Looks like Blacks just lost any sympathy they've had the last few days and maybe into the future

Because twit...as a lefty you lack understanding of our Constitutional system.....there are more than enough avenues to redress grievances against the government right now.....these morons decided to use violence instead of peaceful means they have available to them.......and broke the law....

If Johnson weren't at room temperature right now, he could argue that all the peaceful methods were tried, and you still have black folks getting gunned down in the street. (It's starting to look like just the one guy now.) So when does it become "okay" to start shooting the government?

You see the logical trap you set for yourself with the "We needs guns to fights the gummit" theory?

These guys are typical democrats, ruled by emotions, demanding immediate attention to their unreasonable demands......and they broke the law.

I have this picture of George III saying the same thing about your beloved Founding Slave Rapists.

The 2nd Amendment is for the time when the redress of grievances against the government do not exist...and when the government turns on the people with armed force...as you see in Mexico right now...

Mexico has a Second Amendment, just like ours. How's that working out for them?

Oh, that's right. The people are more terrified of the armed gangs than they are of the Government.

You twits want to surrender our guns now.....because we live in peaceful times......because you are foolish and don't think beyond today........we need to preserve the right to bear arms for a time when our descendants may face an actually hostile government....giving guns away because we are lucky to live today is wrong....they may need the guns you morons want to casually give away...

I want to give up guns because your fetish is costing 33,000 lives a year. Right Now. Not in some distant future when the government migh be oppressive.
Yes, the "issue" of disagreeing with idiots like you, and thus must be silenced and ridiculed.

Issues.... you really are a fucking hack.

Yes, Palin looked pretty fucking ridiculous when she didn''t even have a basic grasp on issues. How mean that people pointed that out.

She was Governor of a State, probably beats out any accomplishment you ever had.
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.

What fucking legitimate sympathy was there in the first place in any of the shootings of unarmed black men going back to Trayvon Martin and beyond?
Give me a fucking break. What total bullshit. If you didn't see revenge coming then you're deaf as well as blind and someone needs to burst your right wing bubble.

This one shooter all by himself has done more harm to the black community than any police shooting of a black man could ever do.

Right. That's your half-assed shit-for-brains opinion. Policeman's unions have gotten these cop thugs out of any indictments, convictions and grand juries time and time again, even with first-hand video.

Don't be surprised if there are copy cat shootings by other blacks. Human nature has always shown that pent up emotions of a crowd can be released into a fury by the actions of one.
She was Governor of a State, probably beats out any accomplishment you ever had.

YOu mean she was the useful tools of the oil companies that despoil Alaska?

Pay me enough money, I'll whore myself out too... but I'll actually bother to research issues before I let people ask me questions.

I'm surprised you didn't add a screed about the plutocracy into your rant.
I tend to agree. They were protesting the deaths of two and it appears that BLM just killed five cops and wounded eleven more.

I think any sympathy for their cause just took a dump out the window.
BLM didn't do it. A poster here said that according to radio reports the shooter was ex-military, a recluse, living with his mother. He was all stewed up and hated whitey and hated cops -- no doubt stirred by all the protest language, yes, same as that guy living in the camper who shot up a Planned Parenthood had been inspired by the pro-life rhetoric. Doesn't mean the Pro-Life crowd rushed to crown him as one of their own.
Disturbed people watch tv and read websites just like the rest of us and feed on the drama. As a man intent on shooting cops, what better opportunity than a protest downtown where he could snipe away at a large number of cops congregated together like sitting ducks? Perfect.
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.

Thats funny...

If it were me I wouldn't want him near the place. The moment he shows up is the moment a division will now appear and be highlighted. For millions of us, any sympathy we had for the victim and the family will now go out the window once this fuck takes center stage.

There are few people in this country that are more divisive than Al Sharpton.

Thats your post from 2014. Now you are telling us that THIS situation makes you lose sympathy? You just dont have it to begin with. Here is the thread

I spoke too soon. America's favorite ambulance chaser heads to Ferguson Missouri

OP "loses sympathy" everytime with an entire group of people. Since 2014. This is his newest excuse
She was Governor of a State, probably beats out any accomplishment you ever had.

YOu mean she was the useful tools of the oil companies that despoil Alaska?

Pay me enough money, I'll whore myself out too... but I'll actually bother to research issues before I let people ask me questions.

Brother are you funny.

She made the oil companies shit or get off the pot and earned every resident of Alaska a big pay day.

She was a damned good Gov. for that State and she would make a better POTUS than Hitlery ever will.

Carry on sheep. LOL
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.

I don't see how one excludes the other.

There is no excuse for the murder of these 5 Dallas officers.

But yes I do see how there will be those who will use the tragedy of the murders of the Dallas cops to diminish concern over the shooting deaths in Lousiana and Wisconsin.
It's beginning to look like a terrorist cell.

Are you suggesting this may have been an Islamic terror event totally separated from a police vs blacks issue ?

I am. And I could be totally wrong.
You also could be totally right.

With regard to the rising aggression of Muslim terrorist organizations, such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, the silence of law-enforcement organizations and the various Homeland Security agencies on the subject of the internal American Black Muslim Movement is deafening.

The roots of the American Black Muslim Movement took hold among the Black populations of the prison system in the early 1960s with the introduction and observance of the Islamic faith. In keeping with the claim that Islam is a religion of peace it's true that a percentage of American Blacks who adopted this faith adhere to its constructive principles there are others who adhere to the principles of certain breakaway groups which includes a virulent hatred of White people whom they regard as the devil.

While there are some Black Muslims in America whom I believe represent no threat to White society I am profoundly concerned with those who harbor deep hatred for and are religiously devoted to the destruction of the White race. This segment of the American population, many of whom appear to be ordinary citizens, are precisely aligned with the purpose of the most fanatical Islamic terror organizations.

These individuals live among us and because of their total familiarity to and with us are an invisible menace. This is why I urge White Americans who are naively opposed to firearm ownership to recognize what is best described as a serious emerging threat to arm themselves and to get some training in the use of their weapons.
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But yes I do see how there will be those who will use the tragedy of the murders of the Dallas cops to diminish concern over the shooting deaths in Lousiana and Wisconsin.

Like the OP who said he lost sympathy for blacks in 2014. I guess he knew this would happen so he preemptivley lost sympathy in preparation
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.

I don't see how one excludes the other.

There is no excuse for the murder of these 5 Dallas officers.

But yes I do see how there will be those who will use the tragedy of the murders of the Dallas cops to diminish concern over the shooting deaths in Lousiana and Wisconsin.

And the BLM movement in general.
This one shooter all by himself has done more harm to the black community than any police shooting of a black man could ever do.

Right. That's your half-assed shit-for-brains opinion. Policeman's unions have gotten these cop thugs out of any indictments, convictions and grand juries time and time again, even with first-hand video.

Don't be surprised if there are copy cat shootings by other blacks. Human nature has always shown that pent up emotions of a crowd can be released into a fury by the actions of one.

Yeah you'll be cheering them on too.
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.
Sonny Clark there you have it, a perfect example of a blanket statement..

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