Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

Did the folks in the towers call for help and get told no ?

Bush had information that there was going to be a terrorist attack and he and Rice just sat on it......if the people on the tower had called for help...it would've been too late, the planes had already hit......

A provocative new report from the New York Times alleges the Bush administration failed to heed several warnings of an imminent attack on U.S. on 9/11 back in 2001 that have not been previously revealed or declassified. According to Kurt Eichenwald, the new material is even more damning than the infamous “Bin Laden determined to strike within U.S.” briefing former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified to Congress about. The New York Times reports:
New York Times report: Bush administration ignored early Bin Laden warnings | theGrio
So much for the Republican campaign against Hillary

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault.

Here we have it folks, a proven idiot makes a statement from one of the most untrust worthy newspaper in America and Hillary "what does it matter Americans were murdered" Clinton is free and clear.

My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

He had a busy night of ball handling with Reggie Love while Val Jarrett was giving the "Let Them Die!" order
Calling it a false story without backing it up with links....links to Al Qaeda just proves that the GOPers are so angry that their only hope to attack Hillary is dissolving into thin air.

As for your last comment, but you sure were able to forget the 3000 that died in NY on 9/ll, and the 4000+ that died defending a worthless war due to Booooooosh.....that's unbelievable!

What was so special about the 4 that died in Benghazi that the 7000 that died due to Bush's 9/ll didn't have?

Did the folks in the towers call for help and get told no ?

Bush had information that there was going to be a terrorist attack and he and Rice just sat on it......if the people on the tower had called for help...it would've been too late, the planes had already hit......

A provocative new report from the New York Times alleges the Bush administration failed to heed several warnings of an imminent attack on U.S. on 9/11 back in 2001 that have not been previously revealed or declassified. According to Kurt Eichenwald, the new material is even more damning than the infamous “Bin Laden determined to strike within U.S.” briefing former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified to Congress about. The New York Times reports:
New York Times report: Bush administration ignored early Bin Laden warnings | theGrio

So we have two things going on here.

First, an article some eleven years, after the fact, that is based on s**t this guy supposedly read but can't quote.

Second, this is about Obama's failure and the fact that the left needs to deflect with their favorite tactic.....Boooooosssshhhhhhh.

If we assumed for a minute (and BTW: this is a NYT's article) that this article was worth anything. Would those four guys be any less dead and would Hillary Clinton be any less guilty ?

Clue: No.
Did the folks in the towers call for help and get told no ?

Bush had information that there was going to be a terrorist attack and he and Rice just sat on it......if the people on the tower had called for help...it would've been too late, the planes had already hit......

A provocative new report from the New York Times alleges the Bush administration failed to heed several warnings of an imminent attack on U.S. on 9/11 back in 2001 that have not been previously revealed or declassified. According to Kurt Eichenwald, the new material is even more damning than the infamous “Bin Laden determined to strike within U.S.” briefing former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified to Congress about. The New York Times reports:
New York Times report: Bush administration ignored early Bin Laden warnings | theGrio

So we have two things going on here.

First, an article some eleven years, after the fact, that is based on s**t this guy supposedly read but can't quote.

Second, this is about Obama's failure and the fact that the left needs to deflect with their favorite tactic.....Boooooosssshhhhhhh.

If we assumed for a minute (and BTW: this is a NYT's article) that this article was worth anything. Would those four guys be any less dead and would Hillary Clinton be any less guilty ?

Clue: No.

Yep.....everything anyone says that doesn't come from Faux News is questionable....but whatever Faux News, Washington Times or Briebart says....is the utter truth....bwahahaha.

If the article wasn't worth anything, you rw'ers wouldn't have your panties all in a wad...everyone one of you has claimed that it is fake yet none of you have provided any proof that there was an Al Qaeda link......sorry.....you can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts..............:lol:
Bush had information that there was going to be a terrorist attack and he and Rice just sat on it......if the people on the tower had called for help...it would've been too late, the planes had already hit......

