Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Liberty Speaks co-blogger "Lady Liberty" contacted me earlier today with some interesting information. It would appear that the father of Bowe Bergdahl, the AWOL/deserter swapped for five bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, has been in communication with member(s) of Al Qaeda.

On Google Plus, Robert Bergdahl's contacts include one "Anissa bint Yusuf Zaid Ibn Youssef."


And for the Obama defenders, read the rest of the piece – WITH LINKS - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: WELL, THIS IS INTERESTING: Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda
Considering his tweets and Rose Garden performance I wouldn't be shocked
He was trying to have his son released before possibly being killed or beheaded. Any father would have done the same thing.

What the hell is up with this burning hatred for an American soldier and his entire family? It is disgusting.
If they were going to behead him alrdy would have happened. When you spit on people dont expect them to love it...
He was trying to have his son released before possibly being killed or beheaded. Any father would have done the same thing.

What the hell is up with this burning hatred for an American soldier and his entire family? It is disgusting.

Bergdahl was being held by the Taliban.
When your kids in danger, situational ethics takes on a whole new meaning.

I don't blame the father...he was doing what any parent that loves their son would do.

But our leaders have to look at the big picture...the welfare and safety of the many over the one.

IMO, Obama needed some good PR after Benghazi and then the VA scandal and he figured this couldn't fail.

But it did fail...because Obama needed a headline grabbing spectacle...with his narcissistic self cast a the hero.

Had this been handled quietly without fanfare, it WOULD have been a feather in his cap.

He could have said..."We did all we could, Bowe may have made a terrible mistake, but he did it wearing an American Soldiers Uniform...and by God, all of those come home...that's our commitment, not only to them, but to their parents, spouses and children."

Instead, he sent out the Minister of Truth Rice to lie to us again.
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When your kids in danger, situational ethics takes on a whole new meaning.

I don't blame the father...he was doing what any parent that loves their son would do.

But our leaders have to look at the big picture...the welfare and safety of the many over the one.

IMO, Obama needed some good PR after Benghazi and then the VA scandal and he figured this couldn't fail.

But it did fail...because Obama needed a headline grabbing spectacle...with his narcissistic self cast a the hero.

Had this been handled quietly without fanfare, it WOULD have been a feather in his cap.

He could have said..."We did all we could, Bowe may have made a terrible mistake, but he did it wearing an American Soldiers Uniform...and by God, all of those come home...that's our commitment, not only to them, but to their parents, spouses and children."

Instead, he sent out the Minister of Truth Rice to lie to us again.

Bergdahl made a mistake. So did Eddie Slovik. What happened to him?
When your kids in danger, situational ethics takes on a whole new meaning.

I don't blame the father...he was doing what any parent that loves their son would do.

But our leaders have to look at the big picture...the welfare and safety of the many over the one.

IMO, Obama needed some good PR after Benghazi and then the VA scandal and he figured this couldn't fail.

But it did fail...because Obama needed a headline grabbing spectacle...with his narcissistic self cast a the hero.

Had this been handled quietly without fanfare, it WOULD have been a feather in his cap.

He could have said..."We did all we could, Bowe may have made a terrible mistake, but he did it wearing an American Soldiers Uniform...and by God, all of those come home...that's our commitment, not only to them, but to their parents, spouses and children."

Instead, he sent out the Minister of Truth Rice to lie to us again.

Bergdahl made a mistake. So did Eddie Slovik. What happened to him?

A different time.

Five years as a POW is punishment enough...but thanks to Obama's using Bowe as a political pawn, there will likely be more.

Some folks will use him again, not because they actually care that he deserted, but to damage Obama.

IMO, time to let this one go.

The damage is done.
Liberty Speaks co-blogger "Lady Liberty" contacted me earlier today with some interesting information. It would appear that the father of Bowe Bergdahl, the AWOL/deserter swapped for five bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, has been in communication with member(s) of Al Qaeda.

On Google Plus, Robert Bergdahl's contacts include one "Anissa bint Yusuf Zaid Ibn Youssef."


