Looks Like GOP Will Keep Cotrol of House 2018

Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Just the fact the he's in the WH and that bitch hillary isn't is enough.
I don't care if he plays golf every day and does nothing until the next SCOTUS appointment.
great another republican talking out of his ass while trump defecates on america
It's way too early. Trump's clownish performance may not doom the gop, and the Cook site is top notch. But it's way early and generally House (and Senate) races turn on local stuff. The key of course will be healthcare. If the gop kicks 20 million americans in largely rust belt and even southern states off of Medicaid, the dems will take the House. Nato, Isis and greenhouse gasses have very little impact on this. But couple a loss of healthcare with a tax cut for guys making millions .... And then there's Russia. Some of those lean gop districts are manned by people defending Trump. I don't think there will be a real smoking gun showing CANDIDATE Trump offering to end sanctions for illegal hacking and fake news, but if there is one it's going to be YUUUGE
Just an FYI...
Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Just the fact the he's in the WH and that bitch hillary isn't is enough.
I don't care if he plays golf every day and does nothing until the next SCOTUS appointment.
great another republican talking out of his ass while trump defecates on america
It's way too early. Trump's clownish performance may not doom the gop, and the Cook site is top notch. But it's way early and generally House (and Senate) races turn on local stuff. The key of course will be healthcare. If the gop kicks 20 million americans in largely rust belt and even southern states off of Medicaid, the dems will take the House. Nato, Isis and greenhouse gasses have very little impact on this. But couple a loss of healthcare with a tax cut for guys making millions .... And then there's Russia. Some of those lean gop districts are manned by people defending Trump. I don't think there will be a real smoking gun showing CANDIDATE Trump offering to end sanctions for illegal hacking and fake news, but if there is one it's going to be YUUUGE
Nobody losing health care. Obamacare was a failure and doomed to go broke.
Sadly, the democratic politicians opted not to tell the whole truth about that 20 some odd people losing healthcare.
They should have told the truth.....those 20 some odd people are the very ones that bought healthcare due to the mandate...and without the mandate many will opt to drop their healthcare.
Of course, the democratic politicians knew their base would not look deeper into it...so they gladly and easily misled their base.
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
How long has Trump been in office? Liberals don't get it.
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Just the fact the he's in the WH and that bitch hillary isn't is enough.
I don't care if he plays golf every day and does nothing until the next SCOTUS appointment.
great another republican talking out of his ass while trump defecates on america
It's way too early. Trump's clownish performance may not doom the gop, and the Cook site is top notch. But it's way early and generally House (and Senate) races turn on local stuff. The key of course will be healthcare. If the gop kicks 20 million americans in largely rust belt and even southern states off of Medicaid, the dems will take the House. Nato, Isis and greenhouse gasses have very little impact on this. But couple a loss of healthcare with a tax cut for guys making millions .... And then there's Russia. Some of those lean gop districts are manned by people defending Trump. I don't think there will be a real smoking gun showing CANDIDATE Trump offering to end sanctions for illegal hacking and fake news, but if there is one it's going to be YUUUGE
and the dump is poised to give them back their embassies? after obama took them because of their spying any republican feel it's payback to his russian friends for helping him win the election?
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings

Yet the Republicans are doing everything they can to change that math, if there exists a way for 'em to demolish their built in electoral advantages for 2018 the Republicans will find it and if they can't find it, they'll invent it

Never underestimate the ability of partisan douche bags to take a good thing and completely fuck it up.
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings

Yet the Republicans are doing everything they can to change that math, if there exists a way for 'em to demolish their built in electoral advantages for 2018 the Republicans will find it and if they can't find it, they'll invent it

Never underestimate the ability of partisan douche bags to take a good thing and completely fuck it up.
I cant agree more.
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
not a tv show?? westy have you noticed how trump is conducting himself ? it's like his reality show,,, I'm afraid we have a man not well, leading america into the trash heap
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
How long has Trump been in office? Liberals don't get it.
and what did the liar say he'd do on his very first day? he can't even keep his own party together He's an accident waiting to happen
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
not a tv show?? westy have you noticed how trump is conducting himself ? it's like his reality show,,, I'm afraid we have a man not well, leading america into the trash heap
In your opinion. Liberals do not understand people have opinions other than theirs.
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
not a tv show?? westy have you noticed how trump is conducting himself ? it's like his reality show,,, I'm afraid we have a man not well, leading america into the trash heap
Maybe you see it that way. I don't. I see border crossing down. I see the building of a coalition against ISIS made up of Muslim countries. I see the strengthening of our relationship with Israel. I see jobs increasing. I see jobless rate decreasing. I see market doing well. I see consumer confidence up. I see healthcare passed in one house. I see debates over tax reform. I see bids being presented for the wall. I see over 25 EO's.

