Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

And ALL those sophisticated tools WERE NOT present in those social media russian troll ads. They were amateurish.. I know.. I have over a GigByte on my hard drive all archived from subpoenas COngress issued to Facebook, Twitlet, etc to produce them to Congress. Most sophisticated crap in those 1000s of "ads" with about 20 views average had NOTHING TO DO with politics.. About 1/3 of them were pumping the decades old Soviet tactic of trying to incite a RACE war in the USA.. YET -- these were COUNTED by the media towards the total of "russian trolls interfering in the election"..

Best graphic frauds I've seen browsing them are all WORSE than most of the meme pics that USMB members post HERE everyday...
sophisticated tools were not the only point, the other is the number of people now on the internet and social media, the article I linked somewhere here pointed that out.
Nice pivot, trying to derail by talking about the Internet....
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

"The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin "


By "ambushed," you mean asking him if he wouldn't mind answering a few questions?

Or do you mean by forcing him to lie to them when he agreed to answer their questions?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

Unnamed sources are only as good as...unnamed sources. What "US Officials?" Around that time frame Trump was also pressuring Comey to stop investigating Flynn and stating that Flynn had done nothing wrong. Who was saying there was no investigation? Who was saying he had been cleared?

Why did Flynn lie?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

Thanks for posting that.
The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

And ALL those sophisticated tools WERE NOT present in those social media russian troll ads. They were amateurish.. I know.. I have over a GigByte on my hard drive all archived from subpoenas COngress issued to Facebook, Twitlet, etc to produce them to Congress. Most sophisticated crap in those 1000s of "ads" with about 20 views average had NOTHING TO DO with politics.. About 1/3 of them were pumping the decades old Soviet tactic of trying to incite a RACE war in the USA.. YET -- these were COUNTED by the media towards the total of "russian trolls interfering in the election"..

Best graphic frauds I've seen browsing them are all WORSE than most of the meme pics that USMB members post HERE everyday...
sophisticated tools were not the only point, the other is the number of people now on the internet and social media, the article I linked somewhere here pointed that out.
Nice pivot, trying to derail by talking about the Internet....

It was part of the larger conversation. I'm sorry you are unable to follow anything beyond talking points.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

"The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin "


By "ambushed," you mean asking him if he wouldn't mind answering a few questions?

Or do you mean by forcing him to lie to them when he agreed to answer their questions?

He did not lie.. The original 302 notes show that. And in fact, he joked with McCabe when the meeting was set up -- "asking him if he needed a lawyer"....

The rest is recorded in documents submitted to the court...

Mr. McCabe’s account states: “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [General Flynn] and the agents only. I further stated
that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House Counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [General Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”

Less than two hours later, at 2:15 p.m., FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok and a second FBI agent arrived at the White House to interview General Flynn. By the agents’
account, General Flynn was “relaxed and jocular” and offered to give the agents “a little tour” of the area around his West Wing office. The agents did not provide General Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 before, during, or after the interview. Prior to the FBI’s interview of General Flynn, Mr. McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport,” one of the agents reported. Before the interview, FBI officials had also decided that, if “Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used, . . . to try to refresh his recollection. If Flynn still would not confirm what he said, . . . they would not confront him or talk him through it.” One of the agents reported that General Flynn was “unguarded” during the interview and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.”
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

Unnamed sources are only as good as...unnamed sources. What "US Officials?" Around that time frame Trump was also pressuring Comey to stop investigating Flynn and stating that Flynn had done nothing wrong. Who was saying there was no investigation? Who was saying he had been cleared?

Why did Flynn lie?

Trump was 100% correct. Actually Comey was the one doing wrong. Funny how Trump knew this early on but, the FBI bullshitted him. Why did Comey and the FBI lie to the FISA court? The dossier was never verified because verification does not rely on 2nd and 3rd hand hearsay.
The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

And ALL those sophisticated tools WERE NOT present in those social media russian troll ads. They were amateurish.. I know.. I have over a GigByte on my hard drive all archived from subpoenas COngress issued to Facebook, Twitlet, etc to produce them to Congress. Most sophisticated crap in those 1000s of "ads" with about 20 views average had NOTHING TO DO with politics.. About 1/3 of them were pumping the decades old Soviet tactic of trying to incite a RACE war in the USA.. YET -- these were COUNTED by the media towards the total of "russian trolls interfering in the election"..

