Los Angeles: We’ll Extend Shutdowns Thru July

Time to rise up, California.

View attachment 335308
Sadly it’s not just California people that are eager to let the government tell them what to do And are anxious to give up their civil libertys,America is as well. California is always the first state that gives up their freedoms,then the rest follow them later. California was the first state to let the government tell them they can’t smoke indoors anymore then the other States later followed them back in the 90,s. The rest of the states will follow California’s lead down the road on this as well .The elite have achieved what they want ruining people’s livelihoods by destroying the economy.now they are working on depopulation control with a vaccine the sheep will be eager to line up and take,they honestly think America is a free country they have been so brainwashed by what our corrupt school system taughtthem
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I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

It's about 250 feet.

When you sneeze, your body expels air, germs, and moisture through the mouth and nose. It does so almost-violently. Some studies have shown that a sneeze can expel air at speeds of up to 93 miles per hour!

Given that velocity, it's no surprise that germs in a sneeze can travel quite a distance. If you've ever been standing a few feet away from someone when they sneezed, you may have felt a few drops hit your arm. Yuck!

Scientists now know that germs in a sneeze can travel much farther than a few feet, though. Previous studies had focused on larger, visible drops to estimate how far germs could travel in a sneeze.

New studies using more advanced equipment have been able to track sneeze particles farther than ever before. For example, researchers have discovered that many particles from a sneeze travel together in a previously-undetected gas bubble that scientists call a "multiphase turbulent buoyant bubble."

Scientists have learned that smaller particles suspended in this gas bubble can travel as far as 200 feet away from the person who sneezed. Moreover, those germs can easily travel far enough to find their way into ventilation systems, thereby extending their journey even farther!


There is NO science to any of this. It's all voodoo and bullshit.
Time to rise up, California.

View attachment 335308
Sadly it’s not just California people that are eager to let the government tell them what to do And are anxious to give up their civil libertys,America is as well. California is always the first state that gives up their freedoms,then the rest follow them later. California was the first state to let the government tell them they can’t smoke indoors anymore then the other States later followed them back in the 90,s. The rest of the states will follow California’s lead down the road on this as well .The elite have achieved what they want ruining people’s livelihoods by destroying the economy.now they are working on depopulation control with a vaccine the sheep will be eager to line up and take,they honestly think America is a free country they have been so brainwashed by what our corrupt school system taughtthem
Actually, there have been a number of protests in California. There were just some recent ones in San Diego and in Huntington Beach, and they looked pretty big. I feel like I always have to correct people about Californians. Yes in San Francisco and LA there are a lot of lefties, but in other parts of the state there are conservatives, libertarians independents, and just normal people, believe it or not. I say this as a native Californian, although I live in Baja now.
I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

No one has seen a coronavirus jump from one person to another, I'm not sure that its really been proven that this virus is the cause for people getting sick.

This exactly. From a personal perspective, combined, my wife and I between us are connected to thousands of people in real life and online via social media. All of those thousands of people are connected to thousands and thousands more, and on and on. Not one, I repeat, not one single person in our extended contact/social media friends list or that of our respective families or friends or all of their families has had or knows anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. Seems legit.

Beyond that, neither my wife or I nor anyone we know, even casually, has witnessed a single fellow American drop dead or stumble around sick in the streets. Seems legit.

Where is all the media coverage, left or right leaning, of overcrowded emergency rooms, clinics, makeshift hospitals, etc. overflowing with the sick and dying? The media fucking loves to report visual news of Americans dying in great numbers. So where's all the video of that happening? Seems legit.

Anyone who has been through American military boot camp for any branch of service, meaning anyone who's had NBC training, can quickly puzzle out that neither a homemade mask nor even a paper medical one is going to fucking protect you from an airborne virus. Give me a break already. MOPP gas masks use charcoal filters that are good for around 6-8 hours of protection, in conjunction with a hood that protects one's face and shoulders and eyes. If an airborne virus really was loose in American towns and cities then nearly everyone you or I know would be infected and sick. What a load of bullshit and man does it reek.

So if the virus is either not real or insanely mild, what is our government's true motivation for flushing our economy and millions of livelihoods down the drain, as well as restricting our individual liberty and freedom?

Lastly, do some simple research. Where was the US Army's USAMRIID during the start of this so-called pandemic? Eye opening indeed . . .
It's a scam. It's not hard to prove that, but there are still so many people who believe whatever the TV tells them.
I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

I've seen articles on CBC by European professionals saying it's 25 feet and it can linger in grocery stores aisles and even drift over shelves.

As the Swedes said, "we can't fight biology" so they decided to mitigate and do their best to deal with it. Trusting their citizens to be smart about it.

I have to hand it to the socialists, they stepped up to the plate and they have some of the best programmers too. Both surprised me, hah. They took a measured, logical and somber approach and their media and citizens have supported it patriotically.

