Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

Specifically, the nature of the crime they were investigating, the FACT that Flynn was a suspect and didn't need a lawyer. You know all those legal rights you seem to so blithely want to throw away IF it has the least opportunity to 'get Trump.'

Are they required to tell him any of that? (Probably a waste of time trying to discuss this with a cultist).

Yes they are. Unless, of course, you want to drop rights for those you don't deem need them.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

No, but the FBI acted like he was. That was a LIE...Get it now?

That is subjective and legally irrelevant. If he was not under arrest, and he is no dummy, he knows the law, they do not read you the Miranda. Your question is answered.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

Specifically, the nature of the crime they were investigating, the FACT that Flynn was a suspect and didn't need a lawyer. You know all those legal rights you seem to so blithely want to throw away IF it has the least opportunity to 'get Trump.'

Are they required to tell him any of that? (Probably a waste of time trying to discuss this with a cultist).

Yes they are. Unless, of course, you want to drop rights for those you don't deem need them.

Please show us the law that requires them to do so.
Conspiracy to persecute the president? I call balony on that. Flynn lied. He did not have to. If anything, the conspiracy was by Trump & Co on the American people With their inherent disrespect for the rule of law.
Flynn did not lie, if so what was the lie?

He thought he was engaged in a friendly conversation, and had not brought any notes with him, or the lawyer he was tricked out of with FBI lies.

It amazes me that you insist on focusing on the Flynn 'lie' but ignore the FBI lies, the lack of Miranda rights, the fact that it was not announced to be an FBI investigative interview and thus Flynn was NEVEr obligated to tell them the truth about anything, nor liable for prosecution if he did not.

The FBI is not our Lord and Masters. They work for US, and have to tell us if their question involve a criminal investigation of us, or it doesnt count.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

No, but the FBI acted like he was. That was a LIE...Get it now?

That is subjective and legally irrelevant. If he was not under arrest, and he is no dummy, he knows the law, they do not read you the Miranda. Your question is answered.

If he was not under arrest, and they did not read him his rights then they were abusing their authority in order to 'get' him and get him to lie, they admitted as much. What is it about that you can't seem to understand?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......

Why would they When what they wanted was information or leverage for cooperation? That is typical law enforcement tactics.
Conspiracy to persecute the president? I call balony on that. Flynn lied. He did not have to. If anything, the conspiracy was by Trump & Co on the American people With their inherent disrespect for the rule of law.
Flynn did not lie, if so what was the lie?

He thought he was engaged in a friendly conversation, and had not brought any notes with him, or the lawyer he was tricked out of with FBI lies.

It amazes me that you insist on focusing on the Flynn 'lie' but ignore the FBI lies, the lack of Miranda rights, the fact that it was not announced to be an FBI investigative interview and thus Flynn was NEVEr obligated to tell them the truth about anything, nor liable for prosecution if he did not.

The FBI is not our Lord and Masters. They work for US, and have to tell us if their question involve a criminal investigation of us, or it doesnt count.
It is interesting that the TDSers here flog the same dead horse over and over. I'm beginning to think they must be getting paid by the DNC.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......

Why would they When what they wanted was information or leverage for cooperation? That is typical law enforcement tactics.

It is a typical law enforcement tactic when they are investigating a CRIME!! They were not doing that. A transition team member talking to a foreign representative is NOT a crime.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

No, but the FBI acted like he was. That was a LIE...Get it now?

That is subjective and legally irrelevant. If he was not under arrest, and he is no dummy, he knows the law, they do not read you the Miranda. Your question is answered.

If he was not under arrest, and they did not read him his rights then they were abusing their authority in order to 'get' him and get him to lie, they admitted as much. What is it about that you can't seem to understand?

How exactly were they abusing their authority? Was he treated differently than others? He was someone who potentially had information on a larger potential crime and they needed a way to pressure him into cooperating. Again very standard. If they broke any laws, then what laws did they break?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......

Why would they When what they wanted was information or leverage for cooperation? That is typical law enforcement tactics.

It is a typical law enforcement tactic when they are investigating a CRIME!! They were not doing that. A transition team member talking to a foreign representative is NOT a crime.

When they are investigating a potential crime. And yes, it can be a crime.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......

Why would they When what they wanted was information or leverage for cooperation? That is typical law enforcement tactics.

It is a typical law enforcement tactic when they are investigating a CRIME!! They were not doing that. A transition team member talking to a foreign representative is NOT a crime.

When they are investigating a potential crime. And yes, it can be a crime.

What?! A "potential" crime? Oh brother.....You are willing to lose your rights because someone thinks you committed a "potential crime?" What kind of idiocy is that? When was the last time any Presidential transition member was prosecuted for talking to a foreign representative? Answer this, when Hillary was interviewed she had a room full of lawyers and was told the consequences if she lied. Why was it different for Flynn?
Last edited:
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......

Why would they When what they wanted was information or leverage for cooperation? That is typical law enforcement tactics.

You LIKE that right?? Like the FBI threatening to hunt down and prosecute HIS SON if he did not PLEAD guilty to a manufactured process crime?? You're a fan of that also - amirite???
Or publicly RUINING and FINANCIALLY HOSING completely innocent people like Carter Page or Papadopolous??? You like that also??

How about having the world's most powerful domestic spy machine HIJACKED ILLEGALLY by the SAME FBI conspirators that hosed Flynn... You LIKE Domestic spying on citizens? You like it abused for PURELY political purposes against CITIZENS by the FBI and Intel Agencies?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

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