Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......

Why would they When what they wanted was information or leverage for cooperation? That is typical law enforcement tactics.

When what they wanted was information

Information? About what? They had the phone call transcript.

- Russia interfered in an election to help Trump. Proven
- Lets Investigate and see if Trump people helped them. Valid
- We have records of Flynn talking to the Russians. Let’s question him and see if he is honest and forthright. Nope he lied.
- Arrest him and find out why he lied and what he was hiding.

It’s basic stuff. It’s not illegal. It all could have been avoided IF HE DID NOT LIE!
and i've not ducked a question. i'm sure i answered it between your fits of trump rages. but fuck, ask again, im down.

Sure. If your Trump Defense Syndrome rage is under control (gee, you keep accusing me of dropping the "Trump bomb" but look at you littering every post with the TDS bomb)... I'll ask again. It's easy to miss answers because there are a ton of new posts in this popular thread.

What specific laws did the FBI break?

Was Trump treated any differently than a similar low level white collar criminal would have been? For example, while investigating Enron, the same tactics were used on low level people to get information on higher ups, including pressuring family members.

Up until now, this has been a common means of investigating large complex cases. Most of the so-called evidence against this is discussions on how best to proceed and what they ultimately want out of him. Why is it suddenly wrong? Is it because Flynn is part of Trump's organization that he can't be investigated?
yes, i did answer this question. in all caps.

did they treat flynn differently?

yes. all the ways they did that and how they WOULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS TO BUSH OR OBAMA are outlined, by comey, in the video you say is taken out of context.

using your logic, why is it suddenly OK to break protocol (comeys words, not mine) and do things you've never done before and in a manner you'd not do to anyone else? (again, comey said this but you say he's out of context). however, the FBI did this to Flynn, not trump, so forgive me if i keep it on FBI/Flynn.

now, if you're not going to believe comey, what chance in hell do i have of being believed?

they didnt let him know the reason for the visit
they didn't go through proper channels
they didn't allow him council or anyone else in the room
they didn't notify the whitehouse they were coming to prep for the visit

and comey said he would never have done this to bush or obama but he thought he could get away with it under trump.

there. now - time you go to "ball up" and simply tell me how comey was taken out of context.

laws broken is a different question and let's not get crazy and think for a moment you won't get "squirrel" distracted if i answer something you don't like so for now, lets keep this to 1 topic at a time

tag, you're it. how was comey taken out of context?
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Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy
Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Flynn wasn't a 'bad guy' they made him one based on the false Russia investigation. Who was the 'big fish?'

He admitted he lied. Not only did he plead guilty, but he reaffirmed his guilt when he rejected the judge's offer to withdraw his guilty plea.

He lied. Deal with it.
Stay tuned....the actual facts (not the contrived facts) are going to be exposed, and you're going to be butthurt.

Oh? What other facts do you think there are?
I'm sure they aren't the contrived facts that you have to use.

So you have nothing but wishes. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
And, you have to use contrived facts. :laughing0301:
there comes a time where it becomes literally pointless to try and engage in discussion with someone. for months i honestly felt coyote and i were finding some common ground but seeing a statement of 1:32 of out of context i realized quite simply her hate for something outweighs her desire for honesty.

she's not the only one as this can be a human trait, not left or right. i've told people on the right their loose "interpretation" was guided by hate and no that didn't go well either.

people do not like their emotionally driven points challenged. it only heightens the emotion. i can get fed up like anyone and drop some all caps or some sailor driven words and i likely need to slow that down and simply stop paying attention to those who pay no attention to a search for the truth vs. emotional validation.

so when she sent off saying she realizes in my eyes trump can do no wrong she simply shifted gears. first, i never mentioned trump. my focus was flynn and the FBI. but since i do bulldog and stay on my point (ie, prove it was out of context with your data/links of what he meant to say) and that can push people over the edge because i've presented a "put up or shut up" scenario they know deep down they can't prove.

so deflect. tell me i love trump and that's driving me when honestly, i'm trump neutral and have gone off on him when he does stupid shit too. so what she said is flat out a lie and part of our past in depth discussions she's chosen to now ignore and shove me into the bad guy side pretty much like i probably did her after the "out of context".

out of context to me is a 10-15 second clip where you don't see the before and after and that is made up for you. aka - impeach trump.

1:32 of an interview where he's point blank asked what he did and why and he tells you is not out of context and that direction is simply deflect and move the goalposts.

comey was wrong in what he did. the FBI was wrong in what they did. but many on the left will not allow anything that can potentially show trump in a negative light simply doesn't exist in their world. they are fine with these things being done because of their emotional stake in the game.

but i know for a fact if trumps DOJ did this to someone they could cry unholy hell. the only difference is, i'd be crying unholy hell also. the action is wrong and i don't care who it is done to.

would that others feel the same.

Your honesty is non existent. You are just as partisan as those you attack.

You don't even have the integrity to actually comment on the legal points or counter them.

It's all emotional BS - TDS TDS TDS. No wonder I can't discuss things with Trump Cultists - they just revert TDS.

