Looks As if Fani Willis and Nathan Wade Will Face an Evidentiary Hearing

How often do mentally well off people imagine themselves to be internet psychiatrists? :lmao:
I have experience helping a family member that was afflicted…I never said I was a psychiatrist…That’s you way of trying to shut my speech down…
"A mark"?
OK, Flops, you be you.
But such behavior, some of it admitted, some of it proven in a court of law and affirmed by the court. Well, amigo, that sexual-predatory behavior is more than a mere 'mark'. But, again......you be you.
If you are OK with the females in your family.....or your 'special ed' students being subject to that kind of "mark" by that kind of predator, that says as much about your sincerity and your sense of responsibility as it does about that predator.

Oh, I don't know much about those girls keeping out of reach. However, in my own case, granddaughters are my friends. And I theirs. We be cool. And I be fortunate.
Hope you can aspire to the same.

Yup, "alleged pedophilia".
Here's the gig, poster Flops (and frankly I'm surprised as a teacher working with special ed student you are not more aware of or alert to 'allegations'). Anyway, YOU....are seemingly asserting that the RWNJ Chatroom claims of pedophilia by Joe Biden are only 'allegations'.

If you think they are real, and as an educator, whadahell are you gonna do about it? Whining and complaining and bitching about it ---anonymously ---on a social media platform ain't what I would call responsible adult, responsible citizen behavior.
If you sincerely believe these RWNJ 'allegations' have a provable basis in fact, as you seemingly do -- well, Skippy, saddle up and go see a local prosecutor.
To not do that, says an awful lot about your character, your sincerity, your effectiveness as a responsible citizen.

And what it says ain't admirable.



?????? Are you asserting that your real-world name is 'Seymour Flops'?
If so, I'm curious. Howja come by that name? Father or mother originate it? And old family name?

Well, I can't speak much about "Democratic Party", as I ain't an official member (tho I pay dues in Sarasota to 'em, so my bride and I can go to their interesting luncheons. BTW, she pays Republican dues down here so we can go to GOP luncheons. Up north, we flip it. I pay GOP dues; she pays Dem dues. PS.....luncheons are higher quality in Sarasota than they are up north.)

But I digress. More importantly, is poster Flops hyperventilating over his perception of 'hypocrisy' over a stained dress 30years ago?

Flops, let it go. Life moves on. Living in the past ain't healthy. As a Special Education educator you should be totally aware of that.
I'm surprised you seemingly are not.

Good luck.
That’s a whole lot of cognitive dissonance right there….
I have experience helping a family member that was afflicted…I never said I was a psychiatrist…That’s you way of trying to shut my speech down…
Now you seem to be imagining victimization. The only people in control of your speech here are yourself and the mods. When you said earlier that you had experience from helping a family member that sounds an awful lot like stories people tell about their "friends" that are really about them. You sure that isn't the case here? Do you need emotional assistance? :dunno:
Now you seem to be imagining victimization. The only people in control of your speech here are yourself and the mods. When you said earlier that you had experience from helping a family member that sounds an awful lot like stories people tell about their "friends" that are really about them. You sure that isn't the case here? Do you need emotional assistance? :dunno:
Hey, FU Buddy, I gave you a chance there to be a rational person, but it’s clear that you aren’t here for that. You and Trump are no different in that respect.
Hey, FU Buddy, I gave you a chance there to be a rational person, but it’s clear that you aren’t here for that. You and Trump are no different in that respect.
Imagining yourself capable of diagnosing mental illness isn't the makings of a rational argument, Bozo. :lmao:
Imagining yourself capable of diagnosing mental illness isn't the makings of a rational argument, Bozo. :lmao:
But you’ll sure back “350 mental health professionals say Trump is mentally ill” breaking the “Goldwater rule”, without ever meeting the man….

is Trump a narcissist? Probably. I don’t the you can run for the office without that trait to an extent…dumbass…
"A mark"?
OK, Flops, you be you.
But such behavior, some of it admitted, some of it proven in a court of law and affirmed by the court. Well, amigo, that sexual-predatory behavior is more than a mere 'mark'. But, again......you be you.
If you are OK with the females in your family.....or your 'special ed' students being subject to that kind of "mark" by that kind of predator, that says as much about your sincerity and your sense of responsibility as it does about that predator.

