Looks like there is another delay in locking Trump up.

I must admit, I do enjoy the way trump setsup the demofks to show their stupid in full display.
That's what Democrats remind me of on this whole New York indictment thing. Democrats must be the dumbest stupidest lowest form of life on Earth.

Do you think, good poster NewsLink, that it was Democrats who sent Trump nearly $2,000,000 on his phony 'Indictment' grift?
I would suggest poster Newslink that you follow the money, from whence it came to where it went -----to find the 'dumbest stupidest lowest'.
Just sayin'.

you are "impeached" - but both times Trump was found innocent.
Ummm, no he wasn't. He was impeached quite successfully....twice, in bi-partisan votes.
He wasn't convicted due to jury nullification in the Senate. Think OJ Simpson.
NOBODY.....said he was innocent. Except Trump and his enablers.
And now his QAnon fringies.


going to try to indict Trump for a felony which is only a misdemeanor, and it is a federal crime even though he is not federal he is only state,
Are you a criminal lawyer?
If you are....please share with the message-board your bona fides.
But, if not.....why should anyone give an anonymous poster using a fake name any credence whatsoever?


1) his plantation masters.
2) He wants a photo op to give to his plantation masters
3) He wants some sort of bad photograph to give to his Plantation Masters
4) They cheated in 2020 and now they are cheating in 2024, and this ignorant stupid brain dead plantation slave is there useful idiot

And up jumps the devil in a brand new suit!-----"Plantation Masters".....'"plantation slave"!
Scratch one of our QAnon-fringie posters and you will find another fearful racist.
QAnon posters hiding their identity under fake chatroom names -----as if under a white-sheet.
Or so it seems.


What 'exculpatory evidence'?
The 600 pages that they were called out on in front of the grand jury. Cohens, now released attorney from client privilege" notified the grand jury of over 600 pages of exculpatory evidence which had been given to the DA's office for them to view. They could not be found in the room. When they were asked about them, they stated they had not provided them to the grand jury. They admitted that they withheld evidence to the Grand Jury that is relevant to Cohen's trust ability. The judge should have thrown this case long ago.
Cohens, now released attorney from client privilege" notified the grand jury

So, if I am properly reading poster Billy Bob's post.....the 'source' of this story about 'exculpatory evidence' originates with a disgruntled ex-colleague with an axe to grind?

Has the DA's office put out an announcement about 'exculpatory evidence'?
So, if I am properly reading poster Billy Bob's post.....the 'source' of this story about 'exculpatory evidence' originates with a disgruntled ex-colleague with an axe to grind?

Has the DA's office put out an announcement about 'exculpatory evidence'?
Why was it news? Did the da call the person a liar?
Coming from the "lock her up" crowd, that's rich.

Now scream "deep state" for me like you have been trained, simp.
What an asshole. ^^^

People like this, are a big part of the problem.

Hey dumbshit, this only resolves one way. You know what it is.
DA Bragg keeps Grand Jury on hiatus. I guess he needs more time to figure out how to get out of the bear trap he created for himself.
Trump made up the arrest story and raised a lot of money off of it from his cult.
His statement might have ruined the plan to arrest him as since it would not be a surprise. Plans to control protestors had to be implemented.

Now if you want to discuss lying and Presidents just look at Joe Biden.

Cool story, Simp.

WTF does it have to do with the facts in my post? You suck at trolling, troll.


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