And for the Obama defenders, read the rest of the piece – WITH LINKS - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: WELL, THIS IS INTERESTING: Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

ODS, bitches.

Why would an Obama defenders be of importance here?

Why are you so stupid?
Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

FBI needs to investigate any organization or person who says this for either improper contact with AQ or for criminal libel or slander.
Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

FBI needs to investigate any organization or person who says this for either improper contact with AQ or for criminal libel or slander.

Then the FBI needs to investigate the father Bob Bergdahl; when will this end? When will the Taliban not be synonymous with al Qaeda?
Liberty Speaks co-blogger "Lady Liberty" contacted me earlier today with some interesting information. It would appear that the father of Bowe Bergdahl, the AWOL/deserter swapped for five bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, has been in communication with member(s) of Al Qaeda.

On Google Plus, Robert Bergdahl's contacts include one "Anissa bint Yusuf Zaid Ibn Youssef."


And for the Obama defenders, read the rest of the piece – WITH LINKS - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: WELL, THIS IS INTERESTING: Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

I am so perturbed by his political/religious orientation that I would vote for him to come to harm.
Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

FBI needs to investigate any organization or person who says this for either improper contact with AQ or for criminal libel or slander.

Then the FBI needs to investigate the father Bob Bergdahl; when will this end? When will the Taliban not be synonymous with al Qaeda?

For those who missed the 'memo', the Taliban are for creating an Islamist Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda is for creating a global Caliphate with Islamists in control of everything the world over.

The Taliban gave safe conduct to OBL and provided a safe harbor for al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

FBI needs to investigate any organization or person who says this for either improper contact with AQ or for criminal libel or slander.

Nah, just send in the Hellfire from the drone. It's the Starkey Doctrine
Liberty Speaks co-blogger "Lady Liberty" contacted me earlier today with some interesting information. It would appear that the father of Bowe Bergdahl, the AWOL/deserter swapped for five bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, has been in communication with member(s) of Al Qaeda.

On Google Plus, Robert Bergdahl's contacts include one "Anissa bint Yusuf Zaid Ibn Youssef."


And for the Obama defenders, read the rest of the piece – WITH LINKS - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: WELL, THIS IS INTERESTING: Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda


al Qaeda had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Bergdahl's release.

Liberty Speaks co-blogger "Lady Liberty" contacted me earlier today with some interesting information. It would appear that the father of Bowe Bergdahl, the AWOL/deserter swapped for five bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, has been in communication with member(s) of Al Qaeda.

On Google Plus, Robert Bergdahl's contacts include one "Anissa bint Yusuf Zaid Ibn Youssef."


And for the Obama defenders, read the rest of the piece – WITH LINKS - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: WELL, THIS IS INTERESTING: Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

suuuuuuuure. :rofl:
Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda

FBI needs to investigate any organization or person who says this for either improper contact with AQ or for criminal libel or slander.

Then the FBI needs to investigate the father Bob Bergdahl; when will this end? When will the Taliban not be synonymous with al Qaeda?

For those who missed the 'memo', the Taliban are for creating an Islamist Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda is for creating a global Caliphate with Islamists in control of everything the world over.

The Taliban gave safe conduct to OBL and provided a safe harbor for al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Yes, gave. The immediate problem is the "shadow" government in Afghanistan. OBL was killed in Pakistan, another problem area. The US invasion of Iraq gave al Qaeda TIME.
Liberty Speaks co-blogger "Lady Liberty" contacted me earlier today with some interesting information. It would appear that the father of Bowe Bergdahl, the AWOL/deserter swapped for five bloodthirsty terrorist leaders, has been in communication with member(s) of Al Qaeda.

On Google Plus, Robert Bergdahl's contacts include one "Anissa bint Yusuf Zaid Ibn Youssef."


And for the Obama defenders, read the rest of the piece – WITH LINKS - @ Doug Ross @ Journal: WELL, THIS IS INTERESTING: Looks Like Bowe Bergdahl's Father Was in Contact With Al Qaeda


al Qaeda had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Bergdahl's release.


I think what we have here is an IQ test that the OP and Brave Sir Warbler failed miserably. :D What a surprise.

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