You may not like him or his positions...but to say he is running a reality show is disingenuous
Too early to accurately predict anything. Especially if crap blows up with n Korea
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
not a tv show?? westy have you noticed how trump is conducting himself ? it's like his reality show,,, I'm afraid we have a man not well, leading america into the trash heap

You have a man who is trolling the media like a champion. And they deserve it. They have lied from the very beginning about who he is. They deserve every miserable thing that happens to them.
Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Just the fact the he's in the WH and that bitch hillary isn't is enough.
I don't care if he plays golf every day and does nothing until the next SCOTUS appointment.
great another republican talking out of his ass while trump defecates on america
It's way too early. Trump's clownish performance may not doom the gop, and the Cook site is top notch. But it's way early and generally House (and Senate) races turn on local stuff. The key of course will be healthcare. If the gop kicks 20 million americans in largely rust belt and even southern states off of Medicaid, the dems will take the House. Nato, Isis and greenhouse gasses have very little impact on this. But couple a loss of healthcare with a tax cut for guys making millions .... And then there's Russia. Some of those lean gop districts are manned by people defending Trump. I don't think there will be a real smoking gun showing CANDIDATE Trump offering to end sanctions for illegal hacking and fake news, but if there is one it's going to be YUUUGE
Nobody losing health care. Obamacare was a failure and doomed to go broke.
The nonpartisan CBO says it will but I'm sure you have better analytical skills than they do.
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
not a tv show?? westy have you noticed how trump is conducting himself ? it's like his reality show,,, I'm afraid we have a man not well, leading america into the trash heap
In your opinion. Liberals do not understand people have opinions other than theirs.
not true I respect others opinions but if in my opinion I think they're dead wrong I say something
Math not there for the Socialist Party to take control.
House: Race Ratings
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then
Good point . That entitlement thrust deserves a quick shot to the jaw. His arrogance topped with incompetency is unlike anything this country has ever seen.
Then get ready for the slide to the bottom
Trump is greasing our slide to the bottom. Hate to get corny on you, but do you remember the Biblical Parable of the 'whited sepulchers', where Jesus talks about the irony of spiffy clean outsides, but inside filled with the moldering bones of the dead. That's what I fear for Trump's America. It is more important to Look good than BE good.

Plus I just hate that Benito Mussolini chin thrust of his, as in when he pushed another world leader aside, then preened for the camera. Wish some one cold cocked him then

Why don't you just man up and face it, your jealousy and envy cannot handle success.
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Walls take time. I find it amusing your infantile insults about the wall not being done yet. This isn't a TV show dude. Big projects take time. As far as the rest go's hopefully the stupid repubs will figure out how to do something positive instead of acting like socialist light politicians.
not a tv show?? westy have you noticed how trump is conducting himself ? it's like his reality show,,, I'm afraid we have a man not well, leading america into the trash heap
Maybe you see it that way. I don't. I see border crossing down. I see the building of a coalition against ISIS made up of Muslim countries. I see the strengthening of our relationship with Israel. I see jobs increasing. I see jobless rate decreasing. I see market doing well. I see consumer confidence up. I see healthcare passed in one house. I see debates over tax reform. I see bids being presented for the wall. I see over 25 EO's.

You may not like him or his positions...but to say he is running a reality show is disingenuous
jobs were greatly increasing under obama the rate hit new lows and yet you repubs continued to bash away Now when you're in power we should turn the other cheek ??
What success? No tax reform ,,no wall ,,no health care no infrastructure AND many in the repub party can't tolerate him All ass no class

