Looks like Harry Reid and the PC pussy party is now ready to go after the Redskins !


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Once again liberal Dims show they are out of touch with mainstream America which overwhelmingly support REDSKINS name.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tells NFL commish Roger Goodell to follow NBA's lead and get Washington Redskins to change name

In a Senate speech Wednesday, the Nevada Democrat said Redskins owner Daniel Snyder is hiding behind tradition in retaining his team’s name, which critics call racially offensive.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 3:38 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says it’s time for the NFL’s Washington Redskins to change their name, linking the issue to racist comments by a professional basketball team owner.

In a Senate speech Wednesday, the Nevada Democrat said Redskins owner Daniel Snyder is hiding behind tradition in retaining his team’s name, which critics call racially offensive.

Reid called on Snyder “to do what is morally right” by changing the name. Reid has criticized the name before, telling The Washington Post in March that he thinks it will be changed within three years.

Reid said his state has 22 tribes and that the only tradition behind the Redskins’ name was one of racism.

Reid congratulated the NBA for banning Los Angeles Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling for life. Sterling was caught in an audio recording making racist comments about blacks.


Clippers owner Donald Sterling is banned for life by the NBA.

Reid said it’s time for NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to follow the NBA’s lead and rid his league of bigotry and racism.

Other prominent politicians have criticized or questioned the Redskins’ name. President Barack Obama told The Associated Press in October: “If I were the owner of the team and I knew that the name of my team — even if they’ve had a storied history — was offending a sizable group of people, I’d think about changing it.”

Several members of Congress, including Republicans and Democrats, have urged Snyder to change the team’s name.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tells NFL commish Roger Goodell to follow NBA's lead and get Washington Redskins to change name - NY Daily News
Well Harry is devoting his time to things that really matter in this country.
Nice to see he has priorities.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe this guy is a bit.... insane?
Been brain dead for years.

Just taking a little time for the rest to catch up.
Harry is a double douche bag...

This from the US Senator of the state of Nevada, he's worried about the Redskins name, but legalized prostitution is okay in his state...

The leader of the Hypocrites Party...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Goodell isn't hiding behind anything. He's standing by it.

I'm beyond tired and pissed at having the Liberals shove every one of their conceivable agendas down the throats of Americans who revere tradition values morals and laws that have been fought for over the generations.
Let me say up front, that this is America 2014, and there is no doubt whatsoever that the Redskins will be bending over and grabbing their ankles soon.

I predicted two years ago that the Redskins name wouldn't last another 5 years.
That still gives me about 3, but in this witch hunt McCarthyism that is now infecting us, I will be surprised if they hold out that long.

Sickening that a very small minority will be getting their way, but that's the way it is.
They'll be calling for boycotts of the Redskins sponsors, and they'll even be going after the NFL itself.
Not enough people are standing up to say they won't tolerate this nonsense any longer. The babies have taken their tantrum from the crib to the park. If one person had the courage to say publicly that they won't change diapers any longer it would spread like a wildfire.
Not enough people are standing up to say they won't tolerate this nonsense any longer. The babies have taken their tantrum from the crib to the park. If one person had the courage to say publicly that they won't change diapers any longer it would spread like a wildfire.

It's definitely a case of the "silent majority".
Every time these people threaten a boycott, we should be calling and threatening our own boycott if, whatever it is, gives in to these animals.

They see a Pepsi sign inside the Redskins stadium, and call and threaten them,
we should turn around and double the effort if they bend over.

That smug self-righteous piece of living do do Olbermann the other night said that Snyder is finished because the advertisers are going to start fleeing.

If we would simply ban together and push back, we would win. We wont though, we never do.
The libs are trying to get people to keep their eyes off the ball regarding obummercare, economy, jobs, etc during an election year.

War on women
Min. wage
I guess using his position to force people to bow gives the little wimp a charge.
The libs are trying to get people to keep their eyes off the ball regarding obummercare, economy, jobs, etc during an election year.

War on women
Min. wage

That's a very good point.

Reid's good at deflection. Remember when the scumbag floated the claim that he pulled out of his ass, that the "word on the street" was that Romney hadn't paid any taxes ?

If he would have been a private citizen he could and would have been sued for slander.
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I'm starting to wonder if maybe this guy is a bit.... insane?

Only a bit? I'm a Cowboy fan which is not easy with Jerry Jones as the owner/gm and even I don't want the name changed sorry but the Dallas Cowboys vs the Washington native Americans just doesn't have the same ring to it.
Dirty Harry needs to re-evaluate his priorities.
Or better yet...resign and check himself into a nursing home.

Dirty Harry needs to re-evaluate his priorities.
Or better yet...resign and check himself into a nursing home.


What did nursing home residents ever do to you to make you wish them that kind of fate? He'd benefit more from a naked pilgrimage into his state's desert in search of enlightenment.
The corrupt sack-of-shit Harry Reid and the democraps should keep their noses out of the world of sports.
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country's going to hell and this all this agnostic missing link can think of. proof that libs are nothing but zipper heads

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