You will defend Trump, and anyone associated with him to the end - UNTIL Trump turns on them, then you will too.

See ya.
Wolfs in sheep’s clothing... I blocked that guy a while back and saved the hassle of annoying pointless debates. He used to be pretty good but something snapped

I know. We used to have some pretty good discussions and we used to be able to agree to disagree.
we still can. agree to disagree that is. but it's hard for me to do that when you're runnign around screaming in a rage that i'm happy with every single thing trump has done and shit. you know better and we covered that back in "those days".

at this point you're acting just like slade. talk all "i'm not biased i'm not biased" then run out and do some one sided shit most people wouldn't want either side to do.

and what made me stop bothering with slade is i would put up posts that would take 30-45 minutes to put together and show my point and he'd not read them nor address them but shout back generic leftist bulletpoints in defense. so i found that regardless of how well you put your argument together and how much time you spend on it trying to find that "common ground" - he had no desire to do the same in the end.

just be right. all the time.
Wait hold up... you don’t think he lied?!
No. Watch the video and find out for yourself.

why did Trump fire him? Why did the Feds arrest him?
The FBI intentionally went in and ambushed Flynn with the intent of tricking him into
a perjury trap as a way of taking Trump down.
It is very easy to do without a good lawyer standing by and James Comey himself
admitted he got Flynn to meet with two FBI agents informally without a lawyer, foolishly trusting the FBI
which he certainly doesn't now and knows better.
In other words Comey set Flynn up and led him straight into a trap and says as much (watch the video, don't take my word).

As far as Trump firing Flynn I'm sure it was done for political expediency. Trump will dump people in a blink
of the eye. If I can stress one thing again...watch the video from two anti Trump progressives. Learn something even if it hurts you.
Don't regurgitate leftist talking points and urban legends.
There is no way to trick somebody into lying. People are either host or they aren’t when you’re being interview by the FBI you better be honest or else you’re going down. Why do you make up silly things like this “perjury trap” nonesense there is no such thing!!!

And you keep ignoring the agents 302's where they stipulate he wasn't lying.

What is it you think I’m ignoring? Do you truly believe that Flynn forgot two conversations he had with Russia during all the crap that went on during this election?! In the heat of an FBI investigation and After Obama put sanctions on them for election interference?! And if Flynn was at all fuzzy about details then that’s all he had to say!!! But no he lied. It wasn’t a trap. It wasn’t Coerced... It was an intentional lie. Wake up!!
I think Flynn did not want to divulge classified discussions. After all, he was the Nationaql Security Advisor to Trump. Also, the FBI pretended they were not investigating him then used an archiac law (The Logan Act) to take him out. They wanted to get to Trump and used a fake Dossier and fake charges against Flynn to affect a coup against a duly elected American President. They should all hang IMO.
There was nothing phony about the investigation. The Russians interfered, that’s a crime worth of investigating. Trump and his people straight up lied about communicating with them. That makes them suspect and targets to be investigated. The simple question, Why did they lie and what are they hiding? is what results from their actions. Had they been honest then perhaps this shit show could have been avoided
Documents have come to light that proves certain leading figures in the FBI were trying to remove Trump. The cover story was Russian interference which ALWAYS takes place. The whole thing was a ruse to cover up an on-going coup which some FBI agents alluded to in their private emails. No one was hiding anything, the FBI knew what Flynn had said to Kysliak and, if that was illegal, they could have arrested him on the spot. Instead, they baited and threatened him to get him to make missteps it's all right there in the documents you apparently haven't read are are in denial of because of your flaming TDS.
They knew of two conversations... are you saying they shouldn’t have been suspect of other communizations... especially after he lied about the ones they knew he had?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

Your links are trash they don't go anywhere. Can you tell us why, Flynn was not read his Miranda rights before questioning? Can you tell us what crime the FBI was investigating?

Was Flynn under arrest? In custody?

Why did they not arrest him and put him in custody then? At least he would have been read his rights. Maybe......

Why would they When what they wanted was information or leverage for cooperation? That is typical law enforcement tactics.

When what they wanted was information

Information? About what? They had the phone call transcript.

- Russia interfered in an election to help Trump. Proven
- Lets Investigate and see if Trump people helped them. Valid
- We have records of Flynn talking to the Russians. Let’s question him and see if he is honest and forthright. Nope he lied.
- Arrest him and find out why he lied and what he was hiding.

It’s basic stuff. It’s not illegal. It all could have been avoided IF HE DID NOT LIE!

Russia interfered in an election to help Trump. Proven

That's awful! They must have changed dozens of votes!!

Lets Investigate and see if Trump people helped them.

Great idea! Did Flynn's phone call indicate any election interference?

We have records of Flynn talking to the Russians.

Records? You have the transcript.

Let’s question him and see if he is honest and forthright.

If you can do that to anyone in DC, you're gonna need to hire more investigators.

