Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

Yeah, and when you find out who did it, you go after their country, not some other country, like George Bush did when we were attacked on 9/11.

Are you really that devoid of the facts clearly represented in history? George Bush DID go after the country and the ideology of those that attacked us on 9/11 2001.

I don't go by Faux News' revised history, nor the GOP's revised version of history, and no, Bush didn't go after the right country....Iraq.....they had nothing to do with it.

The rest of your post is just garbage....so I'll just dispose of it.....:eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_A77N5WKWM]Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

From W's mouth! Saddam had NO WMD! I continue to hear that lie on here, Let me ask you. How many writers for FOX news are now posting on USMB. I know you are there!
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

You know the 'truth' about Benghazi?

Do tell.......please..... do tell



An angry mob stormed our embassy, and because they had weapons, people died.

End of story.

No vast conspiracy to cover up an Al Qaeda attack by making up stories about a video.

But it's okay, man, you guys need to really believe that if only the truth had come out, you'd have gotten your weird Mormon Robot elected.

An "angry mob" huh?

With AK-47s, PKMs and 82mm Mortars.

And ran a 'Fire and Maneuver' drill to perfection.

And engaged in, and won, a running gun battle with former Navy SEALS.

And fought off the Libyan Army.

You are one of the stupidest motherfuckers on Earth if you believe that.

And so are your pals.
Well Obama already gave his "Mission Accomplished" political football spike when he took credit for killing Osama Bin Laden. I guess the fight against terrorism didn't leave them so decimated as he led the media to believe, otherwise he would have heightened security on all his American Embassies prior on to the anniversary of 9-11. What president actually RELAXES security measures for embassies in volatile parts of the world anyways? One that is too confident in himself to think clearly, evidently.

ya got a source for your lies ???/ didn't think so

What lies? Here are the links you requested.

As President Obama ran to election "victory" last fall with claims that al Qaeda was “decimated” and “on the run,” his intelligence team was privately offering a different assessment that the terrorist movement was shifting resources and capabilities to emerging spinoff groups in Africa that posed fresh threats to American security.

Intel clashes with Obama's election-year al Qaeda claims - Washington Times

Twice the man in charge of security for our diplomats in Libya, Greg Nordstrom, begged the State Department for more security in Benghazi after no less than 48 security "incidents" there, including two bombings.

Washington, however, said no. Hillary Clinton... had her minion Charlene Lamb... tell Nordstrom that State wanted "to normalize operations" in Libya and to "reduce security resources."

Clinton defended normalization in a speech on October 13, 2012, a month after the attack. "We will never prevent every act of violence or terrorism, or achieve perfect security," Clinton said. "Our people can't live in bunkers and do their jobs... Diplomacy, by its very nature, is often practiced in dangerous places."

Articles: The Betrayal of Hillary Clinton

Senator Feinstein link blaming no heightened security
Feinstein: Intelligence Mistake, Inadequate Security To Blame For Libyan Terror Attack « CBS San Francisco

President Obama's "I" victory speech on Bin Laden vs President Bush speech capturing Saddam
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OSWtWAdZYE]obama bin laden speech compared to bush saddam speech - YouTube[/ame]

Good effort but this chick is willfully stupid. She has repeated the "funding was the problem" lie about 15 times despite posters giving her a link where a State Dept person said under oath funding was not an issue in Benghazi.

When people are presented with direct evidence...in this case in video form....and still continue with the same bullshit...you have to write them off. They are not interested in anything other than willful stupidity.
Are you really that devoid of the facts clearly represented in history? George Bush DID go after the country and the ideology of those that attacked us on 9/11 2001.

I don't go by Faux News' revised history, nor the GOP's revised version of history, and no, Bush didn't go after the right country....Iraq.....they had nothing to do with it.

The rest of your post is just garbage....so I'll just dispose of it.....:eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_A77N5WKWM]Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

From W's mouth! Saddam had NO WMD! I continue to hear that lie on here, Let me ask you. How many writers for FOX news are now posting on USMB. I know you are there!

The liberals and their hypocrisy.

Who lied about the existence of WMDs?

Who propagated the existence of these WMDs before Bush took office?

Who wanted to "invade Baghdad?"

What did UNSCOM say in regards to the violations of Iraq? UNSCOM was an INDEPENDENT UN investigation.

