Looks like Schiff was Lying about Russian disinformation in 2016

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
The Twitter files keep busting the main stream media, and leftist establishment.

Adam Schiff claimed for years that the 2016 election was invalid and stolen, because of Russian disinformation on social media, such as Twitter. Now we know from inside Twitter that in fact, the whole time they knew that the amount of Russian bots/trolls was minimal to nonexistent, and they told Schiff and the govt this. Yet, Schiff continued to push the narrative, even know he was told it was incorrect.

Once again, the left is now having to begrudgingly acknowledge what Conservatives knew years earlier and were demonized for saying at the time. The left continues to be wrong in their initial attacks and stances, and end up speaking against and trying to censor what was the truth all along.

Amongst a figurative gang of liars, Schiff is singularly awful. He lies about facts that can be verified, in the hope that when the facts come out, the public will have forgotten what he said.

If ANYONE in Congress should be censured, it is Adam Schiff. Why [the fuck] he keeps getting re-elected is a real puzzle.
Amongst a figurative gang of liars, Schiff is singularly awful. He lies about facts that can be verified, in the hope that when the facts come out, the public will have forgotten what he said.

If ANYONE in Congress should be censured, it is Adam Schiff. Why [the fuck] he keeps getting re-elected is a real puzzle.

Forget it, Jake, it's California.

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