Looks like The Democrats Are Doubling Down on Stupid


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I guess after the historic beat down the Dems took in the last two elections they'd change course. I mean, that would be logical...right? Bring in new people and new ideas. Ditch the old, tired, class warfare identity politics bullshit?

Instead....the Dems bring back 77 year old Nancy Pelosi as their leader. :lol: I mean...you can't make this shit up.


No one in the Democrat leadership is under 66 years old. And of course they're all white and all from the coasts.

Way to broaden the Party and reach out to disaffected working class people in the heartland. :thup: Now...all they have to do is name the Muslim Congressman who openly hates white people to lead the DNC and all will be complete. :D

Morons.....complete morons. :lol: Thanks Dems!!!



When I see Nancy Pelosi I always wonder if being ugly is a condition that could kill you...
Aside from Trump and Bernie supporters I don't see either side doing shit for change. The same establishment candidates were reelected in the down ballot races, and we already see Trump's cabinet being filled with the "old guard".
I guess after the historic beat down the Dems took in the last two elections they'd change course. I mean, that would be logical...right? Bring in new people and new ideas. Ditch the old, tired, class warfare identity politics bullshit?
That was generous. She actually was the majority leader in 2008 and the high lord of progressive stupid through four election cycles that saw only dem losses other that obie. I love that she's back in charge. 2018 is going to be awesome.
Aside from Trump and Bernie supporters I don't see either side doing shit for change. The same establishment candidates were reelected in the down ballot races, and we already see Trump's cabinet being filled with the "old guard".


I've said this before, but I will say it again. Trump may end up sucking, although so far I mostly like what he's done since the election.

But the Dems and Hillary were and are completely out of gas imho. The war on women shit....it's fucking done....stick a fork in it. :) Political correctness.....dead...and you can thank Trump. The meme that Trump hates gays.....done. Trump says it's settled law and has zero interest in fighting culture wars from two decades ago.

So I think I've pretty much exhausted the Democrat playbook. :D

Who knows...maybe someday the Democrats will stop playing victim politics and talk again about all of us as being Americans versus hyphenated Americans.

Aaron....I can dream...can't I? :)
What an embarrassing time to be associated with the Democrats...completely out of touch with so many voters. Their inability/refusal to change the course shows that they aren't truly Progressives, but are clinging to the status quo. They are currently the party of: :banghead::banghead::bang3::banghead::bang3::banghead:

Keep it up, liberal loons.:thup: :D

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