Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

...why did the President opt to not add more protection to those embassies....

Another one who thinks this happened at an Embassy.

Not only was it not an Embassy, it wasn't even a Consulate.

& it was a freakin' CIA operation. Ferchissakes, this gets old.

Because the difference between a diplomatic "mission" and a consular office is quite crucial in the telling of the story.
Keep telling yourself that - enjoy the ass-whipping headed your way and by all means - stick to the crap issues like Benghazi ... that stuff is working!

Keep telling yourself that Benghazi isn't going to be a factor in Hillary's election campaign. Her "what difference at this point does it make" comment will be playing non-stop. Four Americans lost their lives and she doesn't care what caused it.

The reason Hillary will not win in 2016 can be summed up in one word...China.

Good luck with that....

Misrepresenting what she was saying got you nowhere with Obama in 2012 and will get you nowhere against Hillary in 2016

I didn't misrepresent anything you moron! Not now nor in 2012.

You idiots must be allergic to honesty because you sure do go out of your way to avoid it.
...why did the President opt to not add more protection to those embassies....

Another one who thinks this happened at an Embassy.

Not only was it not an Embassy, it wasn't even a Consulate.

& it was a freakin' CIA operation. Ferchissakes, this gets old.

where do these rw'ers get their news from :confused: oh yeah!! Sean/Rush :tinfoil:
And Edgeo there thinks Admiral Dempsey sworn testimony about it being two separate 20 minute battles is "disgusting LSM filth."

...why did the President opt to not add more protection to those embassies....

Another one who thinks this happened at an Embassy.

Not only was it not an Embassy, it wasn't even a Consulate.

& it was a freakin' CIA operation. Ferchissakes, this gets old.

Because the difference between a diplomatic "mission" and a consular office is quite crucial in the telling of the story.

Thank you.
Obama was caught with his pants down when this massacre happened in Libya.

He was going around tooting his horn over "personally killing UBL and destroying AQ terrorists worldwide" just in time for his re-election.

He couldn't have TERRORISTS killing a possible "gay" Ambassador and 3 CIA operatives/contractors doing something fishy with Islamic militants in Libya.....thus the criminal cover up with the bullshit video riot angle and endless lies thereafter.

^^nailed it!

not he didnt. stop lying about this fake story
...why did the President opt to not add more protection to those embassies....

Another one who thinks this happened at an Embassy.

Not only was it not an Embassy, it wasn't even a Consulate.

& it was a freakin' CIA operation. Ferchissakes, this gets old.

Yes, it was a Consulate.

The question is..... Where was the help?

Where was the Security?

Where was the Military?

Where were the reinforcements?

Did you know (of course you don't, you're too stupid) that killing an Ambassador is AN ACT OF WAR?

It's not just a criminal act, it is an Act Of War.

And guess what, Mr Bond? The CIA operates out of EVERY Embassy and EVER Consulate we have on the Planet. Every.Single.One.Of.Them.

Was there some hot 'n heavy nasty shit going on at Benghazi? I'd say the odds are good, but where was the help?

Not a single F-16 was scrambled. Know what a F-16 at Mach II and 1,500 feet of altitude sounds like? I do, it'll rattle your brain.

We had a drone overhead, we already know that. The drone could have guided an F-16 into a kill-zone.

Oh? Sigonella was 4 hours away? Well, guess what, jerk? Mach II is around 1,200 Miles an hour. Even at full Military speed, we're only talking an hour away -- TOPS.

Fuel might be a little tough, but worry about that later, after he gets there.

These things happen.... People die in bad neighborhoods.

What we need to know is.... What was super-**** and the scumbag-in-chief doing while these men were dying?

And I will tell you...... They were thinking of ways to keep the scumbag-in-chief's campaign slogan of "GM is alive and Osama is dead" from getting neutered.

These SCUM let good men DIE over a fucking Campaign Slogan.

And that is the lowest form of life on Earth.....

Well, next to the people that defend it. THEY (you) are the lowest form the Earth has ever known.

Finally, the amoeba has someone he can look down on.... You

You can't make this sort of thing up.....looks like all their vitriol is going up in smoke.....:lol::lol:

from your link:
However, according to witnesses, a number of Libyans showed up on the day of the attack on their own to protest the video and, later, as a result of rumors that the Americans were killing protesters. Though Abu Khattala and members of Ansar al-Sharia were spotted at the scene, "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack," the Times reports.
Another one who thinks this happened at an Embassy.

Not only was it not an Embassy, it wasn't even a Consulate.