- Arrest him and find out why he lied and what he was hiding

Hiding? You already have the transcript.
Wait hold up... you don’t think he lied?!
No. Watch the video and find out for yourself.

why did Trump fire him? Why did the Feds arrest him?
The FBI intentionally went in and ambushed Flynn with the intent of tricking him into
a perjury trap as a way of taking Trump down.
It is very easy to do without a good lawyer standing by and James Comey himself
admitted he got Flynn to meet with two FBI agents informally without a lawyer, foolishly trusting the FBI
which he certainly doesn't now and knows better.
In other words Comey set Flynn up and led him straight into a trap and says as much (watch the video, don't take my word).

As far as Trump firing Flynn I'm sure it was done for political expediency. Trump will dump people in a blink
of the eye. If I can stress one thing again...watch the video from two anti Trump progressives. Learn something even if it hurts you.
Don't regurgitate leftist talking points and urban legends.
There is no way to trick somebody into lying. People are either host or they aren’t when you’re being interview by the FBI you better be honest or else you’re going down. Why do you make up silly things like this “perjury trap” nonesense there is no such thing!!!

And you keep ignoring the agents 302's where they stipulate he wasn't lying.

What is it you think I’m ignoring? Do you truly believe that Flynn forgot two conversations he had with Russia during all the crap that went on during this election?! In the heat of an FBI investigation and After Obama put sanctions on them for election interference?! And if Flynn was at all fuzzy about details then that’s all he had to say!!! But no he lied. It wasn’t a trap. It wasn’t Coerced... It was an intentional lie. Wake up!!
I think Flynn did not want to divulge classified discussions. After all, he was the Nationaql Security Advisor to Trump. Also, the FBI pretended they were not investigating him then used an archiac law (The Logan Act) to take him out. They wanted to get to Trump and used a fake Dossier and fake charges against Flynn to affect a coup against a duly elected American President. They should all hang IMO.
There was nothing phony about the investigation. The Russians interfered, that’s a crime worth of investigating. Trump and his people straight up lied about communicating with them. That makes them suspect and targets to be investigated. The simple question, Why did they lie and what are they hiding? is what results from their actions. Had they been honest then perhaps this shit show could have been avoided
Documents have come to light that proves certain leading figures in the FBI were trying to remove Trump. The cover story was Russian interference which ALWAYS takes place. The whole thing was a ruse to cover up an on-going coup which some FBI agents alluded to in their private emails. No one was hiding anything, the FBI knew what Flynn had said to Kysliak and, if that was illegal, they could have arrested him on the spot. Instead, they baited and threatened him to get him to make missteps it's all right there in the documents you apparently haven't read are are in denial of because of your flaming TDS.
They knew of two conversations... are you saying they shouldn’t have been suspect of other communizations... especially after he lied about the ones they knew he had?
Conversations between a Presidential transition member and a foreign representative are not 'suspect' and never have been. You just said they already knew what was said so, what was the point of questioning Flynn? If Flynn committed a crime and they had evidence they could have arrested him. Instead, by their own admission, they were trying to get him to lie. It's well known that individuals can perjure themselves under questioning by law enforcement. That is why people are always encouraged NOT to speak to law enforcement if under questioning without a lawyer. Flynn was treated worse than a common criminal for no apparent reason other than a FBI fishing expedition to try to make Flynn commit a crime with the ultimate goal of removing a duly elected U.S. President. They should all hang.
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Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.
Wait hold up... you don’t think he lied?!
No. Watch the video and find out for yourself.

why did Trump fire him? Why did the Feds arrest him?
The FBI intentionally went in and ambushed Flynn with the intent of tricking him into
a perjury trap as a way of taking Trump down.
It is very easy to do without a good lawyer standing by and James Comey himself
admitted he got Flynn to meet with two FBI agents informally without a lawyer, foolishly trusting the FBI
which he certainly doesn't now and knows better.
In other words Comey set Flynn up and led him straight into a trap and says as much (watch the video, don't take my word).

As far as Trump firing Flynn I'm sure it was done for political expediency. Trump will dump people in a blink
of the eye. If I can stress one thing again...watch the video from two anti Trump progressives. Learn something even if it hurts you.
Don't regurgitate leftist talking points and urban legends.
There is no way to trick somebody into lying. People are either host or they aren’t when you’re being interview by the FBI you better be honest or else you’re going down. Why do you make up silly things like this “perjury trap” nonesense there is no such thing!!!

And you keep ignoring the agents 302's where they stipulate he wasn't lying.

