Looks like it will be NEWT as VP

Face it, NYcarb, you HATE the TRUTH that the spending and tax cutting budgets of Gingrich produced a booming economy and a surplus.

This is because you hate TRUTH, the US, and anything that prevents your side from STEALING MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE from the US taxpayer...

Here's how WRONG Gingrich was in 1993:

Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA), February 2, 1993: We have all too many people in the Democratic administration who are talking about bigger Government, bigger bureaucracy, more programs, and higher taxes. I believe that that will in fact kill the current recovery and put us back in a recession. It might take 1 1/2 or 2 years, but it will happen. (Congressional Record, 1993, Thomas)

FLASHBACK: In 1993, GOP Warned That Clinton’s Tax Plan Would ‘Kill Jobs,’ ‘Kill The Current Recovery’

Bill Clinton shut the government down to protest the lack of new spending in the 1995 Gingrich budget. Now, Bill takes credit for that budget and the results of that budget - surplus and strong economy.

Government spending is the greatest evil - it increases costs, drives business out of the country, and puts money in the pockets of the worst leeches our species has to offer...
Face it, NYcarb, you HATE the TRUTH that the spending and tax cutting budgets of Gingrich produced a booming economy and a surplus.

This is because you hate TRUTH, the US, and anything that prevents your side from STEALING MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE from the US taxpayer...

Since you already admitted you lied when you claimed that spending was cut in 90's,

AND, since nothing passed in the nineties in these matter that Bill Clinton didn't sign,

you're an idiot.

Bill Clinton shut the government down to protest the lack of new spending in the 1995 Gingrich budget. Now, Bill takes credit for that budget and the results of that budget - surplus and strong economy.

Government spending is the greatest evil - it increases costs, drives business out of the country, and puts money in the pockets of the worst leeches our species has to offer...

Not paying for wars is what caused our current debt situation, starting with Ronald Reagan.

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