Saddam Hussein's Weapons Of Mass Destruction | Gunning For Saddam | FRONTLINE | PBS

At the end of the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein and his elite military units were still in power and in possession of huge stockpiles of deadly weapons. In April 1991, the U.N. Security Council created UNSCOM, a special commission to find and dismantle this arsenal. The U.N. imposed economic sanctions on Iraq that would be enforced until the country eliminated all nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons capability.

Two agencies were charged with the task. UNSCOM would uncover and destroy Iraq's biological- and chemical-weapons and ballistic-missile programs; the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was charged with uncovering and dismantling Iraq's clandestine nuclear program.

A 58 page annex to the final report describes what the Commission was able to learn about the BW program, despite Iraq's concealment activities, and documents discrepancies between what Iraq claimed to have developed, or destroyed, and the physical evidence. Some of the findings include:

Extensive BW program: Iraq had an extensive BW program from 1973 until at least 1991. In mid-1995, Iraq admitted that it had weaponized BW agents, but claimed that the entire BW program had been in "obliterated" in 1991 and that all BW weapons had been destroyed and all bulk BW agents had been deactivated. The Commission found, however, that the evidence produced in support of this claim was not credible, and that Iraq "retained suitable growth media, BW facilities, production equipment, teams of expert personnel, and the essential technical knowledge" after 1991.

Bulk production: In July, 1995, Iraq acknowledged that between 1988 and 1991, it had produced two BW agents in bulk: botulinum toxin and Bacillus anthracis spores (anthrax). Iraq reported 19,180 liters of botulinum toxin (10-20 fold concentrated) and 8445 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores (10 fold concentrated).

UNSCOM found, however, that "bulk warfare agent production appears to be considerably understated," given the resources available to Iraq's BW program, including growth media and fermenter capacity. The Commission said that the production rate of Botulinum toxin could be as much as double the stated amount, and 3 times greater than that stated for Bacillus anthracis spores.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed more than 7500 liters of the Botulinum toxin and 3412 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores in 1991; UNSCOM noted that there was not evidence to support quantities claimed to be destroyed. The report concludes "the Commission has no confidence that all bulk agents have been destroyed... and that a BW capability does not exist in Iraq."

Iraq also claims to have produced lesser quantities of clostridium perfringens spores, ricin, and wheat cover smut.

BW Warheads: Iraq claimed to have produced 25 Al-Hussein missile warheads and filled them with BW agents. The Commission found that there was no credible evidence to show that only 25 missiles were produced and filled. Iraq declared that the 25 missiles were unilaterally destroyed; the Commission found enough physical evidence to account for the declared quantities of BW warheads, but the location of the remnants were inconsistent with Iraq's story.

BW bombs: Iraq declared that 200 R-400 aerial bombs were manufactured for BW purposes, but acknowledged that the numbers of bombs filled with particular agents (100 with botulinum toxin, 50 with bacillus anthracis spores, and 7 with aflatoxin) were "guesses." UNSCOM did find evidence of the destruction of some BW bombs at the site declared by Iraq, but found that the remnants account for less than one third of the bombs Iraq claims to have destroyed. In addition, UNSCOM found evidence of R-400A bombs carrying BW at an airfield where no BW weapons were declared.

Aircraft drop tanks: Iraq claimed that it produced 4 aircraft drop tanks to disseminate BW agents, and was developing a pilotless aircraft that could carry the tanks, holding either BW or chemical weapons, and release the toxins at a preset time. UNSCOM found that there was no evidence corroborate that only 4 were produced, and noted that interviews indicated that 12 were planned. Remnants of only three destroyed tanks were recovered. UNSCOM also rejected the evidence offered by Iraq--a letter thanking the project workers--that the pilotless aircraft project was shut down.

Aerosol Generators: Iraq developed aerosol generators for the dispersal of BW agents by modifying helicopter-borne commercial chemical insecticide disseminators. Although Iraq claimed the devices were ineffective, UNSCOM received documentation that they were successfully field tested. Interview evidence suggests that there were 12 devices produced; none were destroyed by UNSCOM.

Remaining Bacterial Growth Media: UNSCOM determined that there remained substantial bacterial growth media imported into Iraq which remains unaccounted for: 460 kg. of casien; 80 kg. of thioglocollate broth; 520 kg. of yeast extract; and 1100 kg of peptone. The report says that "the amounts that are 'missing' are significant, and would be sufficient to produce quantities of agent comparable to that already declared by Iraq."