& it was a freakin' CIA operation. Ferchissakes, this gets old.

where do these rw'ers get their news from :confused: oh yeah!! Sean/Rush :tinfoil:
And Edgeo there thinks Admiral Dempsey sworn testimony about it being two separate 20 minute battles is "disgusting LSM filth."

Now because they never talk about your shit.

They don't Thats what makes it this funny

You can't make this sort of thing up.....looks like all their vitriol is going up in smoke.....:lol::lol:

from your link:
However, according to witnesses, a number of Libyans showed up on the day of the attack on their own to protest the video and, later, as a result of rumors that the Americans were killing protesters. Though Abu Khattala and members of Ansar al-Sharia were spotted at the scene, "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack," the Times reports.

Now I Know you are 68. I know what you do.

You can't make this sort of thing up.....looks like all their vitriol is going up in smoke.....:lol::lol:

from your link:
However, according to witnesses, a number of Libyans showed up on the day of the attack on their own to protest the video and, later, as a result of rumors that the Americans were killing protesters. Though Abu Khattala and members of Ansar al-Sharia were spotted at the scene, "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack," the Times reports.
And remember what happened in the following days at US Embassies around the whole freakin' world? That video spurred shit everywhere with extremists and hard line Muslims freaking out because that video was like making a movie about Jesus fucking a pig, to them anyway.

Those nutcakes flip wigs if you depict their Prophet like that -- even in a newspaper cartoon, it sends 'em flyin...
These were places attacks and protests erupted all over the Muslim world that week.


54 Countries/locales, if memory serves.

You can't make this sort of thing up.....looks like all their vitriol is going up in smoke.....:lol::lol:

from your link:
However, according to witnesses, a number of Libyans showed up on the day of the attack on their own to protest the video and, later, as a result of rumors that the Americans were killing protesters. Though Abu Khattala and members of Ansar al-Sharia were spotted at the scene, "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack," the Times reports.

The same New York Times that told me Stalin wasn't killing them?
You know what? I think lefties like rightwinger think that is there was no Al Qaeda link, then that means it was perfectly ok for the administration to ignore repeated requests for more security, and that it automatically means it was a totally spontaneous event.

You mean like the right wing Congressmen who all voted against the bill to raise the funding for security?

Yeah.....the GOP wanted to ignore requests for more security....now they're bitching and blaming the Democrats for not ignoring their refusal to increase funding.....y'all can't make up your minds.....now you don't want it, now you want it.....too much KoolAid.

I think they think that. Am I wrong? They cannot possibly be this stupid, right?
The only ones that are stupid are the ones that agreed with their Congressmen to not raise the funding for security and are now bitching that the funding for security was not raised......ijits.

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress


Given the threat environment, the physical security platform in Benghazi was inadequate. It is incumbent upon the Board,however, to acknowledge that several upgrades and repairs took place over 2012. DS provided additional funding for the Local Guard Force (LGF), February 17, and residential security upgrades, including heightening the outer perimeter wall, safety grills on safe area egress windows that helped save the life of ARSO 1 on the night of September 11, concrete jersey barriers, manual drop-arm vehicle barriers, a steel gate for the Villa C safe area, some locally manufactured steel doors, sandbag fortifications, security cameras, some additional security lighting, guard booths, and an Internal Defense Notification System. Because OBO does not fund security upgrades for “temporary” facilities, DS also identified non-traditional funding streams to fund physical security upgrades and worked with the IMOs, NEA and Embassy Tripoli to move funds and supplies to Benghazi.The Engineering Security Office (ESO) in Cairo provided strong technical support and regularly visited. Following the June 2012 IED incident, which blew a large hole in the compound wall, DS, OBO, Tripoli, NEA and ESO Cairo immediately responded to Benghazi’s request for assistance. Tripoli identified OBO funds that could be used to fix the wall, and ESO Cairo traveled to Benghazi on June 8 to provide technical support. The TDY IMOs worked tirelessly with the RSOs, Tripoli procurement and financial management staff, and Libyan professionals on statements of work, contracts and funding for the emergency repair of the SMC wall and for the other physical security upgrades, as well as ongoing electrical repairs. New upgrades remained a challenge, however, due to a lack of cash reserves and contract and procurement expertise, which meant Benghazi had to rely on Tripoli for further processing.


