Los Angeles: We’ll Extend Shutdowns Thru July


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

When July comes, they will be looking to extend it to October. School is canceled this fall in a lot of liberal towns already.
Time to rise up, California.

I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

I've seen articles on CBC by European professionals saying it's 25 feet and it can linger in grocery stores aisles and even drift over shelves.

As the Swedes said, "we can't fight biology" so they decided to mitigate and do their best to deal with it. Trusting their citizens to be smart about it.

I have to hand it to the socialists, they stepped up to the plate and they have some of the best programmers too. Both surprised me, hah. They took a measured, logical and somber approach and their media and citizens have supported it patriotically.
I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

No one has seen a coronavirus jump from one person to another, I'm not sure that its really been proven that this virus is the cause for people getting sick.

This exactly. From a personal perspective, combined, my wife and I between us are connected to thousands of people in real life and online via social media. All of those thousands of people are connected to thousands and thousands more, and on and on. Not one, I repeat, not one single person in our extended contact/social media friends list or that of our respective families or friends or all of their families has had or knows anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. Seems legit.

Beyond that, neither my wife or I nor anyone we know, even casually, has witnessed a single fellow American drop dead or stumble around sick in the streets. Seems legit.

Where is all the media coverage, left or right leaning, of overcrowded emergency rooms, clinics, makeshift hospitals, etc. overflowing with the sick and dying? The media fucking loves to report visual news of Americans dying in great numbers. So where's all the video of that happening? Seems legit.

Anyone who has been through American military boot camp for any branch of service, meaning anyone who's had NBC training, can quickly puzzle out that neither a homemade mask nor even a paper medical one is going to fucking protect you from an airborne virus. Give me a break already. MOPP gas masks use charcoal filters that are good for around 6-8 hours of protection, in conjunction with a hood that protects one's face and shoulders and eyes. If an airborne virus really was loose in American towns and cities then nearly everyone you or I know would be infected and sick. What a load of bullshit and man does it reek.

So if the virus is either not real or insanely mild, what is our government's true motivation for flushing our economy and millions of livelihoods down the drain, as well as restricting our individual liberty and freedom?

Lastly, do some simple research. Where was the US Army's USAMRIID during the start of this so-called pandemic? Eye opening indeed . . .
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

When July comes, they will be looking to extend it to October. School is canceled this fall in a lot of liberal towns already.
Why have schools at all? Clearly few are interested.
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

But atleast the jails are open .........

I think I read this morning Orange county California had an fatality rate of .02%

I'd stay closed until 2030.....drumph
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

No they need to say thank you cause he is saving them.........well according to them anyway
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

When July comes, they will be looking to extend it to October. School is canceled this fall in a lot of liberal towns already.
Why have schools at all? Clearly few are interested.

Good point. If we are going to be in a Phase of Perpetual Mitigation, where most areas of the economy are on permanent lockdown, what's the point of an education anyhow for most people?

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