UNSCOM was more successful in its pursuit of Iraq's CW program largely because Iraq was more cooperative with its disclosures. The final report notes that a "significant number" of chemical weapons, their components, and related equipment were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision between 1991 and 1997. In addition, the report found:

Extensive CW program: Iraq acknowledged that it carried out a large scale CW program between 1982 and 1990. It claims that more than 50% of its chemical weapons stocks were consumed during the 1980s, and that the majority of its production facilities were destroyed by aerial bombing during the Gulf War.

Bulk CW agents: Iraq said that it produced 3,859 tons of CW agents during the entire implementation of its CW program, and that 3,315 tons of these agents were weaponized. Agents produced in large quantities included mustard, tabun, and sarin.

According to Iraq, 80% of the weaponized CW agents were consumed between 1982 and 1988. In addition, they claim to have unilaterally discarded 130 tons of non-weaponized CW agents during the 1980s. UNSCOM found that these numbers could not be verified.

After the Gulf War, Iraq claimed that it had 412.5 tons of CW agents remaining. Four hundred eleven tons were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision; 1.5 tons of the CW agent VX remain unaccounted for.

Special Munitions: Iraq claimed that between 1982 and 1988, 100,000 munitions filled with CW agents were consumed or disposed of. UNSCOM found that this number could not be verified.

After the Gulf war, Iraq declared that there remained over 56,000 special munitions which could carry either CW or BW agents (22,000 filled, 34,000 unfilled). These munitions are all accounted for. They were either destroyed or converted for conventional weapons purposes.

Iraq claimed that there were 42,000 special munitions destroyed in the Gulf War. UNSCOM was unable to verify that number, and found that the destruction of 2,000 unfilled munitions remains uncertain, and 550 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed 29,000 special munitions; UNSCOM found that of these, 100 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.

As usual, the double talking, hypocritical liberals that had no clue the Iraq Liberation Act was passed by Clinton (of course they have no idea Clinton awarded at least 4 no-bid contracts to that big bad Halliburton in the 90s, nor do they care that Clinton repealed Glass Steagall Act, which directly led to the deregulated derivatives and also led to the housing bubble) which was one of many big reasons why those democrats voted for the war, and then spoke out against it, and acted as though they were the ones misled.

The democrats are nothing but overt liars. Hypocrites. Their little sheep, like this person here are the the real reasons why we have to endure the eventual absolute collapse of the middle class, along with the country.

Anyone have conclusive evidence on where Syria got their chemical weapons that they have been using? Anyone? Hello?

Last edited by a moderator:
ya got a source for your lies ???/ didn't think so

What lies? Here are the links you requested.

Twice the man in charge of security for our diplomats in Libya, Greg Nordstrom, begged the State Department for more security in Benghazi after no less than 48 security "incidents" there, including two bombings.

Washington, however, said no. Hillary Clinton... had her minion Charlene Lamb... tell Nordstrom that State wanted "to normalize operations" in Libya and to "reduce security resources."

Clinton defended normalization in a speech on October 13, 2012, a month after the attack. "We will never prevent every act of violence or terrorism, or achieve perfect security," Clinton said. "Our people can't live in bunkers and do their jobs... Diplomacy, by its very nature, is often practiced in dangerous places."

Articles: The Betrayal of Hillary Clinton

Senator Feinstein link blaming no heightened security
Feinstein: Intelligence Mistake, Inadequate Security To Blame For Libyan Terror Attack « CBS San Francisco

President Obama's "I" victory speech on Bin Laden vs President Bush speech capturing Saddam
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OSWtWAdZYE]obama bin laden speech compared to bush saddam speech - YouTube[/ame]

Good effort but this chick is willfully stupid. She has repeated the "funding was the problem" lie about 15 times despite posters giving her a link where a State Dept person said under oath funding was not an issue in Benghazi.

When people are presented with direct evidence...in this case in video form....and still continue with the same bullshit...you have to write them off. They are not interested in anything other than willful stupidity.

You also have to have the will to call them what they are....

Lying, scum-sucking filth.

That has been, and continues to be, why Republicans can't win anything.

They're too afraid of hurting somebody's feelings, they're too afraid of being portrayed as 'mean'.

