Looks like it will be NEWT as VP

I suppose the media made Newt get divorced so many times including the one where his wife was on her death bed. damn media.

I really do not see Hillary winning by claiming Trump and Newt are not good husbands.... the hypocrisy is galactic there.

Why would Hillary care about hypocrisy? That is her main purpose in life.
From a standpoint of competence, knowledge, and communication ability, there is NO ONE BETTER than Newt to be Trump's running mate.

But the MSM long ago made Newt into a pariah, and he will add not a single vote to the ticket. Rick Santorum would be a comparable choice: competent, articulate, knowledgeable, but counter-productive.

Kasich is the guy.

But I Love Newt, in spite of his personal shortcomings and generally obnoxious personality.
Agree on Newt, but picking the big government warmongering neocon Kasich, would be just as bad.
Newt Gingrich is the best American political hero in recent times. Newt produced a budget surplus and a strong economy by restraining spending and cutting taxes. Everyone else pales in comparison, especially BIZZARO Ryan...
Agree on Newt, but picking the big government warmongering neocon Kasich, would be just as bad.
Disagreed on your assessment of Kasich, but all of this discussion assumes Trump 1) actually wants to win and 2) actually thinks he can win.
Newt Gingrich is the best American political hero in recent times. Newt produced a budget surplus and a strong economy by restraining spending and cutting taxes. Everyone else pales in comparison, especially BIZZARO Ryan...

In 1998, Gingrich lashed out at the Clinton White House's handling of the aftermath of the Monica Lewinsky affair, calling it a "systematic, deliberate, obstruction of justice." Later it was revealed that Gingrich was having an extramarital affair with a congressional staffer.

In 1997 he agreed to pay $300,000 to the House to reimburse the cost of an ethics investigation into whether he used tax-exempt funds to promote Republican causes. He was reprimanded by the House for giving what was considered misleading information.

In 1998 he resigned.

maybe he is stupid enough to want to revisit the skeletons in his closet ...
The House Dems filed over 700 complaints against Newt because Newt was not only succeeding in cutting SPENDING, but he was also PROVING MILTON FRIEDMAN correct in the process. The Dems depend on idiots believing more government spending does something other than harm everyone except the Dem stealing it. Government spending harms America. The Dems hate that truth. Since 1998, so does the "Republican" Party...
The House Dems filed over 700 complaints against Newt because Newt was not only succeeding in cutting SPENDING, but he was also PROVING MILTON FRIEDMAN correct in the process. The Dems depend on idiots believing more government spending does something other than harm everyone except the Dem stealing it. Government spending harms America. The Dems hate that truth. Since 1998, so does the "Republican" Party...

Gingrich is a liar, a cheater and a quitter. The PERFECT example of a Republican politician.
Newt Gingrich is the best American political hero in recent times. Newt produced a budget surplus and a strong economy by restraining spending and cutting taxes. Everyone else pales in comparison, especially BIZZARO Ryan...
The House Dems filed over 700 complaints against Newt because Newt was not only succeeding in cutting SPENDING, but he was also PROVING MILTON FRIEDMAN correct in the process. The Dems depend on idiots believing more government spending does something other than harm everyone except the Dem stealing it. Government spending harms America. The Dems hate that truth. Since 1998, so does the "Republican" Party...

Gingrich is a liar, a cheater and a quiter. The PERFECT example of a Republican politician.
He thinks shutting down the gummit works. And to give him credit, I think Slick was going to be reelected regardless, but Gingrich sealed the deal in poisoning the well for the gop.
Gingrich is one of the best I'v ever seen when it comes down to letting Hannity suck his dick.
So, in summary, Gingrich cut taxes and spending, producing a booming economy and a budget surplus, and Democrats just


that truth
look on the bright side Dex ... the list of politicians willing to jump on the Trump wagon is REAL short.

if its Tubby or Newtless, they won't be around long.
How to prevent Hillary from claiming she/Bill were responsible for those wonderful budgets that cut both taxes and spending?

Name the actual person responsible for those budgets as VP... and then ask why the Clintons now take credit for that which they shut the government down to stop in 1995.

I don't think your proposed tactic won't work. Why not? Notice the sequence of actual budget process.


All the budgets you are referring to in your OP were the President's budgets, not Congress' budgets. If the President doesn't submit a budget, there is no budget. (https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/98-721.pdf)
How to prevent Hillary from claiming she/Bill were responsible for those wonderful budgets that cut both taxes and spending?