A provocative new report from the New York Times alleges the Bush administration failed to heed several warnings of an imminent attack on U.S. on 9/11 back in 2001 that have not been previously revealed or declassified. According to Kurt Eichenwald, the new material is even more damning than the infamous “Bin Laden determined to strike within U.S.” briefing former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified to Congress about. The New York Times reports:
New York Times report: Bush administration ignored early Bin Laden warnings | theGrio

So we have two things going on here.

First, an article some eleven years, after the fact, that is based on s**t this guy supposedly read but can't quote.

Second, this is about Obama's failure and the fact that the left needs to deflect with their favorite tactic.....Boooooosssshhhhhhh.

If we assumed for a minute (and BTW: this is a NYT's article) that this article was worth anything. Would those four guys be any less dead and would Hillary Clinton be any less guilty ?

Clue: No.

Yep.....everything anyone says that doesn't come from Faux News is questionable....but whatever Faux News, Washington Times or Briebart says....is the utter truth....bwahahaha.

If the article wasn't worth anything, you rw'ers wouldn't have your panties all in a wad...everyone one of you has claimed that it is fake yet none of you have provided any proof that there was an Al Qaeda link......sorry.....you can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts..............:lol:

Get back to us when Fox does an article on some "current event" 11 years after the fact.

Asswipe....how does your smoke and mirrors help counter an Islamic terrorist group killed 4 Americans on 11 Sep???

I bet you have some stupid gif for it.:cuckoo:
Maybe we should attack Spain? Like Bush went and attacked Iraq? Brilliant....:lol::lol:

Well Obama already gave his "Mission Accomplished" political football spike when he took credit for killing Osama Bin Laden. I guess the fight against terrorism didn't leave them so decimated as he led the media to believe, otherwise he would have heightened security on all his American Embassies prior on to the anniversary of 9-11. What president actually RELAXES security measures for embassies in volatile parts of the world anyways? One that is too confident in himself to think clearly, evidently.

ya got a source for your lies ???/ didn't think so
Oh, an investigation by the NYT...well that certainly settles it. Everybody zip it now.:D

The NYT interviewed hundreds of Libyans with an understanding of the situation

Who did Republicans talk to?

It's not like the Libyans have a reason to lie.

You ask any group that's suspected of committing a crime and they'll all claim innocence.

I think I'll stick with what our intelligence people have said on the subject.

They would likely blame it on Al Queda to deflect responsibilities from them.
Maybe we should attack Spain? Like Bush went and attacked Iraq? Brilliant....:lol::lol:

Well Obama already gave his "Mission Accomplished" political football spike when he took credit for killing Osama Bin Laden. I guess the fight against terrorism didn't leave them so decimated as he led the media to believe, otherwise he would have heightened security on all his American Embassies prior on to the anniversary of 9-11. What president actually RELAXES security measures for embassies in volatile parts of the world anyways? One that is too confident in himself to think clearly, evidently.

ya got a source for your lies ???/ didn't think so
Where is the lie, Billyecrock?
The NYT interviewed hundreds of Libyans with an understanding of the situation

Who did Republicans talk to?

It's not like the Libyans have a reason to lie.

You ask any group that's suspected of committing a crime and they'll all claim innocence.

I think I'll stick with what our intelligence people have said on the subject.

They would likely blame it on Al Queda to deflect responsibilities from them.
What I want to know is why Lonestar thinks all Libyans are lying criminals.
Mr. Stevens, like his bosses in Washington, believed that the United States could turn a critical mass of the fighters it helped oust Colonel Qaddafi into reliable friends. He died trying.

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya. A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”

This reads like what it is intended to be..... A background script for a made-for-TV-Movie.

Reads more like a work of fiction than a news story.

Which, it is..... A work of fiction, I mean.