Meanwhile, the filth on the left in this Country gets away with pure, unadulterated hate mongering

Melissa Harris-Perry Panel Mocks Black Romney Grandchild As Token » The Right Scoop -

P.S. If you want to see the video, you better hurry up. It is QUICKLY and thoroughly being scrubbed off the internet by the commies at pMSNBC
Last edited:
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

Makes complete sense coming from a communist like yourself - "The ends justify the means".

My God - what a moron.
I don't go by Faux News' revised history, nor the GOP's revised version of history, and no, Bush didn't go after the right country....Iraq.....they had nothing to do with it.

The rest of your post is just garbage....so I'll just dispose of it.....:eusa_whistle:

Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 - YouTube

From W's mouth! Saddam had NO WMD! I continue to hear that lie on here, Let me ask you. How many writers for FOX news are now posting on USMB. I know you are there!

The liberals and their hypocrisy.

Who lied about the existence of WMDs?

Who propagated the existence of these WMDs before Bush took office?

Who wanted to "invade Baghdad?"

What did UNSCOM say in regards to the violations of Iraq? UNSCOM was an INDEPENDENT UN investigation.

Saddam Hussein's Weapons Of Mass Destruction | Gunning For Saddam | FRONTLINE | PBS

At the end of the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein and his elite military units were still in power and in possession of huge stockpiles of deadly weapons. In April 1991, the U.N. Security Council created UNSCOM, a special commission to find and dismantle this arsenal. The U.N. imposed economic sanctions on Iraq that would be enforced until the country eliminated all nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons capability.

Two agencies were charged with the task. UNSCOM would uncover and destroy Iraq's biological- and chemical-weapons and ballistic-missile programs; the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was charged with uncovering and dismantling Iraq's clandestine nuclear program.

A 58 page annex to the final report describes what the Commission was able to learn about the BW program, despite Iraq's concealment activities, and documents discrepancies between what Iraq claimed to have developed, or destroyed, and the physical evidence. Some of the findings include:

Extensive BW program: Iraq had an extensive BW program from 1973 until at least 1991. In mid-1995, Iraq admitted that it had weaponized BW agents, but claimed that the entire BW program had been in "obliterated" in 1991 and that all BW weapons had been destroyed and all bulk BW agents had been deactivated. The Commission found, however, that the evidence produced in support of this claim was not credible, and that Iraq "retained suitable growth media, BW facilities, production equipment, teams of expert personnel, and the essential technical knowledge" after 1991.

Bulk production: In July, 1995, Iraq acknowledged that between 1988 and 1991, it had produced two BW agents in bulk: botulinum toxin and Bacillus anthracis spores (anthrax). Iraq reported 19,180 liters of botulinum toxin (10-20 fold concentrated) and 8445 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores (10 fold concentrated).

UNSCOM found, however, that "bulk warfare agent production appears to be considerably understated," given the resources available to Iraq's BW program, including growth media and fermenter capacity. The Commission said that the production rate of Botulinum toxin could be as much as double the stated amount, and 3 times greater than that stated for Bacillus anthracis spores.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed more than 7500 liters of the Botulinum toxin and 3412 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores in 1991; UNSCOM noted that there was not evidence to support quantities claimed to be destroyed. The report concludes "the Commission has no confidence that all bulk agents have been destroyed... and that a BW capability does not exist in Iraq."

Iraq also claims to have produced lesser quantities of clostridium perfringens spores, ricin, and wheat cover smut.

BW Warheads: Iraq claimed to have produced 25 Al-Hussein missile warheads and filled them with BW agents. The Commission found that there was no credible evidence to show that only 25 missiles were produced and filled. Iraq declared that the 25 missiles were unilaterally destroyed; the Commission found enough physical evidence to account for the declared quantities of BW warheads, but the location of the remnants were inconsistent with Iraq's story.

BW bombs: Iraq declared that 200 R-400 aerial bombs were manufactured for BW purposes, but acknowledged that the numbers of bombs filled with particular agents (100 with botulinum toxin, 50 with bacillus anthracis spores, and 7 with aflatoxin) were "guesses." UNSCOM did find evidence of the destruction of some BW bombs at the site declared by Iraq, but found that the remnants account for less than one third of the bombs Iraq claims to have destroyed. In addition, UNSCOM found evidence of R-400A bombs carrying BW at an airfield where no BW weapons were declared.