Best graphic frauds I've seen browsing them are all WORSE than most of the meme pics that USMB members post HERE everyday...
sophisticated tools were not the only point, the other is the number of people now on the internet and social media, the article I linked somewhere here pointed that out.
Nice pivot, trying to derail by talking about the Internet....

It was part of the larger conversation. I'm sorry you are unable to follow anything beyond talking points.
No...YOU are the one that brought up the media and internet. It was a good tactic and I followed you down your rabbit hole however, it is still not on topic and nothing but an obfuscation.
The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

And ALL those sophisticated tools WERE NOT present in those social media russian troll ads. They were amateurish.. I know.. I have over a GigByte on my hard drive all archived from subpoenas COngress issued to Facebook, Twitlet, etc to produce them to Congress. Most sophisticated crap in those 1000s of "ads" with about 20 views average had NOTHING TO DO with politics.. About 1/3 of them were pumping the decades old Soviet tactic of trying to incite a RACE war in the USA.. YET -- these were COUNTED by the media towards the total of "russian trolls interfering in the election"..

Best graphic frauds I've seen browsing them are all WORSE than most of the meme pics that USMB members post HERE everyday...
sophisticated tools were not the only point, the other is the number of people now on the internet and social media, the article I linked somewhere here pointed that out.

Average "russian ad" was about 35 rubles and got less than a dozen clicks. What's that in American currency???
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

"The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin "


By "ambushed," you mean asking him if he wouldn't mind answering a few questions?

Or do you mean by forcing him to lie to them when he agreed to answer their questions?

Exactly...and the claims of entrapment are iffy too. No one is willing to discuss the actual legal aspects here.

Another set of documents filed Thursday revealed the code name the FBI gave to a 2016 investigation into Flynn’s possible ties to Russia. That case, Crossfire Razor, was shutting down just as the FBI took a renewed interest in Flynn while Trump was preparing to take office, the documents show.
“These notes raise questions about the investigation, and it is not surprising that Flynn’s defense team is pressing the defense of entrapment,” said Robert Mintz, a former federal prosecutor now in private practice. “But entrapment is a high bar. It is not enough simply to show that government agencies solicited a criminal act from a defendant. The critical issue for the defense is proving that investigators induced the defendant to engage in criminal conduct that the defendant would not otherwise have committed.”
“In order to succeed here,” Mintz continued, “the defense will have to prove not merely that the FBI anticipated that Flynn might lie during the interview, but that the FBI encouraged him to lie and induced him to commit a crime that he otherwise would not have committed.”
Chuck Rosenberg, a former U.S. attorney who also served as Comey’s chief of staff, said the notes do not make a case for entrapment.
“It is not a close call,” said Rosenberg. “In this situation, Flynn had three options: tell the truth, lie or refuse to talk. The FBI did not plant a lie, urge him to repeat the lie, record him in the lie, and then prosecute him for lying. That might be entrapment. Here, Flynn was predisposed to lie, chose to talk, and then lied. That’s not entrapment.”
Rosenberg called Priestap “a thoughtful and careful agent, and if you read the entire page of notes and put it in context, you can see that he is trying to be fair.”
The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

And ALL those sophisticated tools WERE NOT present in those social media russian troll ads. They were amateurish.. I know.. I have over a GigByte on my hard drive all archived from subpoenas COngress issued to Facebook, Twitlet, etc to produce them to Congress. Most sophisticated crap in those 1000s of "ads" with about 20 views average had NOTHING TO DO with politics.. About 1/3 of them were pumping the decades old Soviet tactic of trying to incite a RACE war in the USA.. YET -- these were COUNTED by the media towards the total of "russian trolls interfering in the election"..

Best graphic frauds I've seen browsing them are all WORSE than most of the meme pics that USMB members post HERE everyday...
sophisticated tools were not the only point, the other is the number of people now on the internet and social media, the article I linked somewhere here pointed that out.
Nice pivot, trying to derail by talking about the Internet....

It was part of the larger conversation. I'm sorry you are unable to follow anything beyond talking points.
No...YOU are the one that brought up the media and internet. It was a good tactic and I followed you down your rabbit hole however, it is still not on topic and nothing but an obfuscation.

What ever you say dude. I'm not interest in arguing with you.
The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

And ALL those sophisticated tools WERE NOT present in those social media russian troll ads. They were amateurish.. I know.. I have over a GigByte on my hard drive all archived from subpoenas COngress issued to Facebook, Twitlet, etc to produce them to Congress. Most sophisticated crap in those 1000s of "ads" with about 20 views average had NOTHING TO DO with politics.. About 1/3 of them were pumping the decades old Soviet tactic of trying to incite a RACE war in the USA.. YET -- these were COUNTED by the media towards the total of "russian trolls interfering in the election"..