What is it you think I’m ignoring? Do you truly believe that Flynn forgot two conversations he had with Russia during all the crap that went on during this election?! In the heat of an FBI investigation and After Obama put sanctions on them for election interference?! And if Flynn was at all fuzzy about details then that’s all he had to say!!! But no he lied. It wasn’t a trap. It wasn’t Coerced... It was an intentional lie. Wake up!!
I think Flynn did not want to divulge classified discussions. After all, he was the Nationaql Security Advisor to Trump. Also, the FBI pretended they were not investigating him then used an archiac law (The Logan Act) to take him out. They wanted to get to Trump and used a fake Dossier and fake charges against Flynn to affect a coup against a duly elected American President. They should all hang IMO.
There was nothing phony about the investigation. The Russians interfered, that’s a crime worth of investigating. Trump and his people straight up lied about communicating with them. That makes them suspect and targets to be investigated. The simple question, Why did they lie and what are they hiding? is what results from their actions. Had they been honest then perhaps this shit show could have been avoided
Documents have come to light that proves certain leading figures in the FBI were trying to remove Trump. The cover story was Russian interference which ALWAYS takes place. The whole thing was a ruse to cover up an on-going coup which some FBI agents alluded to in their private emails. No one was hiding anything, the FBI knew what Flynn had said to Kysliak and, if that was illegal, they could have arrested him on the spot. Instead, they baited and threatened him to get him to make missteps it's all right there in the documents you apparently haven't read are are in denial of because of your flaming TDS.
They knew of two conversations... are you saying they shouldn’t have been suspect of other communizations... especially after he lied about the ones they knew he had?
Conversations between a Presidential transition member and a foreign representative are not 'suspect' and never have been. You just said they already knew what was said so, what was the point of questioning Flynn? If Flynn committed a crime and they had evidence they could have arrested him. Instead, by their own admission, they were trying to get him to lie. It's well known that individuals can perjure themselves under questioning by law enforcement. That is why people are always encouraged NOT to speak to law enforcement if under questioning without a lawyer. Flynn was treated worse than a common criminal for no apparent reason other than a FBI fishing expedition to try to make Flynn commit a crime with the ultimate goal of removing a duly elected U.S. President. They should all hang.
slade should just stay down. his entire argument is a very war and peace version of "dammit flynn lied don't you see???"
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

It is becoming increasingly clear that these FBI Obama-holdover yahoos thought electing Trump was some kind of crime.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

It is becoming increasingly clear that these FBI Obama-holdover yahoos thought electing Trump was some kind of crime.

and people still do.

sad. not winning an election and hating who won is now a crime - figure out the reason as you go and can make something stick.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I have. They too have posted factual data to support their claims, and you have completely ignored them. The progressive left is in hyper attack mode, and seemingly lost in the past. Not one of the Court hearings involving General Flynn have dealt with the recently released information about FBI criminal actions. And yet you ALL refer back to a fraudulently obtained confession as if it is the end.

It's not. Now that the criminal activity has been exposed, the plea will be vacated, and the perpetrators of this abomination against the COTUS will hopefully be indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison. Where they BELONG.

Not once have you addressed the very real criminal actions that we now KNOW occurred. Instead you have deflected and simply ignored real facts that have been laid out in front of you.

Yes. I did. And you and others IGNORE it. Completely. It's like two ships passing in the night. What I posted addressed most of the claims. And when I ask what actual LAWS did the FBI break - nothing.

Why waste time when you just drown out dissent.

No, it didn't. NONE of the FBI's criminal activity has been addressed in Court. Yet.

Did you actually read it? It broke down Flynn's legal case and legal claims and brought up the relevant laws.

If none of the FBI's supposed criminal activity has yet been addressed - then you don't even know if it was criminal.

And not once did it address the criminal activity of the FBI which renders anything flynn may have done, moot.

The FBI had no cause to prosecute flynn. At least not what has been presented. I DO think that flynn was doing something illegal with Turkey. Why didn't the FBI go after him for that?

My personal belief is it transects something that Hillary was doing that is likewise illegal.

Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Flynn wasn't a 'bad guy' they made him one based on the false Russia investigation. Who was the 'big fish?'

He admitted he lied. Not only did he plead guilty, but he reaffirmed his guilt when he rejected the judge's offer to withdraw his guilty plea.

He lied. Deal with it.
Stay tuned....the actual facts (not the contrived facts) are going to be exposed, and you're going to be butthurt.

Oh? What other facts do you think there are?
I'm sure they aren't the contrived facts that you have to use.

So you have nothing but wishes. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
And, you have to use contrived facts. :laughing0301:
there comes a time where it becomes literally pointless to try and engage in discussion with someone. for months i honestly felt coyote and i were finding some common ground but seeing a statement of 1:32 of out of context i realized quite simply her hate for something outweighs her desire for honesty.

she's not the only one as this can be a human trait, not left or right. i've told people on the right their loose "interpretation" was guided by hate and no that didn't go well either.

people do not like their emotionally driven points challenged. it only heightens the emotion. i can get fed up like anyone and drop some all caps or some sailor driven words and i likely need to slow that down and simply stop paying attention to those who pay no attention to a search for the truth vs. emotional validation.

so when she sent off saying she realizes in my eyes trump can do no wrong she simply shifted gears. first, i never mentioned trump. my focus was flynn and the FBI. but since i do bulldog and stay on my point (ie, prove it was out of context with your data/links of what he meant to say) and that can push people over the edge because i've presented a "put up or shut up" scenario they know deep down they can't prove.

so deflect. tell me i love trump and that's driving me when honestly, i'm trump neutral and have gone off on him when he does stupid shit too. so what she said is flat out a lie and part of our past in depth discussions she's chosen to now ignore and shove me into the bad guy side pretty much like i probably did her after the "out of context".

out of context to me is a 10-15 second clip where you don't see the before and after and that is made up for you. aka - impeach trump.

