Looks Like HIllary Is Starting To Run Away With It

Hitlery Clinton is laughing at all of her idiot supporters...

“Clinton Admits She Is Out of Touch.” In a February 4, 2014 speech to what was referred to as “Goldman-Black Rock”, Clinton said “…We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn’t believe in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I’m kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven’t forgotten it.”

Another flag came from a speech to the National Multi-Housing Council on April 24, 2013: “Clinton Says You Need to Have a Private and Public Position on Policy.”

Hillary Clinton paid nearly $700,000 from Goldman Sachs alone
Funny how Democrat love a proven sexual harasser and probable rapist (he's their hero) but are sooo offended by (no touch) locker room banter.
It wasn't locker room banter. Trump was admitting to attempting adultery with another man's wife as though it was a sport and talked about sexual assault as if it was something he deserved because of his "celebrity" status as a rich man.

In the real world this happens all the time, your vote for Hillary is a vote for your own shortsighted and childish hypocrisy..
If is representative of your "real world" you need to seek professional help.

When your down to these 2 choices for the country .. Trump is still by far the more promising choice for America's future .. oddly enough.

That may or may not be....but we'll never know.

He shot himself repeatedly and this last time it appears to be fatal.

Eh, Hillary's new, "wiki's" are in the realm of treason and far more revealing and repulsive.. (coming soon to your brain)
It wasn't locker room banter. Trump was admitting to attempting adultery with another man's wife as though it was a sport and talked about sexual assault as if it was something he deserved because of his "celebrity" status as a rich man.

In the real world this happens all the time, your vote for Hillary is a vote for your own shortsighted and childish hypocrisy..
If is representative of your "real world" you need to seek professional help.

When your down to these 2 choices for the country .. Trump is still by far the more promising choice for America's future .. oddly enough.

That may or may not be....but we'll never know.

He shot himself repeatedly and this last time it appears to be fatal.

Eh, Hillary's new, "wiki's" are in the realm of treason and far more revealing and repulsive.. (coming soon to your brain)

It's not getting near the press as Trumps "gotcha".
Hillary....is going to win this thing.

Trump can't keep going to the well like this.
Sunday's debate should have high entertainment value.

I hope Hillary remains cool, calm, and collected.

I don't want her to start gloating already.

She can wait to gloat until election night.

Not sure what she'll gloat over.

She's allowed a socialist to give her a strong primary.

She's allowed a moron to give her a pretty good run for her money.

She'll win because he's a big dork. Not because she's got anything to offer (other than she's not him).

When she is sworn in, there will be a lot of swearing going on.

Agree with you 100%. One of the easiest of all candidates to beat is Hillary and these right wing freaks put up Trump. Fucking morons.
An incredible read when you read the entire article...

STU: Because that’s one of the interesting things that’s come out of the Podesta emails coming out, is that Hillary behind closed doors seems to be much better than she is in public. In that, she is saying things that are pro-free trade. She is saying things that are pro-fracking. She’s saying these things. And my instinct is, she’s saying them because she thinks the audience at that private speech thinks that, so she’s playing to that. Is it just a —

GLENN: Which one is she? Is she the private one that is pro-business, pro-fracking if you pay, or is she the radical that wants to shut everything down because she believes in global warming?

DINESH: Well, she’s neither. She gains on both fronts. So, for example, let’s take a Hillary meeting with Goldman Sachs. Here’s what Hillary says to Goldman Sachs. She says, “Listen, out there, I’ve got to denounce you guys. Right? So I’m doing it because I have something to gain, which is political. I have to make you look bad because you’re the enemy that’s going to help rally people to my side. I’ve got to fool those people into thinking that I’m conspiring with them against you.” Right? And then she tells the Goldman Sachs, “But in reality, I’m conspiring with you against them. In other words, I’ve got all kinds of deals with you, if you’re willing to give me money to the Clinton Foundation and to my causes. I can do business with you.” So she’s benefiting at both ends, and that’s the common denominator. And she’s letting the Goldman Sachs people know, because they’re sophisticated enough, that I have to do this.

GLENN: So the only thing she cares about is money?

DINESH: And power. And power. And power is the way the Clintons get money.

Dinesh D’Souza: Progressives Shift the Blame, Present Themselves as the Remedy
It does not matter.

Clinton is up by 6.2 points.

People are already voting.

Trump is toast.

I just home he does not explode at the third debate.

The two turds have already taken elections lower than before (and Obama took them pretty low).
The progressives and their conspiracy theories they love so much.... :lmao:

Hillary is up by over six points.

There is nothing for Trump to do except that accept that he is going to get creamed come November 8th.
Hillary is up by over six points.

There is nothing for Trump to do except that accept that he is going to get creamed come November 8th.
Dude...that's almost a month away. Calm down. Take a breath. A lot can happen in a month. Hell - Hitlery could have a freak'n stroke and become incapacitated in a month. Stop trying to predict the future. You don't have a crystal ball.
My vomit reflex is going to give out one way or the other....

But Trump has shown himself a moron.

My guess is that HIllary's blindside with Ms. Flabbo worked better than she imagined.

She is now up by almost 5 points (was less than 1 at one point).

Donald has shot himself in the foot, ass, and other foot.
The only thing Hillary is running away with is America's morality
RCP has HIllary up 7 points !

I can't see Trump coming out on top (well, in the election anyway).

Glad I have not been paying much attention...sounds like nobody is talking issues.
Hitlery Clinton is laughing at all of her idiot supporters...

“Clinton Admits She Is Out of Touch.” In a February 4, 2014 speech to what was referred to as “Goldman-Black Rock”, Clinton said “…We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn’t believe in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I’m kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven’t forgotten it.”

Another flag came from a speech to the National Multi-Housing Council on April 24, 2013: “Clinton Says You Need to Have a Private and Public Position on Policy.”

Hillary Clinton paid nearly $700,000 from Goldman Sachs alone
Actually, Clinton (and us) are laughing at you Drumpfsters.
Hitlery Clinton is laughing at all of her idiot supporters...

“Clinton Admits She Is Out of Touch.” In a February 4, 2014 speech to what was referred to as “Goldman-Black Rock”, Clinton said “…We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn’t believe in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I’m kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven’t forgotten it.”

Another flag came from a speech to the National Multi-Housing Council on April 24, 2013: “Clinton Says You Need to Have a Private and Public Position on Policy.”

Hillary Clinton paid nearly $700,000 from Goldman Sachs alone
Actually, Clinton (and us) are laughing at you Drumpfsters.

Is that the public or private clinton ?

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