Aircraft drop tanks: Iraq claimed that it produced 4 aircraft drop tanks to disseminate BW agents, and was developing a pilotless aircraft that could carry the tanks, holding either BW or chemical weapons, and release the toxins at a preset time. UNSCOM found that there was no evidence corroborate that only 4 were produced, and noted that interviews indicated that 12 were planned. Remnants of only three destroyed tanks were recovered. UNSCOM also rejected the evidence offered by Iraq--a letter thanking the project workers--that the pilotless aircraft project was shut down.

Aerosol Generators: Iraq developed aerosol generators for the dispersal of BW agents by modifying helicopter-borne commercial chemical insecticide disseminators. Although Iraq claimed the devices were ineffective, UNSCOM received documentation that they were successfully field tested. Interview evidence suggests that there were 12 devices produced; none were destroyed by UNSCOM.

Remaining Bacterial Growth Media: UNSCOM determined that there remained substantial bacterial growth media imported into Iraq which remains unaccounted for: 460 kg. of casien; 80 kg. of thioglocollate broth; 520 kg. of yeast extract; and 1100 kg of peptone. The report says that "the amounts that are 'missing' are significant, and would be sufficient to produce quantities of agent comparable to that already declared by Iraq."


UNSCOM was more successful in its pursuit of Iraq's CW program largely because Iraq was more cooperative with its disclosures. The final report notes that a "significant number" of chemical weapons, their components, and related equipment were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision between 1991 and 1997. In addition, the report found:

Extensive CW program: Iraq acknowledged that it carried out a large scale CW program between 1982 and 1990. It claims that more than 50% of its chemical weapons stocks were consumed during the 1980s, and that the majority of its production facilities were destroyed by aerial bombing during the Gulf War.

Bulk CW agents: Iraq said that it produced 3,859 tons of CW agents during the entire implementation of its CW program, and that 3,315 tons of these agents were weaponized. Agents produced in large quantities included mustard, tabun, and sarin.

According to Iraq, 80% of the weaponized CW agents were consumed between 1982 and 1988. In addition, they claim to have unilaterally discarded 130 tons of non-weaponized CW agents during the 1980s. UNSCOM found that these numbers could not be verified.

After the Gulf War, Iraq claimed that it had 412.5 tons of CW agents remaining. Four hundred eleven tons were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision; 1.5 tons of the CW agent VX remain unaccounted for.

Special Munitions: Iraq claimed that between 1982 and 1988, 100,000 munitions filled with CW agents were consumed or disposed of. UNSCOM found that this number could not be verified.

After the Gulf war, Iraq declared that there remained over 56,000 special munitions which could carry either CW or BW agents (22,000 filled, 34,000 unfilled). These munitions are all accounted for. They were either destroyed or converted for conventional weapons purposes.

Iraq claimed that there were 42,000 special munitions destroyed in the Gulf War. UNSCOM was unable to verify that number, and found that the destruction of 2,000 unfilled munitions remains uncertain, and 550 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed 29,000 special munitions; UNSCOM found that of these, 100 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.

As usual, the double talking, hypocritical liberals that had no clue the Iraq Liberation Act was passed by Clinton (of course they have no idea Clinton awarded at least 4 no-bid contracts to that big bad Halliburton in the 90s, nor do they care that Clinton repealed Glass Steagall Act, which directly led to the deregulated derivatives and also led to the housing bubble) which was one of many big reasons why those democrats voted for the war, and then spoke out against it, and acted as though they were the ones misled.

The democrats are nothing but overt liars. Hypocrites. Their little sheep, like this person here are the the real reasons why we have to endure the eventual absolute collapse of the middle class, along with the country.

Anyone have conclusive evidence on where Syria got their chemical weapons that they have been using? Anyone? Hello?


The liberals and their revisionist history. Hell, look at our public schools - that should tell you all you need to know.
Last edited by a moderator:
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.
No surprise you would defend a murdering communist like Mao.
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.
No surprise you would defend a murdering communist like Mao.

Yep, these are the same "enlightened progressives" ( What BS) that romanticizes about that piece of human excrement Che' Gueverra - who was nothing more than a murdering thug.