Best graphic frauds I've seen browsing them are all WORSE than most of the meme pics that USMB members post HERE everyday...
sophisticated tools were not the only point, the other is the number of people now on the internet and social media, the article I linked somewhere here pointed that out.

Average "russian ad" was about 35 rubles and got less than a dozen clicks. What's that in American currency???

Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

"The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin "


By "ambushed," you mean asking him if he wouldn't mind answering a few questions?

Or do you mean by forcing him to lie to them when he agreed to answer their questions?

He did not lie.. The original 302 notes show that. And in fact, he joked with McCabe when the meeting was set up -- "asking him if he needed a lawyer"....

The rest is recorded in documents submitted to the court...

Mr. McCabe’s account states: “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [General Flynn] and the agents only. I further stated
that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House Counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [General Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”

Less than two hours later, at 2:15 p.m., FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok and a second FBI agent arrived at the White House to interview General Flynn. By the agents’
account, General Flynn was “relaxed and jocular” and offered to give the agents “a little tour” of the area around his West Wing office. The agents did not provide General Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 before, during, or after the interview. Prior to the FBI’s interview of General Flynn, Mr. McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport,” one of the agents reported. Before the interview, FBI officials had also decided that, if “Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used, . . . to try to refresh his recollection. If Flynn still would not confirm what he said, . . . they would not confront him or talk him through it.” One of the agents reported that General Flynn was “unguarded” during the interview and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.”

Utter nonsense. Of course Flynn lied. He flat out denied asking Kislyak to "refrain from escalating the situation in response to sanctions that the United States had imposed against Russia." Unbeknownst to Flynn, they had a intercepted a conversation where Flynn asked that of Kislyak.

Who the fuck knows how you can deny he lied? :dunno:

Shit, even Flynn didn't deny it.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

"The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin "


By "ambushed," you mean asking him if he wouldn't mind answering a few questions?

Or do you mean by forcing him to lie to them when he agreed to answer their questions?

He did not lie.. The original 302 notes show that. And in fact, he joked with McCabe when the meeting was set up -- "asking him if he needed a lawyer"....

The rest is recorded in documents submitted to the court...

Mr. McCabe’s account states: “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [General Flynn] and the agents only. I further stated
that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House Counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [General Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”

Less than two hours later, at 2:15 p.m., FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok and a second FBI agent arrived at the White House to interview General Flynn. By the agents’
account, General Flynn was “relaxed and jocular” and offered to give the agents “a little tour” of the area around his West Wing office. The agents did not provide General Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 before, during, or after the interview. Prior to the FBI’s interview of General Flynn, Mr. McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport,” one of the agents reported. Before the interview, FBI officials had also decided that, if “Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used, . . . to try to refresh his recollection. If Flynn still would not confirm what he said, . . . they would not confront him or talk him through it.” One of the agents reported that General Flynn was “unguarded” during the interview and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.”

Supporters of Flynn have long pointed to statements in the interview summary made afterwards by agents - known as a 302 form - in which it was said Flynn did not seem to be lying.

But the Judge said a review of the evidence shows Flynn did lie - repeatedly.

"The Court therefore finds that the notes, draft FD-302s, and final FD-302 provide ample support that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the FBI about his communications with the Russian Ambassador,
" Sullivan ruled.

The Judge also rebuked Flynn's lawyers.
Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

They were conducting a legitimate investigation unless you think investigating Russian interference in our elections is not a concern.

And please, don't pull the crap of "what votes did they change" - interference isn't about just that.
and every other election no one cared. no one cares when we interfere with other countries elections.

but this one time, at band camp...

that is how this feels to me. you take something that happens all the time and suddenly use it to your advantage then sell yourself "it's different".

I will repeat myself (though I am sure this will be duly ignored) - we did not have the social media of today 10 - 20 years ago. Oh I know some idiot claimed he remembered it twenty years ago, but the fact is - then it was in it's infancy both in terms of number of people on it around the world and in the sophistication of the technologies that can harvest data and pin point messaging as well as create increasingly clever "fakes". In the 70's the old USSR used to doctor photos to remove those who fell out of grace - now, we have "deep fakes" (look it up).

