Looks Like Trump Isn't Going To Be Reinstated After All

He won't be reinstated.
But there is nothing wrong with wishful thinking instead of focusing on a drooling fool looking for his lunch on his chin.
You gave me a great idea. Going back to the old threads and refute their claims of when proof of election fraud (like audits) would take place.

They're been saying any day now for half a year.
Haha, good luck. I’ve tried and they default to the deep state cover up. They sound like fools but I guess they think that excuse is working
I never thought he would, but thanks to the OP for this thread allowing me to block so many left scum in one sitting!
I had a bad feeling that he wouldn't be.

Trump was never going to be reinstated. There is no mechanism in our Constitution for him to be put back in office.

The absolute MOST that could have happened, if Lindell actually had solid proof that Biden & Harris were responsible for stealing the election, would be to have them removed. At that point we would have President Pelosi. And THAT is a good reason to be grateful Lindell is such a disaster on this stage.
Correct, the difference is that the thing I'm mocking is a ridiculous fantasy and the thing you are mocking is an actual reality.

Well at least you're not as crazy as I thought.

Your avatar reaks of "realistic"?

Oops sorry, I'm going to take back my disagree I thought this said my signature at first my bad. Fair enough lol!

Trump Rule #1 : Never admit to being wrong

Followed by
- Blame your accuser
- Make up an alternative narrative
- Repeat until they believe
- Change the news story (misdirection)

You've been watching WAY too much Fox News and CNN.
I believe our politics has entered it's "juvenile" stage. Where they put "yanking peoples chains" above accomplishing anything.

Instead of leading, they support the guy who puts a flaming bag of dog poop on their neighbors porch.

Considering the number of people here who claim Trump did things just to make the liberals go crazy, I am laughing at the Kharma.
Btw, to those of you here stating the fact that nobody actually believed this nonsense check this out.


Looks Like Trump Isn't Going To Be Reinstated After All​

I had a bad feeling that he wouldn't be.

You never took any of this crap seriously I hope, Potty-- -- -- surely you must realize there never was any reinstatement day, the entire story was nothing but more fiction created by the Left by their leftist-controlled media in an effort to again try to make Trump supporters look silly.

  1. Is there any constitutional mechanism to "reinstate" a president?
  2. Is there some revelatory news even cracking the Earth wide open revealing fraud in a way that would FORCE Biddum out of office at this point yet?
  3. Is there something special about 8/13? Why not 8/12 or 8/14?
  4. How would anyone know weeks/months in advance that it would happen on this day?
  5. Even if it DID happen today, wouldn't it require congressional action weeks in advance with much fanfare?
No, this entire story is the creation of the lying left who manufactured another lie about Trump so that their sycophant media could spread it out there like fertilizer as another distraction to what they are doing so that the Left can then turn around and use it to laugh at Trump supporters to pretend how silly and gullible they are.

Who knows, I give Biddum less than a 50% chance of making it through one term, and who knows, there may yet be an audit which cracks wide open a swing state fraud that would have changed that state's outcome but at the rate audits are going, even if they proved Biddum didn't win, he will have served most of his term by then anyway.

No, our elections are total shit now, worthless, your vote means nothing, everyone has seen that now that our elections are indeed as corrupt and crooked as the government itself and they are turning America on its head now in case Biddum should have to leave office or heaven forbid: Trump get reelected or someone similar to him.
Nobody said there weren't stupid people out there, who would do outrageous things over complete nonsense.

Actually, I do believe that you were one of the people saying that nobody was believing this.
I had a bad feeling that he wouldn't be.


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