1:32 of an interview where he's point blank asked what he did and why and he tells you is not out of context and that direction is simply deflect and move the goalposts.

comey was wrong in what he did. the FBI was wrong in what they did. but many on the left will not allow anything that can potentially show trump in a negative light simply doesn't exist in their world. they are fine with these things being done because of their emotional stake in the game.

but i know for a fact if trumps DOJ did this to someone they could cry unholy hell. the only difference is, i'd be crying unholy hell also. the action is wrong and i don't care who it is done to.

would that others feel the same.

Your honesty is non existent. You are just as partisan as those you attack.

You don't even have the integrity to actually comment on the legal points or counter them.

It's all emotional BS - TDS TDS TDS. No wonder I can't discuss things with Trump Cultists - they just revert TDS.

You will defend Trump, and anyone associated with him to the end - UNTIL Trump turns on them, then you will too.

See ya.
Wolfs in sheep’s clothing... I blocked that guy a while back and saved the hassle of annoying pointless debates. He used to be pretty good but something snapped

I know. We used to have some pretty good discussions and we used to be able to agree to disagree.
we still can. agree to disagree that is. but it's hard for me to do that when you're runnign around screaming in a rage that i'm happy with every single thing trump has done and shit. you know better and we covered that back in "those days".

First off. I am not "running around screaming in a rage". But when you start throwing around the insults and the TDS bombs don't expect me to take it lying down. What it seems to have come is because I don't AGREE with you guys on your interpretation of events - you start screaming TDS TDS TDS. Once it devolves down to that there is no point in discussing anything.

at this point you're acting just like slade. talk all "i'm not biased i'm not biased" then run out and do some one sided shit most people wouldn't want either side to do.

We are both biased. You and I. That's just a fact. I have no problem owning my own bias. I also think it's a mistake to think that there must be a 50/50 equivalency at all times. Some things are simply not equivalent. I could give a lot of examples but they would derail the thread.

and what made me stop bothering with slade is i would put up posts that would take 30-45 minutes to put together and show my point and he'd not read them nor address them but shout back generic leftist bulletpoints in defense. so i found that regardless of how well you put your argument together and how much time you spend on it trying to find that "common ground" - he had no desire to do the same in the end.

just be right. all the time.

Well that's kind of what I found here. I think Slade gets as frustrated as you and I do.

Let's go back to the 1 minute 32 second video clip. Yes, I listened to it. Essentially what he said was - he decided to try something to see what Flynn would say that he wouldn't normally do (or get away with) in a more organized administration that insists on a protocol. And Flynn chose to lie to the agents.

There was nothing the FBI did that was against the law and Flynn CHOSE to lie - he could always have said "I don't recall", but he didn't do that. When you lie to the FBI - that's a potential crime. They didn't just pick Flynn out of the blue - he came to their attention because he lied to the VP, and what was said did not match what they knew and were investigating in a broader investigation.

And yes...context does matter. Here is the entire interview (over and hour, and no I did not listen to it all, but there is a transcript at the link).

Here is part of what led up to that snipped portion - and it's the "why" of why they decided to try to interview Flynn.

starting in December and he came to our
attention in the early part of January
when there were statements made by the
vice president in public about
interactions that Flynn as the National
Security Advisor designee had had with
the Russians and we knew those
representations were very different than
what the facts were and given that we
already had a case open to understand
whether any Americans were working with
the Russians as part of their effort to
undermine our democracy
trying to figure what was going on there
was very important to us what did you
think when you found out that the
National Security Advisor designee was
lying about conversations with the
Russian ambassador why is he lying I
still don't know the answer to that so
again I have a limited vantage point but
it was clear that he was lying that he
lied to two FBI agents on the 24th of
January in the Situation Room in a
conference room and it was clear that he
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

It is becoming increasingly clear that these FBI Obama-holdover yahoos thought electing Trump was some kind of crime.

Oh dear - that Evil Obama.
Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

They were conducting a legitimate investigation unless you think investigating Russian interference in our elections is not a concern.

And please, don't pull the crap of "what votes did they change" - interference isn't about just that.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I have. They too have posted factual data to support their claims, and you have completely ignored them. The progressive left is in hyper attack mode, and seemingly lost in the past. Not one of the Court hearings involving General Flynn have dealt with the recently released information about FBI criminal actions. And yet you ALL refer back to a fraudulently obtained confession as if it is the end.

It's not. Now that the criminal activity has been exposed, the plea will be vacated, and the perpetrators of this abomination against the COTUS will hopefully be indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison. Where they BELONG.

Not once have you addressed the very real criminal actions that we now KNOW occurred. Instead you have deflected and simply ignored real facts that have been laid out in front of you.

