Loretta Lynch Refuses to Say Whether It’s Illegal to Lie Under Oath

At this point humoring desperate republicans is pointless. Lynch should have just held up the middle finger until they dismissed her.

Fuck you. I say that because you don't mind that the AG is a political hack, which means you are a political hack.
I bet you loved John Ashcroft. Cry me a river asshole.

It's always the same with your kind (ie hacks), they always deflect.
Okay how about this - I'm happy that Lynch will not cooperate with republican bullshit. The birth certificate, Jade Helm, ebola, Benghazi, death panels, the administration all being members of the Muslim Brotherhood... all of your made up bullshit has been humored for 8 years. Rather than responding, it's about damn time for you all to get the finger.

Next time, don't cry wolf constantly.

Bottom line is any layman would know that what hildebeast did was illegal. For the AG not to comment on that is outrageous.
At this point humoring desperate republicans is pointless. Lynch should have just held up the middle finger until they dismissed her.

Fuck you. I say that because you don't mind that the AG is a political hack, which means you are a political hack.
I bet you loved John Ashcroft. Cry me a river asshole.

It's always the same with your kind (ie hacks), they always deflect.
Okay how about this - I'm happy that Lynch will not cooperate with republican bullshit. The birth certificate, Jade Helm, ebola, Benghazi, death panels, the administration all being members of the Muslim Brotherhood... all of your made up bullshit has been humored for 8 years. Rather than responding, it's about damn time for you all to get the finger.

Next time, don't cry wolf constantly.

Bottom line is any layman would know that what hildebeast did was illegal. For the AG not to comment on that is outrageous.
No it was not illegal. As confirmed by a 12 month FBI investigation. There was no law whatsoever about personal servers when she was Secretary. For fucks sake this isn't hard.

Now go try to beat her on policy or support your candidate. 8 years of making up faux scandals have gotten you Trump and a likely Democrat sweep in November. The e-mails, like gay marriage, is over. Move on.
At this point humoring desperate republicans is pointless. Lynch should have just held up the middle finger until they dismissed her.

Fuck you. I say that because you don't mind that the AG is a political hack, which means you are a political hack.
I bet you loved John Ashcroft. Cry me a river asshole.

It's always the same with your kind (ie hacks), they always deflect.
Okay how about this - I'm happy that Lynch will not cooperate with republican bullshit. The birth certificate, Jade Helm, ebola, Benghazi, death panels, the administration all being members of the Muslim Brotherhood... all of your made up bullshit has been humored for 8 years. Rather than responding, it's about damn time for you all to get the finger.

Next time, don't cry wolf constantly.

Bottom line is any layman would know that what hildebeast did was illegal. For the AG not to comment on that is outrageous.

And it proves that there was in fact a cover up.
Fuck you. I say that because you don't mind that the AG is a political hack, which means you are a political hack.
I bet you loved John Ashcroft. Cry me a river asshole.

It's always the same with your kind (ie hacks), they always deflect.
Okay how about this - I'm happy that Lynch will not cooperate with republican bullshit. The birth certificate, Jade Helm, ebola, Benghazi, death panels, the administration all being members of the Muslim Brotherhood... all of your made up bullshit has been humored for 8 years. Rather than responding, it's about damn time for you all to get the finger.

Next time, don't cry wolf constantly.

Bottom line is any layman would know that what hildebeast did was illegal. For the AG not to comment on that is outrageous.

And it proves that there was in fact a cover up.
Yeah to a fucking nutjob it does. Be careful dude I hear Obama's going to declare martial law any day now. Good luck. :fu:
you could ask her how she feels about dead people voting, and she will claim that dead people have the right to vote
Lying under oath is not illegal . Lying under oath at a trial , that's different . That can be perjury.
Lying under oath is not illegal . Lying under oath at a trial , that's different . That can be perjury.
Then I suggest you try that...

Since you're not a Clinton, I'm sure Big Bubba would be thrilled to have you as his new "wife"...
Lying under oath is not illegal . Lying under oath at a trial , that's different . That can be perjury.
Then I suggest you try that...

Since you're not a Clinton, I'm sure Big Bubba would be thrilled to have you as his new "wife"...
And I would suggest Timmy wear his mudflaps. Because big Bubba gonna deflower you boy.
Lying under oath is not illegal . Lying under oath at a trial , that's different . That can be perjury.
Then I suggest you try that...

Since you're not a Clinton, I'm sure Big Bubba would be thrilled to have you as his new "wife"...
Maybe Lynch has the same brain ailment as Hillary?,,,,the ailment that prevents u from ever giving a straight answer on the most basic questions?
Lying under oath is not illegal . Lying under oath at a trial , that's different . That can be perjury.
Then I suggest you try that...

Since you're not a Clinton, I'm sure Big Bubba would be thrilled to have you as his new "wife"...
And I would suggest Timmy wear his mudflaps. Because big Bubba gonna deflower you boy.

Hey dummies . Say you're in some deposition and you lie . That is not criminal perjury . Now lying while testifying in court, that's different .
Congress: Miss Lynch, How Much Is Two plus Three?
Lynch: I cannot answer that question at this time, but I can refer you to my attorney, Barney The Dinasour for the answer.
next time they grill Lynch, lets dress her up in a german army outfit,,,with a helmet !!!!
Miss Lynch, was that Bill Clinton of whom you invited into your plane, or just some guy that looked like Bill Clinton?
When asked if it was illegal to pass on classified documents to someone without a security clearance, she refused to answer and referred the congressman to statutes.
At this point humoring desperate republicans is pointless. Lynch should have just held up the middle finger until they dismissed her.
I'm not a Republican and am not one bit amused by her responses.

Our representatives have been giving us the middle finger for a long time.

Your support for this tactic makes you the problem.

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