The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

Pretending like we had this level of ability "all the time" is kind of like pretending...well, we had computers and the internet - for like forever - and you're just "pretending" that things are different now and that there is so much sophisticated hacking going on stealing data, money, disrupting business etc.(presumably because you hate *insert political leader of your choice*)

It happened all the time!
Really don't give a shit til you answer your own question. I don't do rabbit holes of deflection.
That is exactly what you are doing.

I'm supposed to answer my own question? So...I spend a good bit of time on a post and that is what you come up with.
I told you before that until you answer the question we are on I'm not playing deflection games. Please feel free to read back and see me say that.

I answered your question. I am merely out to determine if after I showed you they WERE treated differently, do you agree they were or was it as you state in your original question, they were treated the same.

How is answering a question WITH a question an answer? Or did I miss something in your post?

Comey took advantage of the Trump Administrations lack of protocols allowed him to circumvent them. He wouldn't have gotten away with that in the prior administrations but that isn't to say he wouldn't have tried if the same organizational leeways were open. In legal terms it changed nothing. No two cases are going to be treated exactly the same but now you seem to think they should be regardless of the circumstances surrounding them. You also overlook one simple fact - Flynn lied. He did not have to.

Now where did you actually answer my question or are you going to deflect again? Is Flynn being treated differently than any other white collar criminal/informant?
You keep choosing to ignore the fact I answered your question straight up. Then I just asked you to do the same.

I said yes. I used comey quotes to illustrate.

You are still doing this deflection shit.
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

What do you call a concerted effort by the FBI (as proven by outed communications) to have an 'insurance policy' against Trump, getting a Trump transition team member to lie, launching a 3 year investigation into 'Russia collusion' that was only supported by a fake dossier, and the one-party fake impeachment because of a phone call? I think conspiracy is an adequate description maybe because I am not smitten by hatred of Trump.

Apparantly business as usual as everyone gets treated this, way.

What do you call wholesale assignations of guilt and treason based on scraps of paper, scraps of conversations (bereft of context) - a whole lot of imaginative "connecting" of the dots, a widening "coup" that some how includes everyone who criticized Trump, followed the law, or spoke up and totally ignoring such things as the dossier wasn't the only evidence used?

A conspiracy theory.

Again you are the one who kerps dragging Trump into this.

Funny, in a totally pathetic sort of way.
Testing his honesty is not a crime and it’s not inappropriate.

His honesty isn't an issue if they aren't conducting a legitimate investigation.

Flynn was not trustworthy

Not material.

They were conducting a legitimate investigation unless you think investigating Russian interference in our elections is not a concern.

And please, don't pull the crap of "what votes did they change" - interference isn't about just that.
and every other election no one cared. no one cares when we interfere with other countries elections.

but this one time, at band camp...

that is how this feels to me. you take something that happens all the time and suddenly use it to your advantage then sell yourself "it's different".

I will repeat myself (though I am sure this will be duly ignored) - we did not have the social media of today 10 - 20 years ago. Oh I know some idiot claimed he remembered it twenty years ago, but the fact is - then it was in it's infancy both in terms of number of people on it around the world and in the sophistication of the technologies that can harvest data and pin point messaging as well as create increasingly clever "fakes". In the 70's the old USSR used to doctor photos to remove those who fell out of grace - now, we have "deep fakes" (look it up).

The tools we have available now, to masses of people and governments are simply unbelievable and we lag behind in developing the means to deal with it. If you seriously are so blind you don't see this I don't know what to think. I can dig up links and such but it's probably a waste of time.

Pretending like we had this level of ability "all the time" is kind of like pretending...well, we had computers and the internet - for like forever - and you're just "pretending" that things are different now and that there is so much sophisticated hacking going on stealing data, money, disrupting business etc.(presumably because you hate *insert political leader of your choice*)

It happened all the time!
Really don't give a shit til you answer your own question. I don't do rabbit holes of deflection.
That is exactly what you are doing.

I'm supposed to answer my own question? So...I spend a good bit of time on a post and that is what you come up with.
I told you before that until you answer the question we are on I'm not playing deflection games. Please feel free to read back and see me say that.

I answered your question. I am merely out to determine if after I showed you they WERE treated differently, do you agree they were or was it as you state in your original question, they were treated the same.

How is answering a question WITH a question an answer? Or did I miss something in your post?

Comey took advantage of the Trump Administrations lack of protocols allowed him to circumvent them. He wouldn't have gotten away with that in the prior administrations but that isn't to say he wouldn't have tried if the same organizational leeways were open. In legal terms it changed nothing. No two cases are going to be treated exactly the same but now you seem to think they should be regardless of the circumstances surrounding them. You also overlook one simple fact - Flynn lied. He did not have to.

