Looks like tRump is Pushing His Free Pass Further with a Scam to Privatize War


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
Considering this fake so-called president has a so-called administration of crooks, thieves and criminals he can relate to, the tyrant has recently recruited another tyrant Erik Prince to roll out a scam to privatize the war in Afghanistan. This basically comes to another so-called Backwater blood money making racket or in my terms a Sh!twater blood money making racket among tRump and his fellow antigovernment conspiring demagogues. Also this Erik creep who is Devos brother was already ran out of Chesapeake at being a scurrilous crook. Hopefully come January 3, 2019 aka next week or so, a can of RAID will open up on tRump and his felonious team racket. The arrogance and pompous nature of these uncivilized SOBs never ceases to amaze. I suppose they are spoiled and think they are entitled to engage in all types of crimes to the point of treason at getting away with their criminal ways thus far:

Officials worry Trump may back Erik Prince plan to privatize war in Afghanistan
"I know he's frustrated," Blackwater founder Prince said of the president. "He gave the Pentagon what they wanted. And they haven't delivered."

Trump is increasingly venting frustration to his national security team about the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and showing renewed interest in a proposal by Blackwater founder Erik Prince to privatize the war, current and former senior administration officials said.

Prince's idea, which first surfaced last year during the president's Afghanistan strategy review, envisions replacing troops with private military contractors who would work for a special U.S. envoy for the war who would report directly to the president.

It has raised ethical and security concerns among senior military officials, key lawmakers and members of Trump's national security team. A year after Trump's strategy announcement, his advisers are worried his impatience with the Afghanistan conflict will cause him to seriously consider proposals like Prince's or abruptly order a complete U.S. withdrawal, officials said."

source: nbcnews

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