Name the actual person responsible for those budgets as VP... and then ask why the Clintons now take credit for that which they shut the government down to stop in 1995.

I don't think your proposed tactic won't work. Why not? Notice the sequence of actual budget process.


All the budgets you are referring to in your OP were the President's budgets, not Congress' budgets. If the President doesn't submit a budget, there is no budget. (https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/98-721.pdf)

surely you don't think a little detail like FACTS will derail the morons for one second do you?

why on earth would they give a damn about our Governments protocol ?
back to the op ..

Newt? seriously? Should that be the case, its just another example of why Donnie doesn't really want to be POTUS.


Your claim had the slightest hint of credibility in 2000.

But that was a long time ago.

NOw you are making yourself look like a dishonest propaganda spouting ass.

Your claim had the slightest hint of credibility in 2000.

But that was a long time ago.

NOw you are making yourself look like a dishonest propaganda spouting ass.[/QUOTE]

I thought we were talking about the 90s .... back when Newt was relevant

They might make mention of HIllary's attacking of her husband's victims though.
Don't you find it sad and telling that the candidates we have to chose from are both such reprehensible humans?

I've seen nothing to indicate that Trump is a "reprehensible human being".

From what I hear, those closest to him all like him.

Hell, his ex wife says they are the best of friends.

That is a powerful endorsement.
C'mon! Trump has historically high unfavorable. You and I both know that he is egotistical, greedy, dangerously inexperienced, irresponsible and should not be running as a Republican, but as a joke.

If Donald Trump is the best candidate the GOP has to offer, watch for the trap door to open and the Republican Party to fall through the floor.

So, to make sure I understand, you are dropping your claim of him being "reprehensible" and changing the subject to a claim that he is unpopular?

Do you thus admit that your previous claim of "reprehensible" was incorrect?

Or are you just doing that lib hit and run thing, where you keep spewing insults and smears, and when called on it, just slither away?

Ask the good people of Atlantic City New Jersey whose jobs evaporated because of Trump's business acumen, or lack there of..

Lack of business acumen is not normally considered to make a person "reprehensible", but you're just saying anything to tear down your political enemy aren't ya?

Ask the people who invested in the USFL who is responsible for the demise of that league. .

Lack of business acumen is not normally considered to make a person "reprehensible", but you're just saying anything to tear down your political enemy aren't ya?

Ask the people of Turnberry, Scotland how Trump invaded their village and ruined their local ecology..

What? Are you telling me that the United Kingdom is some third world shit hole without any government environmental regulations? Sounds like bullshit to me.

Or, ask POWs who were all insulted by the brash and irresponsible Donald J. Trump..

That is a flat out lie. You know what does make a person reprehensible? Smearing good people without cause.

Ask Mexico, .

Mexico has been advancing their interests at the expense of the interests of our working class and middle class.

It is dishonest of you to pretend that that is not a valid position.

ask China, .

CHINA?! China who has been setting new records every year with how much money they are sucking out of US due to unfair trade, to the great suffering of the US working and middle classes? Are you taking their side over those of your own fellow citizens?

ask women who have born the brunt of Trump's reprehensible insults..

Trump has been playing hardball with everyone. What is reprehensible is pretending dishonestly exaggerating that into a false accusation of sexism.

Trump IS reprehensible. .

Bull Fucking SHIt.

He insults the intelligence of each and every responsible, thoughtful American. .

Says the man who managed to go on and on about how bad Trump is without addressing his policies honestly or seriously. Who instead wanted to just smear and smear and smear.

DIshonest much?

His chief qualities are best observed from afar on his reality television program, certainly not as Commander-in-Chief..

He nearly alone of all serious candidates, wants to cease the policy of enmity with Russia, that nation with the most nuclear weapons in the world.

He alone of all serious candidates has a proposed policy that would have prevented the shootings in Orlando.

He displays the worst characteristics of humanity: lack of compassion, empathy and generosity. He is utterly immature, hot headed and absolutely not the level of character required to lead the free world. Reprehensible may be too kind an adjective to describe the louse that Trump actually is. He is better served as a character from a professional wrestling match or a Marvel comic book.

And that's the intellectual level of those who think that he's great and should serve this nation as our President. Children raised without manners or skills in social comportment. Children who seek instant gratification without regard to consequences. Children raised to believe that they themselves are grand humans simply by showing up. Children without accomplishment, Children without discipline. Such are the supporters of their best peer and ally in incompetence, Donald J. Trump.

Says the man who is using the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule in place of reasoned debate on the issues.

Your argument is invalid.

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