Now where did you actually answer my question or are you going to deflect again? Is Flynn being treated differently than any other white collar criminal/informant?
You keep choosing to ignore the fact I answered your question straight up. Then I just asked you to do the same.

I said yes. I used comey quotes to illustrate.

You are still doing this deflection shit.

You know what asshole - this is a thread a with a hell of a lot of posts and replies. If I missed, I apologize.

Yes. Flynn is being treated differently - unlike other's in similar circumstances - you demand that Flynn should have been told everything the FBI suspected, told to bring his notes, told he should bring a lawyer (even though he wasn't under arrest) and wow...I mean why question him at all? Did the Enron people get all that special treatment?
Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

"The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin "


By "ambushed," you mean asking him if he wouldn't mind answering a few questions?

Or do you mean by forcing him to lie to them when he agreed to answer their questions?

He did not lie.. The original 302 notes show that. And in fact, he joked with McCabe when the meeting was set up -- "asking him if he needed a lawyer"....

The rest is recorded in documents submitted to the court...

Mr. McCabe’s account states: “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [General Flynn] and the agents only. I further stated
that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House Counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [General Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”

Less than two hours later, at 2:15 p.m., FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok and a second FBI agent arrived at the White House to interview General Flynn. By the agents’
account, General Flynn was “relaxed and jocular” and offered to give the agents “a little tour” of the area around his West Wing office. The agents did not provide General Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 before, during, or after the interview. Prior to the FBI’s interview of General Flynn, Mr. McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport,” one of the agents reported. Before the interview, FBI officials had also decided that, if “Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used, . . . to try to refresh his recollection. If Flynn still would not confirm what he said, . . . they would not confront him or talk him through it.” One of the agents reported that General Flynn was “unguarded” during the interview and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.”

Supporters of Flynn have long pointed to statements in the interview summary made afterwards by agents - known as a 302 form - in which it was said Flynn did not seem to be lying.

But the Judge said a review of the evidence shows Flynn did lie - repeatedly.

"The Court therefore finds that the notes, draft FD-302s, and final FD-302 provide ample support that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the FBI about his communications with the Russian Ambassador,
" Sullivan ruled.

The Judge also rebuked Flynn's lawyers.

Coyote Just LISTEN to this bragging bastard traitor ENTERTAINING TDSers like you about AMBUSHING Gen Flynn.,. He's just a HERO to them... NEEDS the credit at that point for GETTING a special counsel to investigate NOTHING that the FBI had on Russia Russia Russia...

This interview was shortly after he was fired and going out on "The Resistance Tour" to whip up the dittohead resisters about Russia..

Boils my blood at the level of ABUSE OF POWER that's here... Not the "abuse of power" you IMAGINED existed in the 1st weeks of the Trump Admin...

Watch IT -- and tell me this is funny or APPROPRIATE now that America KNOWS the FBI had NOTHING ON RUSSIA about Flynn and THEY knew this also...

I am no fan of Comey, particularly with what he did to Hilary, but 1 minute 32 second snippet isn’t going to make or break a case. It just feeds emotions.

You think I imagined abuse of power with Trump? I am just a TDS’er eh? That is your fall back when I point serious issues with Trump. Well, I know one thing for sure, I am not so far up Trump’s ass I am imitating a suppository.

In the history of bullshit hypocritical statements, you just skyrocketed to the top and lost my respect all at once.


Comey confesses in 1:32 and you say it doesn't matter.

There is simply zero point in even trying to talk to someone who ignores. FUCKING GOD DAMN CONFESSION so she can keep partisan hate alive.

Like a security blanket, huh?

A 1:32 minute out of context snippet is an entire confession but an analysis from lawfare is fraudulent (I doubt you even bothered to read it).

You guys are looney tunes with no interest in discussion if it doesn’t support your pet conspiracy theory and make Trump’s ass shine.

keeping the partisan hate alive...good job dude, because that is what you are doing here when you can’t even entertain the idea of another point of view. You can drop your pretense of open mindedness, you are just another Trumpbot.

Nice leftist-Democrat talking points. You are quite the propagandist. Do they pay you?

can you challenge any of the legal points made in lawfare?

There WERE no "legal points" of value in that Lawfare screed.. The guy just DISMISSED "the ambush" while Comey was bragging publicly about it.. Just like you did.. He SPECULATED as to what the judge would do... And WORSE -- he misrepresented WHY Flynn CHANGED his COUNSEL..