Again, to one of these communists - the ends ALWAYS justify the means. Mind you - they aren't willing to do anything other than stand back and watch (opting to let some murderer do their dirty work for them) but they will sit back and tell you how "it must be done to "nudge" the common folk"
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

Same way the Left thinks Cubans Love Fidel and Russians Love Stalin
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

Same way the Left thinks Cubans Love Fidel and Russians Love Stalin

The Cubans DO love Fidel. They received their orders.
Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

That's just not factually possible.

He is a halfbreed nigga born in Africa to a radical communist muslim terrorist father that abandoned his wife and son. Obummer attended a muslim school in Indonesia and smoked weed and snorted cocaine and his best friend in Chicago was a convicted terrorist bomber cop killer. It is comon knowledge that Obama watched with glee as the ambassadore was fucked in the poop shooter then burned alive by Al Kaida terrorists. Those are the FACTS. Nothing else matters.
Firebug (R) is going to have to find another faux scandal to blow a huge wad of taxpayer $$$ on to keep people distracted from the fact that Boehner's House is the least productive in memory if not history :thup:
Firebug (R) is going to have to find another faux scandal to blow a huge wad of taxpayer $$$ on to keep people distracted from the fact that Boehner's House is the least productive in memory if not history :thup:


You are the biggest deflection POS around here! (well, almost)

An "angry mob" huh?

With AK-47s, PKMs and 82mm Mortars.

And ran a 'Fire and Maneuver' drill to perfection.

And engaged in, and won, a running gun battle with former Navy SEALS.

And fought off the Libyan Army.

You are one of the stupidest motherfuckers on Earth if you believe that.

And so are your pals.

Guy, honestly, you seem to have a religious need for your narrative on Benghazi, one that really hasn't been borne out by any investigation.

Maybe I'm old, but frankly, having seen the tiresome "Vince Foster was murdered to hide the fact he was Chelsea's Real Dad" threads coming from the Nutty Right Wing, it's just hard to take you guy seriously anymore.

Something about Hillary makes you all batshit nuts. Probably the fact she has a vagina and an opinion.
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

Same way the Left thinks Cubans Love Fidel and Russians Love Stalin

A recent poll found that Russians consider Stalin the third greatest figure in their history.

That was after a Saint who defeated the Teutonic Knights and the Prime Minister who freed the serfs.

Maybe you need to talk to some Russians, who still look upon Stalin the way we look at FDR and the Brits look at Churchill....
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

Same way the Left thinks Cubans Love Fidel and Russians Love Stalin

A recent poll found that Russians consider Stalin the third greatest figure in their history.

That was after a Saint who defeated the Teutonic Knights and the Prime Minister who freed the serfs.

Maybe you need to talk to some Russians, who still look upon Stalin the way we look at FDR and the Brits look at Churchill....

When I talk to you I'm talking to a Russian who idolizes Stalin. The Russian Emigres I know are all glad to be living in the USA and think people like you are the biggest fools on the planet, pining openly for the most oppressive, dehumanizing, failed system ever enacted
Obviously, you are a bit confused.

Regardless of how many people Mao killed, most Chinese consider him the man who liberated their country from foreign domination and made it a modern state.

But it's okay, man, I feel your pain. You guys have a religous belief about Benghazi, and how Saint Stevens was martyred to re-elect Obama, and you just aren't going to let anything get in the way of that.

Especially not the truth.

Same way the Left thinks Cubans Love Fidel and Russians Love Stalin

A recent poll found that Russians consider Stalin the third greatest figure in their history.

That was after a Saint who defeated the Teutonic Knights and the Prime Minister who freed the serfs.

Maybe you need to talk to some Russians, who still look upon Stalin the way we look at FDR and the Brits look at Churchill....
Well, you've praised Mao, now Stalin. Who are you gonna praise next, Hitler?

When I talk to you I'm talking to a Russian who idolizes Stalin. The Russian Emigres I know are all glad to be living in the USA and think people like you are the biggest fools on the planet, pining openly for the most oppressive, dehumanizing, failed system ever enacted

Sorry, not Russian. I'm German. (Actually, half German, the other half a mixture of English, Irish, Dutch and Cherokee.... but I digress)

Second, I don't take the word of anyone who was driven out of their country by their neighbors seriously.

Third, the only reason WHY there are Russians today, instead of lamp shades and bars of soap, is because Stalin beat Hitler...

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