hear but actually are not true.

“There may be other people in the federal government saying things that are true, but these daily briefings from the White House are a litany of things from the president that would be awesome if they were true, if they were happening, but they’re not. And so the sooner we come to terms with that, I think the better for all of us,” she said.

“If it were up to me, and it’s not, I would stop putting those briefings on live TV. Not out of spite, but because it’s misinformation,” Maddow explained.

“If the president does end up saying anything true, you can run it as tape. But if he keeps lying like he has been every day on stuff this important, we should, all of us should stop broadcasting it.
The Queen of bullshit, lies, and disinformation is complaining about Trump? Amazing.:iyfyus.jpg:
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.

AMEN to that!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
TDS conspiracy theory.


On Feb 26th Trump said this...“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done"

On the 27th he said this...“It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

On the 27th a Senator from NC told his donors this..."There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history. It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic." And warned them that schools would likely close and not to travel.

Trump had the same information this guy did.
Well yes, but those are special people, not we the people.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.

AMEN to that!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Amen to aristocratic child sex trafficking ring clientele.
Obama was prepared His officials walked Trump officials through what can happen if pandemic struck Do you think the Obama hater acted ?? Or did he ignore and go by his hunches? The pandemic group was disbanded by idiot, severely diminished,,Thanks once again repubs for the worst ever POS to come down the highway

We're out of tissues but my wife can give you a tampon.
miketx approve of this???
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Friday issued an impassioned plea for news networks to stop broadcasting President Donald Trump’s daily press briefings about the coronavirus pandemic on live TV, warning they are “going to cost lives.”

Maddow, in a lengthy monologue, noted how Trump has repeatedly used the conferences to spread misinformation and promote developments that he knows Americans would love to hear but actually are not true.

“There may be other people in the federal government saying things that are true, but these daily briefings from the White House are a litany of things from the president that would be awesome if they were true, if they were happening, but they’re not. And so the sooner we come to terms with that, I think the better for all of us,” she said.

“If it were up to me, and it’s not, I would stop putting those briefings on live TV. Not out of spite, but because it’s misinformation,” Maddow explained.

“If the president does end up saying anything true, you can run it as tape. But if he keeps lying like he has been every day on stuff this important, we should, all of us should stop broadcasting it.
The Queen of bullshit, lies, and disinformation is complaining about Trump? Amazing.:iyfyus.jpg:
nothing to complain about trump ,,,just walk on by nostra He's not a fn imbecile no not him You trust him you have to be one ignorant idiot
The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and

Are you intelligent and or curious enough to ask yourself why the polls reflect a dramatic 11 point turnaround on TrumpO’s handling of the crisis,

Last week it was only TrumpO’s solid cult followers at 43 percent who thought he was doing a good job.

The crisis didn’t start a week ago.

What changed?

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