Just the fact the he's in the WH and that bitch hillary isn't is enough.
I don't care if he plays golf every day and does nothing until the next SCOTUS appointment.
great another republican talking out of his ass while trump defecates on america
It's way too early. Trump's clownish performance may not doom the gop, and the Cook site is top notch. But it's way early and generally House (and Senate) races turn on local stuff. The key of course will be healthcare. If the gop kicks 20 million americans in largely rust belt and even southern states off of Medicaid, the dems will take the House. Nato, Isis and greenhouse gasses have very little impact on this. But couple a loss of healthcare with a tax cut for guys making millions .... And then there's Russia. Some of those lean gop districts are manned by people defending Trump. I don't think there will be a real smoking gun showing CANDIDATE Trump offering to end sanctions for illegal hacking and fake news, but if there is one it's going to be YUUUGE
Nobody losing health care. Obamacare was a failure and doomed to go broke.
The nonpartisan CBO says it will but I'm sure you have better analytical skills than they do.
ahhhhhh but when the cbo talks about how the repub health plan stinks they don't know what they're talking about?
Just the fact the he's in the WH and that bitch hillary isn't is enough.
I don't care if he plays golf every day and does nothing until the next SCOTUS appointment.
great another republican talking out of his ass while trump defecates on america
It's way too early. Trump's clownish performance may not doom the gop, and the Cook site is top notch. But it's way early and generally House (and Senate) races turn on local stuff. The key of course will be healthcare. If the gop kicks 20 million americans in largely rust belt and even southern states off of Medicaid, the dems will take the House. Nato, Isis and greenhouse gasses have very little impact on this. But couple a loss of healthcare with a tax cut for guys making millions .... And then there's Russia. Some of those lean gop districts are manned by people defending Trump. I don't think there will be a real smoking gun showing CANDIDATE Trump offering to end sanctions for illegal hacking and fake news, but if there is one it's going to be YUUUGE
Nobody losing health care. Obamacare was a failure and doomed to go broke.
The nonpartisan CBO says it will but I'm sure you have better analytical skills than they do.
ahhhhhh but when the cbo talks about how the repub health plan stinks they don't know what they're talking about?

There's no debate that the House plan cuts Medicaid funding. People would lose coverage. The House plan also cuts money for subsidies which was the whole problem with Obamacare, which while probably overstated in the media, did create policies people couldn't afford to use beyond preventative care that was covered with no out of pocket beyond the premiums. And then there's pre-existing conditions.

I'm not sure the Senate can even pass a bill, but if the 52 gop senators do, it will inevitably include Medicaid block granting and lessening coverage for pre-existing conditions, because the gop's entire focus is on fewer regs on insurance companies. We can do the HC thing and how the dems and gop got us here all over again, but the bottom line is this thread is about 12 mos premature.
Looks Like GOP Will Keep Cotrol of House 2018

looks like they wont have a clue what to do with it either.

oh wait, they can always not repeal and replace Obamacare again, or not deport 15 million mexicans, or not ban Muslims ............ or not do a damn thing except remind everyone "hey we won"

F'n clown car .

great another republican talking out of his ass while trump defecates on america
It's way too early. Trump's clownish performance may not doom the gop, and the Cook site is top notch. But it's way early and generally House (and Senate) races turn on local stuff. The key of course will be healthcare. If the gop kicks 20 million americans in largely rust belt and even southern states off of Medicaid, the dems will take the House. Nato, Isis and greenhouse gasses have very little impact on this. But couple a loss of healthcare with a tax cut for guys making millions .... And then there's Russia. Some of those lean gop districts are manned by people defending Trump. I don't think there will be a real smoking gun showing CANDIDATE Trump offering to end sanctions for illegal hacking and fake news, but if there is one it's going to be YUUUGE
Nobody losing health care. Obamacare was a failure and doomed to go broke.
The nonpartisan CBO says it will but I'm sure you have better analytical skills than they do.
ahhhhhh but when the cbo talks about how the repub health plan stinks they don't know what they're talking about?

There's no debate that the House plan cuts Medicaid funding. People would lose coverage. The House plan also cuts money for subsidies which was the whole problem with Obamacare, which while probably overstated in the media, did create policies people couldn't afford to use beyond preventative care that was covered with no out of pocket beyond the premiums. And then there's pre-existing conditions.

I'm not sure the Senate can even pass a bill, but if the 52 gop senators do, it will inevitably include Medicaid block granting and lessening coverage for pre-existing conditions, because the gop's entire focus is on fewer regs on insurance companies. We can do the HC thing and how the dems and gop got us here all over again, but the bottom line is this thread is about 12 mos premature.
and worst of all the tax reform bill is predicated on hc passing

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