Also, funding for Diplomatic Security exceeded $1.5 billion in 2012, meaning there was more than enough funds for security that night. Cutting $300 million would have been a drop in the bucket:


Pegging the Republicans for this incident is stupid and dishonest.
Last edited:

You can't make this sort of thing up.....looks like all their vitriol is going up in smoke.....:lol::lol:

from your link:
However, according to witnesses, a number of Libyans showed up on the day of the attack on their own to protest the video and, later, as a result of rumors that the Americans were killing protesters. Though Abu Khattala and members of Ansar al-Sharia were spotted at the scene, "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack," the Times reports.
And remember what happened in the following days at US Embassies around the whole freakin' world? That video spurred shit everywhere with extremists and hard line Muslims freaking out because that video was like making a movie about Jesus fucking a pig, to them anyway.

Those nutcakes flip wigs if you depict their Prophet like that -- even in a newspaper cartoon, it sends 'em flyin...
These were places attacks and protests erupted all over the Muslim world that week.


54 Countries/locales, if memory serves.

Dont do this you do not have to.

But now you get us into a pissing contest

I'm telling you dont

Think of me as a northern carville Only (I'm pretty. Oh looking at James.............WAY prettier
You know what? I think lefties like rightwinger think that is there was no Al Qaeda link, then that means it was perfectly ok for the administration to ignore repeated requests for more security, and that it automatically means it was a totally spontaneous event.

You mean like the right wing Congressmen who all voted against the bill to raise the funding for security?

Yeah.....the GOP wanted to ignore requests for more security....now they're bitching and blaming the Democrats for not ignoring their refusal to increase funding.....y'all can't make up your minds.....now you don't want it, now you want it.....too much KoolAid.

The only ones that are stupid are the ones that agreed with their Congressmen to not raise the funding for security and are now bitching that the funding for security was not raised......ijits.

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress


Given the threat environment, the physical security platform in Benghazi was inadequate. It is incumbent upon the Board,however, to acknowledge that several upgrades and repairs took place over 2012. DS provided additional funding for the Local Guard Force (LGF), February 17, and residential security upgrades, including heightening the outer perimeter wall, safety grills on safe area egress windows that helped save the life of ARSO 1 on the night of September 11, concrete jersey barriers, manual drop-arm vehicle barriers, a steel gate for the Villa C safe area, some locally manufactured steel doors, sandbag fortifications, security cameras, some additional security lighting, guard booths, and an Internal Defense Notification System. Because OBO does not fund security upgrades for “temporary” facilities, DS also identified non-traditional funding streams to fund physical security upgrades and worked with the IMOs, NEA and Embassy Tripoli to move funds and supplies to Benghazi.The Engineering Security Office (ESO) in Cairo provided strong technical support and regularly visited. Following the June 2012 IED incident, which blew a large hole in the compound wall, DS, OBO, Tripoli, NEA and ESO Cairo immediately responded to Benghazi’s request for assistance. Tripoli identified OBO funds that could be used to fix the wall, and ESO Cairo traveled to Benghazi on June 8 to provide technical support. The TDY IMOs worked tirelessly with the RSOs, Tripoli procurement and financial management staff, and Libyan professionals on statements of work, contracts and funding for the emergency repair of the SMC wall and for the other physical security upgrades, as well as ongoing electrical repairs. New upgrades remained a challenge, however, due to a lack of cash reserves and contract and procurement expertise, which meant Benghazi had to rely on Tripoli for further processing.


Why ya diving into the weeds, bra?
This is a completely different article. This is an article about those that were actually there are now pissed after reading the NYTIMES propaganda piece.
Welfare Queen has a thread about Bi Partisan agreement that NYTIMES is a Fraud. That on Fox News Sunday R & D both agreed that the article was a fraud. Not a single word about a single survivor in any such way as them speaking out about the NYTimes article. This is completely different unless it concerns a Dem and Rep agreeing on Anything much less Benghazi.
I've read Both and they are Different ~
This one is actually much more important as the survivors are speaking out...Let's hope they continue!!!

Except if you read that thread this is brought up. This would only back up those opinions. It's more like someone was getting their butts handed to them so they ran off to make a new thread so people would help.
Being Brought up completely different than a Topic ~~
Seems you're Worried about your Butt?? Simply pulling your head out will help :lol::lol:

guess i was right..again
...why did the President opt to not add more protection to those embassies....

Another one who thinks this happened at an Embassy.

Not only was it not an Embassy, it wasn't even a Consulate.

& it was a freakin' CIA operation. Ferchissakes, this gets old.

Yes, it was a Consulate.

The question is..... Where was the help?
You can't plan for help on an spontaneous attack.....er, duh! Same thing happened to GW Bush.....like 17 times....remember? Of course, you don't.

