Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

Ever since the Watergate Scandal Republicans have hoped they could use a mistake made by Democrats to destroy a Democratic administration.


Nixon spies on democrats, and liberals are all like....


Obama illegally targets groups with the IRS, Lies about Obamcare blatantly, abandons the ambassador for political expediency and those same liberals....


Now, liberals all of a sudden bring up the Benghazi thing again, and are actually pushing the notion that it was spontaneous, due to a video.

So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

Ever since the Watergate Scandal Republicans have hoped they could use a mistake made by Democrats to destroy a Democratic administration.

And since this administration started, the mistakes...or should i say major league fuck-ups...have been piling up. Besides Benghazi:

•Fast & Furious: weapons in drug cartel hands + 1 dead BP agent + White House coverup
•IRS targetting Conservative groups
•NSA leaks showing data mining of every American through phone & internet usage + spying on our allies
•BoondoggleCare: costly website creation + said website not working properly + millions losing existing insurance despite promises to the contrary + sticker shock when buying new coverage
Mr. Stevens, like his bosses in Washington, believed that the United States could turn a critical mass of the fighters it helped oust Colonel Qaddafi into reliable friends. He died trying.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya. A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”

This reads like what it is intended to be..... A background script for a made-for-TV-Movie.

Reads more like a work of fiction than a news story.

Which, it is..... A work of fiction, I mean.

Only thing missing is, "It was a cloudy night, a mist in the air with the occasional drop of rain moistening my forehead. And that's when I saw her go into a seedy Bar she didn't belong in....."

What a load of shit you people buy into.

I wasted my life trying to accomplish something when all I had to do was find a job hood-winking stupid fucking liberals.....


They'll believe anything

head in the sand or up your ass?

most rational people know the NYT story is reporting, not fiction
You know what? I think lefties like rightwinger think that is there was no Al Qaeda link, then that means it was perfectly ok for the administration to ignore repeated requests for more security, and that it automatically means it was a totally spontaneous event.

You mean like the right wing Congressmen who all voted against the bill to raise the funding for security?

Yeah.....the GOP wanted to ignore requests for more security....now they're bitching and blaming the Democrats for not ignoring their refusal to increase funding.....y'all can't make up your minds.....now you don't want it, now you want it.....too much KoolAid.

I think they think that. Am I wrong? They cannot possibly be this stupid, right?
The only ones that are stupid are the ones that agreed with their Congressmen to not raise the funding for security and are now bitching that the funding for security was not raised......ijits.

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

It was the Republican's idea to cut funding with President Obama's boastful political "mission accomplished" speech to the media over the death of Osama Bin Laden?

Obama Budget Cuts Target Military Funding - May 8, 2009

The administration identified $11.5 billion in discretionary program terminations and reductions for next year. The Defense Department will take a $9.4 billion hit, constituting 82 percent of the cuts. Defense accounts for 49 percent of spending on discretionary programs, which Congress must fund each year.

Obama budget cuts target military funding - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Obama announces Pentagon budget cuts - Jan 05, 2012

"I just want to say that this effort reflects the guidance I gave throughout this process," Obama said. "Yes, the tide of war is receding. But the question that this strategy answers is what kind of military will we need after the long wars of the last decade are over. And today, we're moving forward, from a position of strength."

The new military strategy includes $487 billion in cuts over the next decade. An additional $500 billion in cuts could be coming if Congress follows through on plans for deeper reductions. The announcement comes weeks after the U.S. officially ended the Iraq War and after a decade of increased defense spending in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.
Mr. Stevens, like his bosses in Washington, believed that the United States could turn a critical mass of the fighters it helped oust Colonel Qaddafi into reliable friends. He died trying.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya. A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”

The video is irrelevant and was concluded to be in no way associated with the attack.
Testimony and evidence gathered has concluded the attack was planned.
Mr. Stevens, like his bosses in Washington, believed that the United States could turn a critical mass of the fighters it helped oust Colonel Qaddafi into reliable friends. He died trying.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya. A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”

The video is irrelevant and was concluded to be in no way associated with the attack.
Testimony and evidence gathered has concluded the attack was planned.

that narrative is being disproved

the end
Mr. Stevens, like his bosses in Washington, believed that the United States could turn a critical mass of the fighters it helped oust Colonel Qaddafi into reliable friends. He died trying.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya. A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”

The video is irrelevant and was concluded to be in no way associated with the attack.
Testimony and evidence gathered has concluded the attack was planned.

that narrative is being disproved

the end
Facts are not narratives.
Once again..Witness testimony as well as evidence gathered in the investigation concluded the attack was planned.
The NYT story is a collaboration with the White House at the insistence of the Administration.
The timing of the release of the NYT report is suspect.
This is another can of worms the Obama admin has opened. And it WILL come back to haunt them.
The video is irrelevant and was concluded to be in no way associated with the attack.
Testimony and evidence gathered has concluded the attack was planned.

that narrative is being disproved

the end
Facts are not narratives.
Once again..Witness testimony as well as evidence gathered in the investigation concluded the attack was planned.
The NYT story is a collaboration with the White House at the insistence of the Administration.
The timing of the release of the NYT report is suspect.

This is another can of worms the Obama admin has opened. And it WILL come back to haunt them.

another 911 truther-like conspiracy theory
How easy it is for this administrations praetorian media to lie and manipulate the minds of the demented left.

Can you believe they still think it was a spontaneous attack?
So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

What does it really matter?

I really dig good snarky quips, ESPECIALLY when they pierce a hot gas bubble of Liberal bull shit.


Yeah, and when you find out who did it, you go after their country, not some other country, like George Bush did when we were attacked on 9/11.

Are you really that devoid of the facts clearly represented in history? George Bush DID go after the country and the ideology of those that attacked us on 9/11 2001.

I don't go by Faux News' revised history, nor the GOP's revised version of history, and no, Bush didn't go after the right country....Iraq.....they had nothing to do with it.

The rest of your post is just garbage....so I'll just dispose of it.....:eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_A77N5WKWM]Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

Did the folks in the towers call for help and get told no ?
So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

What does it really matter?

I really dig good snarky quips, ESPECIALLY when they pierce a hot gas bubble of Liberal bull shit.



Ha,ha, your comprehension must be dull because it's the rw story, about Al Qaeda being responsible and blaming the President for not saying it, that just got busted......

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