Oh, I don't know much about those girls keeping out of reach. However, in my own case, granddaughters are my friends. And I theirs. We be cool. And I be fortunate.
Hope you can aspire to the same.

Yup, "alleged pedophilia".
Here's the gig, poster Flops (and frankly I'm surprised as a teacher working with special ed student you are not more aware of or alert to 'allegations'). Anyway, YOU....are seemingly asserting that the RWNJ Chatroom claims of pedophilia by Joe Biden are only 'allegations'.

If you think they are real, and as an educator, whadahell are you gonna do about it? Whining and complaining and bitching about it ---anonymously ---on a social media platform ain't what I would call responsible adult, responsible citizen behavior.
If you sincerely believe these RWNJ 'allegations' have a provable basis in fact, as you seemingly do -- well, Skippy, saddle up and go see a local prosecutor.
To not do that, says an awful lot about your character, your sincerity, your effectiveness as a responsible citizen.

And what it says ain't admirable.



?????? Are you asserting that your real-world name is 'Seymour Flops'?
If so, I'm curious. Howja come by that name? Father or mother originate it? And old family name?

Well, I can't speak much about "Democratic Party", as I ain't an official member (tho I pay dues in Sarasota to 'em, so my bride and I can go to their interesting luncheons. BTW, she pays Republican dues down here so we can go to GOP luncheons. Up north, we flip it. I pay GOP dues; she pays Dem dues. PS.....luncheons are higher quality in Sarasota than they are up north.)

But I digress. More importantly, is poster Flops hyperventilating over his perception of 'hypocrisy' over a stained dress 30years ago?

Flops, let it go. Life moves on. Living in the past ain't healthy. As a Special Education educator you should be totally aware of that.
I'm surprised you seemingly are not.

Good luck.
Yes, Creepy Joe is very friendly with his granddaughters, also.


It is miscaptionef because the girl is 18 or 19, not 15.

But that’s his granddaughter.

I guess Hunter’s gen Biden’s just tell their kids, “ do what grandpa wants, he’s The Big Guy.”
But you’ll sure back “350 mental health professionals say Trump is mentally ill” breaking the “Goldwater rule”, without ever meeting the man….
When have I ever done that? It seems as if you imagine quite a bit. Can you post a reply that doesn't include fantasy and make believe? :dunno:
is Trump a narcissist? Probably. I don’t the you can run for the office without that trait to an extent…dumbass…
See, you're the one still trying to give internet diagnosis, not me. Do you often confuse your actions for the actions of others? :dunno:
Yes, Creepy Joe is very friendly with his granddaughters, also.

And note how offended those grandmotherly-types witnessing it in the background are.


Good poster Flops....you are trying too hard here.
Your partisan RWFringie slip.....is showing.

And note how offended those grandmotherly-types witnessing it in the background are.

No, they kept their mouths shut like good little Democrats.

When Donald Trump was inappropriate with women – always grown women – the people in his entourage would also not show that they were offended. Is that really your standard? Please answer that question, you always seem to forget to answer your questions.
Good poster Flops....you are trying too hard here.
Your partisan RWFringie slip.....is showing.

So, who are you? What other poster I mean? Just curious, I don’t get mad at puppeteers. Clearly they have a little else to do with their lives.
No, they kept their mouths shut like good little Democrats.

When Donald Trump was inappropriate with women – always grown women – the people in his entourage would also not show that they were offended. Is that really your standard? Please answer that question, you always seem to forget to answer your questions.

So, who are you? What other poster I mean? Just curious, I don’t get mad at puppeteers. Clearly they have a little else to do with their lives.
The standard is to actually have a victim. You imagining one while forgiving Trump his sexual assault is quite telling of where you MAGAts are at in life.
Wouldn’t know retard. Continue your meltdown as Willis gets removed and another case goes up in flames.
I watched 90% of that hearing, dope. They have nothing on Willis, who testified for hours. Where was your guy when it was his turn to testify, Trump fanboi?

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