Looks like Blacks just lost any sympathy they've had the last few days and maybe into the future

I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.
Sonny Clark there you have it, a perfect example of a blanket statement..
In my opinion, I think that's a very good example. The mention of "that black motorists are targeted to murder", is a blanket statement. Also, see where it says "The legitimate sympathy Americans have had", which is basically a blanket statement.
As I have said many times, especially during the past few days, blanket statements are used by many, even in the news by anchors and reporters. Blanket statements are common, and their usage is equally common. We all use them.

But, try to explain this to the airheads here in the FZ and see what kind of response you get. Something as simple as a blanket statement doesn't register with the geniuses here in the flame zone. They can't grasp the concept and intent.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, it's much appreciated.
Brother are you funny.

She made the oil companies shit or get off the pot and earned every resident of Alaska a big pay day.

She was a damned good Gov. for that State and she would make a better POTUS than Hitlery ever will.

Carry on sheep. LOL

If she was such a good governor, why was no one sad to see her go when she resigned LESS THAN HALFWAY THROUGH HER TERM?

She whored herself out to the oil companies until she found Roger Ailes paid better.
I'm sorry to broadbrush like this I truly am, but this is where we're at now. While I don't think you can make a LEGITIMATE case that black motorists are targeted to murder, these Dallas officers were.
The legitimate sympathy Americans have had with these last two police shootings, is likely gone now.

I don't see how one excludes the other.

There is no excuse for the murder of these 5 Dallas officers.

But yes I do see how there will be those who will use the tragedy of the murders of the Dallas cops to diminish concern over the shooting deaths in Lousiana and Wisconsin.

And the BLM movement in general.

It's clear to me now that BLM is a racist group that doesn't care at all about black lives. What they care about is getting whitey.
Have you ever seen BLM protest against black on black murders? No, you haven't.

I think you miss the point. If a black murders another black, (assuming the police do their jobs) the murderer is arrested, tried, sentenced and in some cases, executed.

If a white cop murders a black person, there's a whole system that springs up to his defense, often ignoring blatant evidence of wrong doing.
If a white cop murders a black person, there's a whole system that springs up to his defense, often ignoring blatant evidence of wrong doing.
Of course there is. Cops have to deal with thugs while the rest of us try to avoid them.
Have you ever seen BLM protest against black on black murders? No, you haven't.

I think you miss the point. If a black murders another black, (assuming the police do their jobs) the murderer is arrested, tried, sentenced and in some cases, executed.

If a white cop murders a black person, there's a whole system that springs up to his defense, often ignoring blatant evidence of wrong doing.

That's a misrepresentation of the issue because if a cop is found to be at fault in the line of duty, he is punished. The thing is blacks refuse to accept the findings of judges and juries. They refuse to accept responsibility for the thuggish and illegal activities of blacks who tangle with cops. If BLM really cared about black lives then they would be doing something about why there are so many black youths murdering black youths in the inner cities. But they don't because they have no interest in black lives. They want to get white cops.
I'm not saying cops are never at fault. Sometimes they are. But when a cop is exonerated of his actions, BLM and many blacks refuse to accept the ruling. They lie and make things up to support their claim of his guilt. This has happened repeatedly.
That's a misrepresentation of the issue because if a cop is found to be at fault in the line of duty, he is punished. The thing is blacks refuse to accept the findings of judges and juries. They refuse to accept responsibility for the thuggish and illegal activities of blacks who tangle with cops. If BLM really cared about black lives then they would be doing something about why there are so many black youths murdering black youths in the inner cities. But they don't because they have no interest in black lives. They want to get white cops.

The thing is, these cases never get to judges or juries. Usually, the DA's pull out all the stops to keep them from getting there. Or they cover up these things.

The thing is, now everyone has a cell phone, so it's harder to cover upthe misconduct.

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