Yes. I did. And you and others IGNORE it. Completely. It's like two ships passing in the night. What I posted addressed most of the claims. And when I ask what actual LAWS did the FBI break - nothing.

Why waste time when you just drown out dissent.

No, it didn't. NONE of the FBI's criminal activity has been addressed in Court. Yet.

Did you actually read it? It broke down Flynn's legal case and legal claims and brought up the relevant laws.

If none of the FBI's supposed criminal activity has yet been addressed - then you don't even know if it was criminal.

And not once did it address the criminal activity of the FBI which renders anything flynn may have done, moot.

The FBI had no cause to prosecute flynn. At least not what has been presented. I DO think that flynn was doing something illegal with Turkey. Why didn't the FBI go after him for that?

My personal belief is it transects something that Hillary was doing that is likewise illegal.

Let’s not do the broken record repeat thing ok? Ive already made the point that the FBI wasn’t going after Flynn for a crime. They knew he had contacts with the Russians... contacts that he had publicly lied about and was fired for.... they asked about the discussions and Flynn straight up lied to them about it. That’s a crime. Not a trap. Flynn could have just told the truth. He didn’t. Why are you making this complicated when it is not?!

I ya met said a word about Comey or trump. That’s you bringing them up. Try and stay on point.
Looks like you should watch the video I've already posted here. You asking questions from a place of ignorance.
And the video is the product of big time progressive leftists, so blather about "right wing talking points"
isn't helpful or pertinent.
I’m less interested in propaganda from either side and more interested in the simple reality of this case. Flynn lied about a pretty damn serious situation. I know it’s been pounded into your head that it was all a snowflake hoax so lying about it was no big deal but again that’s just propaganda at work
Oh BS...You're on here every day spouting DNC talking point propaganda. Who do you think you are fooling with the 'holier than thou' bullshit? :auiqs.jpg:

Here is some 'simple reality' that just came to light. It's a quote from the FBI...."What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," they obviously coerced him, did not read him his rights, pretended the interview was no big deal, and did not encourage him to have a lawyer.

Here is some more reality for you:

"Vice President Pence said Thursday he was "more inclined" to believe that former national security adviser Michael Flynn unintentionally misled him in early 2017 about his contacts with the Russian ambassador, an event that triggered Flynn's firing by the White House."

"Pence told reporters while traveling in Indiana that he was “deeply troubled” by new documents released in Flynn's criminal case, describing them as evidence of “investigative abuse.”

"If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."

Maybe now you can stop beating your dead-horse of an argument.
Haha, ok lets go with that... how was he coerced to lie?

are you saying that cops using somebodies crime of lying to try and get the truth is somehow inappropriate?!

Flynns call wasn’t illegal... telling Flynn they know the details of the call and getting him to elaborate about it would have been useless. They simply asked Flynn about it and he chose to lie. Leveraging Flynn’s lie to get details that Flynn would not voluntarily expose is how crimes are found. It happens with law enforcement all the time... squeeze the little fish to try and get the big fish. You act like cops trying to catch bad guys is somehow a bad thing. That’s their job!!
Flynn wasn't a 'bad guy' they made him one based on the false Russia investigation. Who was the 'big fish?'

He admitted he lied. Not only did he plead guilty, but he reaffirmed his guilt when he rejected the judge's offer to withdraw his guilty plea.

He lied. Deal with it.
Stay tuned....the actual facts (not the contrived facts) are going to be exposed, and you're going to be butthurt.

Oh? What other facts do you think there are?
I'm sure they aren't the contrived facts that you have to use.

So you have nothing but wishes. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
And, you have to use contrived facts. :laughing0301:
there comes a time where it becomes literally pointless to try and engage in discussion with someone. for months i honestly felt coyote and i were finding some common ground but seeing a statement of 1:32 of out of context i realized quite simply her hate for something outweighs her desire for honesty.

she's not the only one as this can be a human trait, not left or right. i've told people on the right their loose "interpretation" was guided by hate and no that didn't go well either.

people do not like their emotionally driven points challenged. it only heightens the emotion. i can get fed up like anyone and drop some all caps or some sailor driven words and i likely need to slow that down and simply stop paying attention to those who pay no attention to a search for the truth vs. emotional validation.

so when she sent off saying she realizes in my eyes trump can do no wrong she simply shifted gears. first, i never mentioned trump. my focus was flynn and the FBI. but since i do bulldog and stay on my point (ie, prove it was out of context with your data/links of what he meant to say) and that can push people over the edge because i've presented a "put up or shut up" scenario they know deep down they can't prove.

so deflect. tell me i love trump and that's driving me when honestly, i'm trump neutral and have gone off on him when he does stupid shit too. so what she said is flat out a lie and part of our past in depth discussions she's chosen to now ignore and shove me into the bad guy side pretty much like i probably did her after the "out of context".

out of context to me is a 10-15 second clip where you don't see the before and after and that is made up for you. aka - impeach trump.