Where was the Security?
Did you forget already, or did you not read some of the posts that mention the Republicans didn't want to raise the funding for security? Duh! It was your own party that refused to vote for raising the funding, duh!

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress
Where was the Military?
Are you that dense. Where was the military during the 911 in NY? You can't expect the military to beam themselves on the spot, Duh!

Where were the reinforcements?
Your party voted "no" to increasing the funding for more security....ask them.

Did you know (of course you don't, you're too stupid) that killing an Ambassador is AN ACT OF WAR?
Are you a jr. high kid? You can't debate without getting all defensive and attacking people? No, of course you can't, that seems to be so prevalent among most rw'ers.....they can't debate, so they get angry and start name-calling and throwing out insults....so childish.

It's not just a criminal act, it is an Act Of War.
Yeah, and when you find out who did it, you go after their country, not some other country, like George Bush did when we were attacked on 9/11.

And guess what, Mr Bond? The CIA operates out of EVERY Embassy and EVER Consulate we have on the Planet. Every.Single.One.Of.Them.
Yeah....so explain why George Bush had 17 attacks.....where was the CIA then?

Was there some hot 'n heavy nasty shit going on at Benghazi? I'd say the odds are good, but where was the help?

Not a single F-16 was scrambled. Know what a F-16 at Mach II and 1,500 feet of altitude sounds like? I do, it'll rattle your brain.
You are so dense that you obviously don't realize that they would not have gotten there in time? And wooh.....you know how an F-16 sounds like.....I guess that makes you an expert! Bwahahaha....

We had a drone overhead, we already know that. The drone could have guided an F-16 into a kill-zone.
There were our people in the area too, that would have been killed had they done that.....I guess that's too hard for you to comprehend?

Oh? Sigonella was 4 hours away? Well, guess what, jerk? Mach II is around 1,200 Miles an hour. Even at full Military speed, we're only talking an hour away -- TOPS.
And now, you know more than the Generals that were in charge and claimed there was no way we could reach them....rich....conservatives are all so smart....they should all join the military and help us out....:lol::lol:

Fuel might be a little tough, but worry about that later, after he gets there.
Yeah....no need to worry about fuel, what's another F-16 crashing because it ran out fuel.....you really are sounding unintelligent....maybe you better stop posting...:lol:

These things happen.... People die in bad neighborhoods.
Yeah, and that's what happened....4 people died, but here you are suggesting that more people sacrifice their lives....you really sound inane.

What we need to know is.... What was super-**** and the scumbag-in-chief doing while these men were dying?
You really are a sick person.....all that vitriol and hate....I hope you don't blow up.

And I will tell you...... They were thinking of ways to keep the scumbag-in-chief's campaign slogan of "GM is alive and Osama is dead" from getting neutered.
Aha, it all boils down to butt hurt.....:lol::lol:you're so angry that your stupid candidate, who besmirched all of the middle-class didn't win....that's it, isn't it?

These SCUM let good men DIE over a fucking Campaign Slogan.
That's your opinion and it's a really dumb one.

And that is the lowest form of life on Earth.....
I think you just now sunk lower than any form of life on earth....with your uneducated suggestions and your ignorant advice, not to mention the jr high name-calling and insults...it must suck to not be able to debate.

Well, next to the people that defend it. THEY (you) are the lowest form the Earth has ever known.

Finally, the amoeba has someone he can look down on.... You
You are so pathetic.....if you only knew how inane you really sound you would probably quit posting....to late..you've already made an ass of yourself.
You can't make this sort of thing up.....looks like all their vitriol is going up in smoke.....:lol::lol:

from your link:
However, according to witnesses, a number of Libyans showed up on the day of the attack on their own to protest the video and, later, as a result of rumors that the Americans were killing protesters. Though Abu Khattala and members of Ansar al-Sharia were spotted at the scene, "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack," the Times reports.
And remember what happened in the following days at US Embassies around the whole freakin' world? That video spurred shit everywhere with extremists and hard line Muslims freaking out because that video was like making a movie about Jesus fucking a pig, to them anyway.

Those nutcakes flip wigs if you depict their Prophet like that -- even in a newspaper cartoon, it sends 'em flyin...
These were places attacks and protests erupted all over the Muslim world that week.


54 Countries/locales, if memory serves.

Dont do this you do not have to.

But now you get us into a pissing contest

I'm telling you dont

Think of me as a northern carville Only (I'm pretty. Oh looking at James.............WAY prettier

ohes noes Paper she said dont do something because she might actually....well do nothing honestly...lol..someone has been hitting the sauce.

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