Looks Like HIllary Is Starting To Run Away With It

Hitlery Clinton is laughing at all of her idiot supporters...

“Clinton Admits She Is Out of Touch.” In a February 4, 2014 speech to what was referred to as “Goldman-Black Rock”, Clinton said “…We had our little, you know, one-family house that, you know, he saved up his money, didn’t believe in mortgages. So I lived that. And now, obviously, I’m kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven’t forgotten it.”

Another flag came from a speech to the National Multi-Housing Council on April 24, 2013: “Clinton Says You Need to Have a Private and Public Position on Policy.”

Hillary Clinton paid nearly $700,000 from Goldman Sachs alone
Actually, Clinton (and us) are laughing at you Drumpfsters.
So you still support her? Well aren't you just the most precious "useful idiot". Hitlery and the party adore you obedient "useful idiots". They laugh all the way to the bank while you struggle to survive. The people of Venezuela were just like you. Sadly they woke up way to late. Now they don't even have toilet paper in their third-world shit-hole. Sad that you're helping to bring that here.
So Hitlery Clinton not only surrenders a limited and extremely valuable resource necessary for creating nuclear weapons, but she sold it to our enemies for her own financial gain.

Here’s the high-level summary. There are more details below.

• Canadian company Uranium One owned uranium mines in the US and Kazakhstan.

• Uranium One's mines account for 20% of the uranium mined in the US. Uranium is used for nuclear weapons, and it's considered a strategic asset to the US.

• Russia’s state-owned atomic agency, Rosatom, bought a 17% stake in Uranium One in June 2009.

• The Russian atomic agency decided it wanted to own 51% of Uranium One in June 2010. To take a majority stake in Uranium One, it needed approval from a special committee that included the State Department, which Hillary Clinton led at the time.

• Investors in Uranium One gave money to the Clinton Foundation starting in 2005 and through 2011. On June 29, 2010, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 to speak in Russia by an investment bank with ties to Russia's government that had a buy rating on Uranium One’s stock.

• In January 2013, despite assurances to the contrary, a subsidiary of Rosatom took over 100% of the company and delisted it from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

• Clinton was required to disclose all of her foundation's contributors before she became secretary of state, but the Clintons did not disclose millions of dollars donated by the chairman of Uranium One while the review of the deal was ongoing.

The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits
And once again Hitlery Clinton publicly divulges national security secrets. This woman is the least qualified candidate in U.S. history...

HIllary is ONLY up by 6.5 points !!!

It's close !!! ROTFLMAO

This country is getting what it deserves one way or the other.
This country is getting what it deserves one way or the other.
I know I don't deserve it. I didn't vote for either one of these miserable, unethical dirt-bags. I saw them for exactly who they are a long time ago.
This country is getting what it deserves one way or the other.
I know I don't deserve it. I didn't vote for either one of these miserable, unethical dirt-bags. I saw them for exactly who they are a long time ago.

We all get what we deserve.

We may not have voted for them, but we clearly allowed them to materialize and rise to the surface.
This country is getting what it deserves one way or the other.
I know I don't deserve it. I didn't vote for either one of these miserable, unethical dirt-bags. I saw them for exactly who they are a long time ago.

We all get what we deserve.

We may not have voted for them, but we clearly allowed them to materialize and rise to the surface.
Hillary is a Neocon exponentially worse than Dick Cheney...but somehow lefties don't know it...cause the MSM/establishment dupes them over and over again. They never learn.
So to recap: Hitlery Clinton viciously attacks the credibility of any woman who was the victim of a horrific sexual assault if it affects her drive for power and money, she laughs about the brutal rape of little girls, and she pays women less than men in her own organization. So much of the false narrative that she supports "equality for women"...

WikiLeaks emails: Clinton Foundation paid male employees more than females in 2011
My vomit reflex is going to give out one way or the other....

But Trump has shown himself a moron.

My guess is that HIllary's blindside with Ms. Flabbo worked better than she imagined.

She is now up by almost 5 points (was less than 1 at one point).

Donald has shot himself in the foot, ass, and other foot.
And you are doing EXACTLY what the Clinton Media Cartel wants you to do. Get frustrated,don't think Trump is winning and won't show up to vote.

My vomit reflex is going to give out one way or the other....

But Trump has shown himself a moron.

My guess is that HIllary's blindside with Ms. Flabbo worked better than she imagined.

She is now up by almost 5 points (was less than 1 at one point).

Donald has shot himself in the foot, ass, and other foot.
Let's hope this makes the GOP establishment extinct... lol
Yeah Trump was a horrible pick for you guys. Hell your guy who came in second, Lyin' Ted, was even worse.

Hopefully you learn from this and take your party back from the teaper lunatics who profit most from your media.
The GOP establishment deserves to be extinct, Trump was picked to start that process... lol
GOP establishment candidates will be scared to run hopefully in the future, because they know they will be attacked without mercy. Lol

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