Looks like Blacks just lost any sympathy they've had the last few days and maybe into the future

no...you guys are sad today because it isn't a Tea Party/Trump supporter/Republican/christian who was eating Chic Fil A as he was shooting....

Uh, Dick Tiny, I'm not seeing what your complaint is. You tell us every day that we need guns to fight government oppression, unlike those people in Nazi Germany (who actually had guns and happily went along with everything Hitler did.)


Why aren't you dancing in the end zone that the Second Amendment is doing what it was intended to do?

Because twit...as a lefty you lack understanding of our Constitutional system.....there are more than enough avenues to redress grievances against the government right now.....these morons decided to use violence instead of peaceful means they have available to them.......and broke the law....

You morons don't understand that giving away our guns today, because our country is a good place to live right now, is foolish and selfish.....when there comes a time when there is no way to peacefully redress grievances, where the government has actually turned on the citizens as you see in Mexico right now....then we will need firearms of all kinds....
Please reference where any mainline Tea Party group or person has advocated shooting police in cold blood.

Fuck you. You gun nutters are ALL the time saying how you NEED these assault style weapons to fight the hated government.

These idiots in Texas showed you how its done. Now you want to complain about them shooting those hated government representatives.

Fucking hypocrites.

Wrong...you lefties are so stupid....you should never be allowed to govern anything.....the 2nd Amendment is the fire extinguisher of freedom.....the country still has functioning ways to redress grievances peacefully, and the government is not actively murdering citizens....not even police.....

These guys are typical democrats, ruled by emotions, demanding immediate attention to their unreasonable demands......and they broke the law.

The 2nd Amendment is for the time when the redress of grievances against the government do not exist...and when the government turns on the people with armed force...as you see in Mexico right now...

You twits want to surrender our guns now.....because we live in peaceful times......because you are foolish and don't think beyond today........we need to preserve the right to bear arms for a time when our descendants may face an actually hostile government....giving guns away because we are lucky to live today is wrong....they may need the guns you morons want to casually give away...
Kind of like if it was a bunch of KKK idiots trying to start up helter skelter, your pants would be around your ankles and you would be wanking it furiously.

So how about we wait until we find out who these guys were and why they did it?

Frankly, I don't care. It just shows we have too many guns out there in the hands of the wrong people.

Wrong...we have 357,000,000 guns in private hands......in 2014, less than 8,124 were used to commit murder, and of those, 90% of the murderers were convicted felons who could not legally buy, own or carry the guns they used.....

And 1,500,000 times a year, AMericans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives....

So......357,000,000 to less than 8,124

You are wrong...you have always been wrong and you refuse to educate yourself....
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, ismissed that likely gone now.
Considering the snipers where white, we'll live!!
I missed that.
Must be a slow news day.
The Obama administration bears responsibility for encouraging the BLM thugs and Jesse Jackson isn't going to get away with blaming Donald Trump.
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.
Considering the snipers where white, we'll live!!
Haha, your racism made you look stupid. You were dumb enough to think they were white? Are you fucking retarded? :laugh:
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.
Considering the snipers where white, we'll live!!

Looks kinda black to me.

You have had some bad posts, but this is probably one of your worst. Please reference where any mainline Tea Party group or person has advocated shooting police in cold blood.

I would seriously consider deleting this post if you want to maintain even the shred of minimal respect you get on this board.

What a minute. Don't you gun nuts say ALL THE TIME that the main reason why you need guns is to fight an oppressive government?

This is what that looks like when someone actually does it.
You have had some bad posts, but this is probably one of your worst. Please reference where any mainline Tea Party group or person has advocated shooting police in cold blood.

I would seriously consider deleting this post if you want to maintain even the shred of minimal respect you get on this board.

What a minute. Don't you gun nuts say ALL THE TIME that the main reason why you need guns is to fight an oppressive government?

This is what that looks like when someone actually does it.

Actually one of the reasons is so you DON'T have to fight an oppressive government.

