Looks Like Trump's pardon of Arpaio may backfire.


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Corner of Chaos and Reason
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.
How about this: Arrest that shithead district judge and make him or her wear a pink jumpsuit and eat green bologna sammiches.

That would work for me. While he's at it, Trump should have the whole Ninth Circuit Court taken into custody.
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.
Judge can do that, huh? I predict a very, very big tweet storm coming.
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.

Actually, not entirely true. Historically, the court has every right to challenge the pardon. After all, according to Taylor v Goodrich, the only case to ever rule on the powers of the Presidential Pardo, the Texas Supreme Court determined that the power to pardon does not extend to contempt, either civil, or criminal. And this ruling was upheld by both the Wisconsin Supreme Court (1922), and the United States Appellate Court in 1902.

So, yeah. It's not like this is the first time a presidential pardon has been challenged by the courts.
How about this: Arrest that shithead district judge and make him or her wear a pink jumpsuit and eat green bologna sammiches.

That would work for me. While he's at it, Trump should have the whole Ninth Circuit Court taken into custody.
yeah...fuck the Constitution. Let's go ahead, and have a full on dictatorship, and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.
Judge can do that, huh? I predict a very, very big tweet storm coming.
Yeah. Actually a judge can.
By the way, can any of you libtards explain how Arpaio ever violated the court order? What day did he break the law and who was the victim of his "crimes"?
How about this: Arrest that shithead district judge and make him or her wear a pink jumpsuit and eat green bologna sammiches.

That would work for me. While he's at it, Trump should have the whole Ninth Circuit Court taken into custody.
yeah...fuck the Constitution. Let's go ahead, and have a full on dictatorship, and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?

You mean like Obama ignored Congress with immigration despite saying 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ultimately did? If you want to see a dictator, look at the black boy. If you want to see an Obama dick toter, look in the mirror.
By the way, can any of you libtards explain how Arpaio ever violated the court order? What day did he break the law and who was the victim of his "crimes"?
Well, hey! I'm sure this hearing will be short, and uneventful, then. Why so angry?

I see you can't answer the question.

Now, how could Sheriff Arpaio, or all his deputies, comply with such a vague order. "Don't arrest people that are here illegally". If they are breaking the law by being here illegally, then local law enforcement can and should arrest the person. A judge cannot order law enforcement to not enforce the laws.
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.

Read and try to comprehend the OP. As usual your bias clouds your ability to understand (believe me, I'm being kind).
yeah...fuck the Constitution. Let's go ahead, and have a full on dictatorship, and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?
It looks like liberal activist judges are doing their part and fucking the constitution. President Trump needs to grab that judge by the pussy and tell her to go fuck off.
How about this: Arrest that shithead district judge and make him or her wear a pink jumpsuit and eat green bologna sammiches.

That would work for me. While he's at it, Trump should have the whole Ninth Circuit Court taken into custody.
yeah...fuck the Constitution. Let's go ahead, and have a full on dictatorship, and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?
and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?

all of it, or just those nasty republicans you don't like?
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.
Thats for "crimes against the United States" contempt involves local doesnt it?
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.

Read and try to comprehend the OP. As usual your bias clouds your ability to understand (believe me, I'm being kind).

Bias? You mean like your vote in 2008 and 2012 for the black guy because he was black? Pucker up and believe me, I'm being kind.
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.

Read and try to comprehend the OP. As usual your bias clouds your ability to understand (believe me, I'm being kind).

The rest of her rant was utter nonsense, she is claiming the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office was discriminating, yet were any such charges ever brought up against the County Sheriff's Office? Was there ever any criminal conviction? No, there wasn't. It was just her stupid, uninformed, libtard opinion that the Sheriff's Office was "racist", and she was going to abuse her authority and try to tell them to stop arresting any and all Latinos who were breaking the law by being in the country illegally.
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.

Trump will lose illegal alien votes?

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