The TRUTH IS it wasn't about a whim.. His FORMER counsels were ACTIVELY SCREWING HIM.. Withholding IMPORTANT exculpatory evidence from the court that SHOWED he was set-up, THREATENED and ambushed by the FBI.. When the FBI KNOWINGLY was ready to close the "official" Russian investigation into Flynn..

THAT LIE of omission makes the LawFare article lame and useless.. Because it's no BETTER than uninformed or INTENTIONAL Bullshit that gets posted on USMB...

Wow. Simply wow. No legal points of value huh? I don’t think you read it.

What specific evidence was withheld? And how would it have made a difference?

The 302's where the agents said flynn wasn't lying. C'mon Coyote, you're better than this.

Yeah the facts are Flynn wasn't lying until Comey said he was. Comey should be in jail.

They should ALL be imprisoned for life. That's the only thing that has a chance to prevent the next scumbag bureaucrat who thinks they are above the law.

Throw Trump in their while you are at it.

Why would I do that? He's not the subject of this thread. The subject is the FBI lying to the Court, and falsifying documents.

Next time you hurl the "you are a trump cultist" epithet, I suggest you look in the mirror.

I am talking about criminal wrongdoing on the part of the FBI. You are launching non sequitur after non sequitur, and resorting to personal insults when the evidence is clearly against you.

Stop it.

well the thread is about Trump bringing the dark to light - not a Comey vs. Flynn topic; but that said i've been focused on comey / flynn as most of us has and she keeps dropping trump bombs in as if either of us have mentioned it or defended him for something.

Gee. The thread is about Trump but we can't talk about Trump. Oh wait. Let me correct that. You can. I can't.

The thread is about Flynn, and how the Trump administration is exposing the dark side of the characters who were out to get Flynn in hopes to hurt Trump. There fixed it for you.

Oh...I didn't realize we were in the Conspiracy Theory forum. I'll adjust my responses accordingly.

Russia Russia Russia was a BRUTAL 18 month conspiracy theory.. Fueled by "leaks" of UNNAMED high sources and fake news and scandals that never were.. The Flynn case is clear prosecutorial abuse and maybe eventually miscarraige of justice.. HOW REAL IS IT??

The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin -- we got this in the WashPo...

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said.
The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


Is it a bit strange that "un-named" sources tell the WashPo the day before the ambush that there is NO ACTIVE investigation on Flynn? That he's "been cleared" by a THOROUGH FBI investigation?? That Flynn has NOTHING to worry about??

I do...

"The DAY BEFORE Comey, McCabe, Strzok et al AMBUSHED Flynn at the WH and took advantage of the chaos in the FIRST DAYS of a new Admin "


By "ambushed," you mean asking him if he wouldn't mind answering a few questions?

Or do you mean by forcing him to lie to them when he agreed to answer their questions?

He did not lie.. The original 302 notes show that. And in fact, he joked with McCabe when the meeting was set up -- "asking him if he needed a lawyer"....

The rest is recorded in documents submitted to the court...

Mr. McCabe’s account states: “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [General Flynn] and the agents only. I further stated
that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House Counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [General Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”

Less than two hours later, at 2:15 p.m., FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok and a second FBI agent arrived at the White House to interview General Flynn. By the agents’
account, General Flynn was “relaxed and jocular” and offered to give the agents “a little tour” of the area around his West Wing office. The agents did not provide General Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 before, during, or after the interview. Prior to the FBI’s interview of General Flynn, Mr. McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport,” one of the agents reported. Before the interview, FBI officials had also decided that, if “Flynn said he did not remember something they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used, . . . to try to refresh his recollection. If Flynn still would not confirm what he said, . . . they would not confront him or talk him through it.” One of the agents reported that General Flynn was “unguarded” during the interview and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.”

Supporters of Flynn have long pointed to statements in the interview summary made afterwards by agents - known as a 302 form - in which it was said Flynn did not seem to be lying.

But the Judge said a review of the evidence shows Flynn did lie - repeatedly.

"The Court therefore finds that the notes, draft FD-302s, and final FD-302 provide ample support that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the FBI about his communications with the Russian Ambassador,
" Sullivan ruled.

The Judge also rebuked Flynn's lawyers.

Your article is from Dec 2019. Are you not up on current events and Flynn's new lawyer Sydney Powell and all her evidence? Like I said, you may be voluntarily ignorant.

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