That and the right to be able to defend yourself effectively from those who have no respect for the law.
Again, where does the TP ever say to shoot cops out in the open, in cold blood? The people in the TP who believe in resisting government force have never really defined what it would look like, because the hope has always been that an armed populace would DETER blatant government overreach before armed conflict becomes necessary. To compare it to global situation, the basing of US troops in Europe during the cold war wasn't to fight WWIII, it was to PREVENT WWIII.

The 2nd amendment has the same reason, but on a national and local scale, to PREVENT government from becoming oppressive. In both cases, if actual violence were to occur both concepts would have been failures.

BUt you see, WWIII would have had a pretty clear definition.

"Help, help, I'm being oppressed by the government" is a little more subjective.

I'm sure Johnson thought he was being oppressed. We are going to find out in the next few days how deep his crazy went.
Again, where does the TP ever say to shoot cops out in the open, in cold blood? The people in the TP who believe in resisting government force have never really defined what it would look like, because the hope has always been that an armed populace would DETER blatant government overreach before armed conflict becomes necessary. To compare it to global situation, the basing of US troops in Europe during the cold war wasn't to fight WWIII, it was to PREVENT WWIII.

The 2nd amendment has the same reason, but on a national and local scale, to PREVENT government from becoming oppressive. In both cases, if actual violence were to occur both concepts would have been failures.

BUt you see, WWIII would have had a pretty clear definition.

"Help, help, I'm being oppressed by the government" is a little more subjective.

I'm sure Johnson thought he was being oppressed. We are going to find out in the next few days how deep his crazy went.

your statement does nothing to contradict my comparison.
Actually one of the reasons is so you DON'T have to fight an oppressive government.

That and the right to be able to defend yourself effectively from those who have no respect for the law.

Except neither of those things happened here. None of your "Good guys with guns" in an open carry state showed up to fight the guy.

Come on, guy, this is a happy Second Amendment Moment, just like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted.
Actually one of the reasons is so you DON'T have to fight an oppressive government.

That and the right to be able to defend yourself effectively from those who have no respect for the law.

Except neither of those things happened here. None of your "Good guys with guns" in an open carry state showed up to fight the guy.

Come on, guy, this is a happy Second Amendment Moment, just like the Founding Slave Rapists wanted.

What does this have to do with CCW/open carry? The guy targeted police officers, people who were openly armed.

and go fuck yourself on your last statement.
Your side has done more than it's fair share to devolve the discourse in this Country. How soon you forget the Bush years, the constant personal attacks on people like Palin, Cruz, and even moderates like Christie. and then we go to the special snowflake brigade, that doesn't even want to hear any opinions that deviate from their accepted view of reality.

You mean people who were criticized on the basis of ACTUAL ISSUES?
What does this have to do with CCW/open carry? The guy targeted police officers, people who were openly armed.

and go fuck yourself on your last statement.

But you need to own it, dude. What did you think fighting the government would actually look like.

Actually, what CCW/Open Carry did was make the cops more panicky, like the guy who was carrying a gun int he demonstration who was erroneously identified as one of the shooters.
Your side has done more than it's fair share to devolve the discourse in this Country. How soon you forget the Bush years, the constant personal attacks on people like Palin, Cruz, and even moderates like Christie. and then we go to the special snowflake brigade, that doesn't even want to hear any opinions that deviate from their accepted view of reality.

You mean people who were criticized on the basis of ACTUAL ISSUES?

Yes, the "issue" of disagreeing with idiots like you, and thus must be silenced and ridiculed.

Issues.... you really are a fucking hack.
What does this have to do with CCW/open carry? The guy targeted police officers, people who were openly armed.

and go fuck yourself on your last statement.

But you need to own it, dude. What did you think fighting the government would actually look like.

Actually, what CCW/Open Carry did was make the cops more panicky, like the guy who was carrying a gun int he demonstration who was erroneously identified as one of the shooters.

This one shooter all by himself has done more harm to the black community than any police shooting of a black man could ever do.
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.

Keep dividing our country you racist fuck.

We see you.

We will flush turds like you down the toilet.

Buh-bye, donald.
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.

Keep dividing our country you racist fuck.

We see you.

We will flush turds like you down the toilet.

Buh-bye, donald.


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