Only thing missing is, "It was a cloudy night, a mist in the air with the occasional drop of rain moistening my forehead. And that's when I saw her go into a seedy Bar she didn't belong in....."

What a load of shit you people buy into.

I wasted my life trying to accomplish something when all I had to do was find a job hood-winking stupid fucking liberals.....


They'll believe anything

head in the sand or up your ass?

most rational people know the NYT story is reporting, not fiction

You mean like Walter Duranty?

Jason Blair?

You're the one with the problem.
New Yawk Slimes Giddy: “Happy Birthday, Chairman Mao”…

The man killed at least 50 million people making him the biggest mass-murderer of the 20th century.


People who take the word of the piece of fucking shit, New Yawk Slimes, over the word of people who were there are too stupid to breathe the same air as the rest of us

'Happy Birthday, Chairman Mao' ? From CNBC and the New York Times | NewsBusters

From the link....


The transcript of the NBC Beijing correspondent's report and her joyous tone while reciting it are equally nauseous
Last edited:
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

You know the 'truth' about Benghazi?

Do tell.......please..... do tell

Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

You know the 'truth' about Benghazi?

Do tell.......please..... do tell



An angry mob stormed our embassy, and because they had weapons, people died.

End of story.

No vast conspiracy to cover up an Al Qaeda attack by making up stories about a video.

But it's okay, man, you guys need to really believe that if only the truth had come out, you'd have gotten your weird Mormon Robot elected.
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

Like a typical liberal scumbag, Mao murdered most of the people who disagreed with him.

The only ones left revered him. If they knew what was good for them.

As to making China a modern Country? You really are stupid.....

That didn't happen until AFTER Mao died.

His "Great Leap Forward" (funny how so many totalitarians like that word, huh?) was a disaster as was his 'Cultural Revolution'.

The Great Leap Forward

Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're on top now, but you won't be forever. My hope is that when, not if.... When, we take back power that our people remember what kind of scum we're dealing with on the other side.

Not the "Loyal Opposition" but complete and utter scum.

You don't negotiate or bargain with a snake, you kill it.
Maybe we should attack Spain? Like Bush went and attacked Iraq? Brilliant....:lol::lol:

Well Obama already gave his "Mission Accomplished" political football spike when he took credit for killing Osama Bin Laden. I guess the fight against terrorism didn't leave them so decimated as he led the media to believe, otherwise he would have heightened security on all his American Embassies prior on to the anniversary of 9-11. What president actually RELAXES security measures for embassies in volatile parts of the world anyways? One that is too confident in himself to think clearly, evidently.

ya got a source for your lies ???/ didn't think so

What lies? Here are the links you requested.

As President Obama ran to election "victory" last fall with claims that al Qaeda was “decimated” and “on the run,” his intelligence team was privately offering a different assessment that the terrorist movement was shifting resources and capabilities to emerging spinoff groups in Africa that posed fresh threats to American security.

Intel clashes with Obama's election-year al Qaeda claims - Washington Times

Twice the man in charge of security for our diplomats in Libya, Greg Nordstrom, begged the State Department for more security in Benghazi after no less than 48 security "incidents" there, including two bombings.

Washington, however, said no. Hillary Clinton... had her minion Charlene Lamb... tell Nordstrom that State wanted "to normalize operations" in Libya and to "reduce security resources."

Clinton defended normalization in a speech on October 13, 2012, a month after the attack. "We will never prevent every act of violence or terrorism, or achieve perfect security," Clinton said. "Our people can't live in bunkers and do their jobs... Diplomacy, by its very nature, is often practiced in dangerous places."

Articles: The Betrayal of Hillary Clinton

Senator Feinstein link blaming no heightened security
Feinstein: Intelligence Mistake, Inadequate Security To Blame For Libyan Terror Attack « CBS San Francisco

President Obama's "I" victory speech on Bin Laden vs President Bush speech capturing Saddam
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OSWtWAdZYE]obama bin laden speech compared to bush saddam speech - YouTube[/ame]

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