1:32 of an interview where he's point blank asked what he did and why and he tells you is not out of context and that direction is simply deflect and move the goalposts.

comey was wrong in what he did. the FBI was wrong in what they did. but many on the left will not allow anything that can potentially show trump in a negative light simply doesn't exist in their world. they are fine with these things being done because of their emotional stake in the game.

but i know for a fact if trumps DOJ did this to someone they could cry unholy hell. the only difference is, i'd be crying unholy hell also. the action is wrong and i don't care who it is done to.

would that others feel the same.

Your honesty is non existent. You are just as partisan as those you attack.

You don't even have the integrity to actually comment on the legal points or counter them.

It's all emotional BS - TDS TDS TDS. No wonder I can't discuss things with Trump Cultists - they just revert TDS.

You will defend Trump, and anyone associated with him to the end - UNTIL Trump turns on them, then you will too.

See ya.
Wolfs in sheep’s clothing... I blocked that guy a while back and saved the hassle of annoying pointless debates. He used to be pretty good but something snapped

I know. We used to have some pretty good discussions and we used to be able to agree to disagree.
we still can. agree to disagree that is. but it's hard for me to do that when you're runnign around screaming in a rage that i'm happy with every single thing trump has done and shit. you know better and we covered that back in "those days".

First off. I am not "running around screaming in a rage". But when you start throwing around the insults and the TDS bombs don't expect me to take it lying down. What it seems to have come is because I don't AGREE with you guys on your interpretation of events - you start screaming TDS TDS TDS. Once it devolves down to that there is no point in discussing anything.

at this point you're acting just like slade. talk all "i'm not biased i'm not biased" then run out and do some one sided shit most people wouldn't want either side to do.

We are both biased. You and I. That's just a fact. I have no problem owning my own bias. I also think it's a mistake to think that there must be a 50/50 equivalency at all times. Some things are simply not equivalent. I could give a lot of examples but they would derail the thread.

and what made me stop bothering with slade is i would put up posts that would take 30-45 minutes to put together and show my point and he'd not read them nor address them but shout back generic leftist bulletpoints in defense. so i found that regardless of how well you put your argument together and how much time you spend on it trying to find that "common ground" - he had no desire to do the same in the end.

just be right. all the time.

Well that's kind of what I found here. I think Slade gets as frustrated as you and I do.

Let's go back to the 1 minute 32 second video clip. Yes, I listened to it. Essentially what he said was - he decided to try something to see what Flynn would say that he wouldn't normally do (or get away with) in a more organized administration that insists on a protocol. And Flynn chose to lie to the agents.

There was nothing the FBI did that was against the law and Flynn CHOSE to lie - he could always have said "I don't recall", but he didn't do that. When you lie to the FBI - that's a potential crime. They didn't just pick Flynn out of the blue - he came to their attention because he lied to the VP, and what was said did not match what they knew and were investigating in a broader investigation.

And yes...context does matter. Here is the entire interview (over and hour, and no I did not listen to it all, but there is a transcript at the link).

Here is part of what led up to that snipped portion - and it's the "why" of why they decided to try to interview Flynn.

starting in December and he came to our
attention in the early part of January
when there were statements made by the
vice president in public about
interactions that Flynn as the National
Security Advisor designee had had with
the Russians and we knew those
representations were very different than
what the facts were and given that we
already had a case open to understand
whether any Americans were working with
the Russians as part of their effort to
undermine our democracy
trying to figure what was going on there
was very important to us what did you
think when you found out that the
National Security Advisor designee was
lying about conversations with the
Russian ambassador why is he lying I
still don't know the answer to that so
again I have a limited vantage point but
it was clear that he was lying that he
lied to two FBI agents on the 24th of
January in the Situation Room in a
conference room and it was clear that he

but your question was -

was flynn treated differently?

was he? was the trump administration treated the same way as comey would have others?

that was your question. not the justifications or reasons, not the hype, and not the bullshit.


so - were they?

yes | no

i said they were and gave you the proof. you overanalyed it and looked for the justification for them to do so; disregarding your own question in the process.

this is why it gets frustrating talking to you. as for slade - when he didn't read a 2nd post i put time into, i wasn't into giving him a 3rd chance. he doesn't want to debate, he wants to be agreed with.

now - as for taking the video out of context, we're going to have to agree to disagree there. he was not taken out of context in that section and i do believe he meant what he said. the rest of his interview was simply painting a picture, as you say. but thank you for the reply. while i don't agree at least you followed up with something detailed.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

It is becoming increasingly clear that these FBI Obama-holdover yahoos thought electing Trump was some kind of crime.

and people still do.

sad. not winning an election and hating who won is now a crime - figure out the reason as you go and can make something stick.

The election was more than three years ago. Maybe it's time to quit blaming events on the election and consider other factors.
Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

They were conducting a legitimate investigation unless you think investigating Russian interference in our elections is not a concern.

And please, don't pull the crap of "what votes did they change" - interference isn't about just that.

They were conducting a legitimate investigation

What in the phone call was related to the legitimate investigation?

