Looks Like Trump's pardon of Arpaio may backfire.

I really dont know the whole story. I just know he was charged with contempt, and contempt is an exception. IMO

Not according to the constitution.
Contempt is a local issue. It isnt against "the united states"

In a Federal court? Try again.
so, you are saying contempt is a crime against the united states? I guess its possible. Can you explain that to me?

It's a US Federal court, so contempt is violating a US law.
what law would that be?
Not according to the constitution.
Contempt is a local issue. It isnt against "the united states"

In a Federal court? Try again.
so, you are saying contempt is a crime against the united states? I guess its possible. Can you explain that to me?

It's a US Federal court, so contempt is violating a US law.
what law would that be?

The one he was convicted of....

Probably something similar to this:
18 U.S. Code § 402 - Contempts constituting crimes
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.
fyi- he can give a pardon for federal cases only....

so lets say the State of Arizona decided to charge Arpaio with a state crime, has a trial, he's found guilty of breaking this State law, then President Trump could not pardon him.

It was a US Federal court.
yes it was a federal case...not arguing that, just informing you because you did not include in your statement about the president's pardoning powers....that the pardon can only be for federal crimes.

Also, as example...if say the president pardoned his son in law for something out of the Mueller investigation, States involved could charge Jarrod with any of the crimes committed in their States, even after the president's federal pardon, if state laws were broken as well....
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.
Thats for "crimes against the United States" contempt involves local doesnt it?

You're right, Arpaio never actually committed any crime against the United States, he arrested people that were committing crimes against the United States.

Obama pardoned drug users, were their crimes "against the United States"?
I really dont know the whole story. I just know he was charged with contempt, and contempt is an exception. IMO

Not according to the constitution.

They might arrest you for how you look, how would you like that? Pull you over and write you a ticket for being too white.

That's what Antifa and BLM are for, to serve "social justice" on behalf of all the victims of evil white people.
How about this: Arrest that shithead district judge and make him or her wear a pink jumpsuit and eat green bologna sammiches.

That would work for me. While he's at it, Trump should have the whole Ninth Circuit Court taken into custody.
yeah...fuck the Constitution. Let's go ahead, and have a full on dictatorship, and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?

How "constitutional" is it when the judicial branch of government creates their own legislation from the bench? Left-wing hack "judges" may have started some shit but it won't end there because we own the Supreme Court. Another conservative judge or two on the SC, and liberalism will be non-existent for the next four decades. Which is hunky-dory with me.
We have to replace switch-hitter Justice Kennedy, who nullified DOMA. For serious cases, SCOTUS is still 5-4 Libtard.
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.

She has no leg to stand on.....

this shows exactly why Trump had to pardon him....this left wing nut job in a robe had no intention of following the law....
"The misdemeanor criminal conviction handed down Monday by District Judge Susan Bolton found that Arpaio knowingly violated a federal judge's order in 2011. At that time, Arpaio was told he could not detain immigrants simply because they lacked legal status — but for 18 months, his deputies carried on with the practice."

Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Convicted Of Criminal Contempt

"In December 2011, U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow issued a preliminary injunction ordering Arpaio and his deputies to stop targeting Latino drivers. Prosecutors allege that Arpaio's deputies defied the injunction for at least 18 months. In May 2013, Snow ruled that Arpaio's office had engaged in racial profiling.

"Arpaio and his deputies have admitted to violating the judge's order, but they claim their defiance wasn't intentional."

No wonder Trump interceded,, he has much in common with Arpaio, both are incompetent and unfit for the office they held/hold.
How about this: Arrest that shithead district judge and make him or her wear a pink jumpsuit and eat green bologna sammiches.

That would work for me. While he's at it, Trump should have the whole Ninth Circuit Court taken into custody.
yeah...fuck the Constitution. Let's go ahead, and have a full on dictatorship, and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?

I guess they (and apparently you) cannot read the Constitution?
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.
Judge can do that, huh? I predict a very, very big tweet storm coming.
Yeah. Actually a judge can.

Methinks thou shalt be proven to be as big an idiot as the judge when Congress impeaches the nitwit.
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.
Thats for "crimes against the United States" contempt involves local doesnt it?

You're right, Arpaio never actually committed any crime against the United States, he arrested people that were committing crimes against the United States.

Obama pardoned drug users, were their crimes "against the United States"?
I really dont know the whole story. I just know he was charged with contempt, and contempt is an exception. IMO

Not according to the constitution.
Contempt is a local issue. It isnt against "the united states"

Then why is it a federal judge?
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.
all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.

As must necessarily be Trump's approbation of it for nobody but Trump issued, or currently could issue, a presidential pardon.

What intrigues me is whether Trump's attorneys will adjure writing the explication of the pardon's etiology and be its perfervid ontological foundations.
By the way, can any of you libtards explain how Arpaio ever violated the court order? What day did he break the law and who was the victim of his "crimes"?