And please, don't pull the crap of "what votes did they change" -

Literally dozens!! Russian memes are like IEDs.
Targeting poor Dems and getting them to vote for Trump.
Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

They were conducting a legitimate investigation unless you think investigating Russian interference in our elections is not a concern.

And please, don't pull the crap of "what votes did they change" - interference isn't about just that.
and every other election no one cared. no one cares when we interfere with other countries elections.

but this one time, at band camp...

that is how this feels to me. you take something that happens all the time and suddenly use it to your advantage then sell yourself "it's different".
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

I would suggest you look at what some of the other participants here are doing. I've posted discussion, I've posted sources. But certain people would rather discuss anything else BUT that. If all they are going to lob personal insults, then why exactly do I want to waste my time with them?

I and many others have also posted sources like the exact verbiage of the FBI where they admitted trying to get Flynn to lie. Sources that show Flynn was not read his Miranda rights and was not encouraged to get a lawyer. He did not even enjoy a presumption of innocence. Rights even a common criminal is given in this country. Neither you nor any of the other TDSers want to address that, all you/they do is beat the same old dead horse that "Flynn lied" while absolutely refusing to see the whole picture.

Flynn made the choice to lie. Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate. It’s exactly what cops do when they investigate to see if people are trustworthy. Flynn was not trustworthy

Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

It is becoming increasingly clear that these FBI Obama-holdover yahoos thought electing Trump was some kind of crime.

and people still do.

sad. not winning an election and hating who won is now a crime - figure out the reason as you go and can make something stick.

The election was more than three years ago. Maybe it's time to quit blaming events on the election and consider other factors.


and maybe, just maybe, it's time to quit being pissed at trump cause he won.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
In nuclear discussion and physicists that is the same. You do not get to pick and choose to fit your agenda.

No. Hard water is not the same as heavy water.
Physicists don't use the terms interchangeably.
You are just a Trump supporter. What do you know?

More than you.....really low bar, I know.
More than me? You are dreaming my dear.

Yes, I know more than the guy who thinks there are "hard water" reactors out there.
But a wee bit less than the guy who knows Iran stopped making nuclear bombs for a while. Which is most people

Yes, your faith in the trustworthiness of the mullahs is sweet......
No Todd. We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence. Not from Russia or Qanon, or Facebook or conspiracies or unknown media. The nuclear inspectors are mostly US scientists. Did you hear any from them or any countries that are involved that Iran violated the agreement?

WHERE and WHAT is your EVIDENCE that Iran violated the agreement? You have nothing except coming from this lousy, liar and inept president.

Dat doesn’t mean we love the mullahs.

We rely on our source from the people that are handling this nuclear program. We believe in our own intelligence.

That's good to know. What did those sources say about nuclear research activity on Iranian military bases?
Our own intelligence CIA or American nuclear scientists inspectors. Provided NO such violations.

If there are or any reliable proof that Iran violated the agreement. I will publish it myself.

Who do you believe Todd’s?

Our own intelligence CIA or American nuclear scientists inspectors. Provided NO such violations.

And which military sites did our inspectors, or any inspectors, look at?

Dude you are a waste of my time. You are asking a question that is pure nonsense.

Let me entertain you. They inspected the nuclear reactor in Tijuana, Mexico. That’s right in Mexico.

I don't know what you are smoking, but there is no nuke in TJ. Mexico has one nuclear power plant, and it's on the opposite coast.
I was responding to Todds rebuttal. Asking me a question that is pure nonsense. Of course it’s in Iran.
I said previously that I relied on our US intelligence to provide us of any reports of any such Iran violations. Our intelligence agencies are the best in the world. Am I supposed to ignored that? Then believe all these nonsense conspiracies and accusations? We have not heard any violations. Did you hear anything?

However you ignore the fact that the iran deal specifically prevented inspectors from inspecting military sites, and any site that was being inspected had to have at least a 24 day warning, but iran could delay them for up to 54 days. How do you expect ANY actual inspection to be going on with those sorts of limitations?

"The final agreement announced on July 14, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), does contain significant enhancements to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) current ability to monitor Iran’s nuclear facilities. The deal, President Obama told the nation, “is not built on trust, it is built on verification.” Yet, one critical provision of the JCPOA puts unexpected limitations on inspectors’ access to certain facilities by requiring them to notify Iran first if they suspect a site might be being used for illicit nuclear activity and then undergoing a long process in order to gain entry to that site. This obstacle to inspections is worrying for several reasons:

  • Iran could delay inspectors for as long as 54, not the commonly reported 24, days
  • The burden of proof is on IAEA
  • It chills intelligence sharing
  • It discourages long shots
  • It does not address a parallel enrichment program
  • And it could allow for weaponization activities

Like I already said and posted. I rely ONLY with my own country’s intelligence which the best in the world. I will stick with that till I hear from them

Why is it that every time I ran into this topic they always posts that came from unknown media. If there are any truth of that. Why is Trump not using that to prove to the world that Iran is in violations? Just doesn’t make sense.

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