Hs racially profiled Hispanics and violated their 4th Amendment rights. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agreed that he did it.
How about this: Arrest that shithead district judge and make him or her wear a pink jumpsuit and eat green bologna sammiches.

That would work for me. While he's at it, Trump should have the whole Ninth Circuit Court taken into custody.
yeah...fuck the Constitution. Let's go ahead, and have a full on dictatorship, and due away with that traitorous Congress while we're at it, right?!?!?

How "constitutional" is it when the judicial branch of government creates their own legislation from the bench? Left-wing hack "judges" may have started some shit but it won't end there because we own the Supreme Court. Another conservative judge or two on the SC, and liberalism will be non-existent for the next four decades. Which is hunky-dory with me.

The 4th Amendment is not a law that was created from the bench. It was created by our founding fathers. Even the Supreme Court swears to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Apparently you want the Supreme Court to ignore the US Constitution.
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.
Thats for "crimes against the United States" contempt involves local doesnt it?

You're right, Arpaio never actually committed any crime against the United States, he arrested people that were committing crimes against the United States.

Obama pardoned drug users, were their crimes "against the United States"?

No not true, he arrested people due to how they looked. Him and his posse, even when told to quit, he continued.

No, they arrrested them for being in the country illegally. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

He stopped Hispanics for being Hispanic and illegally asked for their papers. The Supreme Court has said that a person's immigration status can be looked at only if they are stopped for a crime. He was ordered to stop doing it and he did not. He violated their 4th Amendment rights. Try looking at the Constitution and bone up on the 4th Amendment.
Hypocrisy reigns in the realm of the Deplorable!

The same fools who defend Laws which they support, i.e. the 2nd A., reject the law which puts an authoritarian racist in jeopardy of jail and having a criminal record.

It takes the magical thinking of a 3-year old to be a deplorable, all the PINO needs to say is, "believe me" and they continue to believe him, which belies reality.
By the way, can any of you libtards explain how Arpaio ever violated the court order? What day did he break the law and who was the victim of his "crimes"?

Hs racially profiled Hispanics and violated their 4th Amendment rights. Even conservatives like Justin Amash agreed that he did it.

Justin Amash-ed Potato star is dimming every time he opens that big yap of his.
They don't need to file any such "memo" just because some butt hurt liberal judge says so. The US Constitution clearly gives the President authority to grant a pardon for any reason and for any crime, except impeachment.
Thats for "crimes against the United States" contempt involves local doesnt it?

You're right, Arpaio never actually committed any crime against the United States, he arrested people that were committing crimes against the United States.

Obama pardoned drug users, were their crimes "against the United States"?

No not true, he arrested people due to how they looked. Him and his posse, even when told to quit, he continued.

No, they arrrested them for being in the country illegally. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

He stopped Hispanics for being Hispanic and illegally asked for their papers. The Supreme Court has said that a person's immigration status can be looked at only if they are stopped for a crime. He was ordered to stop doing it and he did not. He violated their 4th Amendment rights. Try looking at the Constitution and bone up on the 4th Amendment.

So I am sure you have a date and time and victim's name where Arpaio himself arrested a Hispanic for being Hispanic.
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.
Judge can do that, huh? I predict a very, very big tweet storm coming.
No, the judge can't do that. The judge is about to get her ass in a sling.
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon

Last week, President Trump tried to use the cover of Hurricane Harvey to deflect attention away from his abrupt pardon of notorious racist and human rights abuser Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
But instead of having the whole affair slip under the radar, Trump and the Justice Department are now looking at a protracted and very public legal fight, according to the*Arizona Central.
While District Judge Susan Bolton has approved the request to throw out Arpaio’s sentencing hearing, she’s not letting him walk away so easily.
This morning, Bolton ordered that the Department of Justice file a memo and scheduled a hearing for October 4th where the Trump team must publicly argue why a man who was so racist he was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to end his discriminatory racial profiling policies deserves to walk free.
The state of Arizona will have their own chance to argue why Arpaio should*not*be pardoned, allowing them to publicly, and in great detail, list the full extent of the heinous crimes and misdeeds of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which include running what he refers to as a concentration camp, torturing his inmates, forcing a woman to give birth in shackles, and refusing to investigate sex crimes against Latina children.

So, instead of just quietly pardoning a man who supported his campaign bid, Trump has insured that the reputation of Sheriff Pink Panties will, forever, be publicly, and completely obliterated. I mean, don't get me wrong. The pardon will clearly stand, ultimately. However, before that, all of Arpaio's dirty laundry gets publicly aired in court, and made a matter of the permanent public record.
Judge can do that, huh? I predict a very, very big tweet storm coming.
Yeah. Actually a judge can.
No, a judge can't defy a presidential pardon. She also can't order the Dept of Justice to file anything in connection with a Pardon.

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