Ohhhhh I see where the problem is. The Swedes might say They can't fight biology. In the U.S. biology isn't a real science. Biology separates the genders into male and female. The U.S. doesn't believe that.
I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

I've seen articles on CBC by European professionals saying it's 25 feet and it can linger in grocery stores aisles and even drift over shelves.

As the Swedes said, "we can't fight biology" so they decided to mitigate and do their best to deal with it. Trusting their citizens to be smart about it.

I have to hand it to the socialists, they stepped up to the plate and they have some of the best programmers too. Both surprised me, hah. They took a measured, logical and somber approach and their media and citizens have supported it patriotically.

Ohhhhh I see where the problem is. The Swedes might say They can't fight biology. In the U.S. biology isn't a real science. Biology separates the genders into male and female. The U.S. doesn't believe that.

Sweden is a nation best known for its world class Bikini Team, so I do think they can tell a broad from a man.
Well let talk in a month because Texas is opening up, so if a spike does not happen then Texas beat the virus at least for now but if a spike happens then California was correct to stay closed...
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

I wouldn’t wish Californians on any other state. Don’t give them any ideas.
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

They did and ruined WA state, OR, and now ruining TX
And NM
Time to rise up, California.

View attachment 335308
Sadly it’s not just California people that are eager to let the government tell them what to do And are anxious to give up their civil libertys,America is as well. California is always the first state that gives up their freedoms,then the rest follow them later. California was the first state to let the government tell them they can’t smoke indoors anymore then the other States later followed them back in the 90,s. The rest of the states will follow California’s lead down the road on this as well .The elite have achieved what they want ruining people’s livelihoods by destroying the economy.now they are working on depopulation control with a vaccine the sheep will be eager to line up and take,they honestly think America is a free country they have been so brainwashed by what our corrupt school system taughtthem
Actually, there have been a number of protests in California. There were just some recent ones in San Diego and in Huntington Beach, and they looked pretty big. I feel like I always have to correct people about Californians. Yes in San Francisco and LA there are a lot of lefties, but in other parts of the state there are conservatives, libertarians independents, and just normal people, believe it or not. I say this as a native Californian, although I live in Baja now.
Yeah not everybody in California is a sheep,that would not be fair to say.but protests are not the solution,they never work,neither do petitions,waste of time. I see all this coming eventually when they banned smoking indoors everywhere,they let them get away with that around the world,the elite know they can get away with anything
I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

No one has seen a coronavirus jump from one person to another, I'm not sure that its really been proven that this virus is the cause for people getting sick.

This exactly. From a personal perspective, combined, my wife and I between us are connected to thousands of people in real life and online via social media. All of those thousands of people are connected to thousands and thousands more, and on and on. Not one, I repeat, not one single person in our extended contact/social media friends list or that of our respective families or friends or all of their families has had or knows anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. Seems legit.

Beyond that, neither my wife or I nor anyone we know, even casually, has witnessed a single fellow American drop dead or stumble around sick in the streets. Seems legit.

Where is all the media coverage, left or right leaning, of overcrowded emergency rooms, clinics, makeshift hospitals, etc. overflowing with the sick and dying? The media fucking loves to report visual news of Americans dying in great numbers. So where's all the video of that happening? Seems legit.

Anyone who has been through American military boot camp for any branch of service, meaning anyone who's had NBC training, can quickly puzzle out that neither a homemade mask nor even a paper medical one is going to fucking protect you from an airborne virus. Give me a break already. MOPP gas masks use charcoal filters that are good for around 6-8 hours of protection, in conjunction with a hood that protects one's face and shoulders and eyes. If an airborne virus really was loose in American towns and cities then nearly everyone you or I know would be infected and sick. What a load of bullshit and man does it reek.

So if the virus is either not real or insanely mild, what is our government's true motivation for flushing our economy and millions of livelihoods down the drain, as well as restricting our individual liberty and freedom?

Lastly, do some simple research. Where was the US Army's USAMRIID during the start of this so-called pandemic? Eye opening indeed . . .
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :yes_text12:
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

They did and ruined WA state, OR, and now ruining TX
And NM

Yes they did. I almost moved there. Glad I didn't. Ky is good
I have yet to see any credible scientific citation that makes six feet (2m) the magic distance that keeps the Coronacooties at bay.

No one has seen a coronavirus jump from one person to another, I'm not sure that its really been proven that this virus is the cause for people getting sick.

This exactly. From a personal perspective, combined, my wife and I between us are connected to thousands of people in real life and online via social media. All of those thousands of people are connected to thousands and thousands more, and on and on. Not one, I repeat, not one single person in our extended contact/social media friends list or that of our respective families or friends or all of their families has had or knows anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. Seems legit.

Beyond that, neither my wife or I nor anyone we know, even casually, has witnessed a single fellow American drop dead or stumble around sick in the streets. Seems legit.

Where is all the media coverage, left or right leaning, of overcrowded emergency rooms, clinics, makeshift hospitals, etc. overflowing with the sick and dying? The media fucking loves to report visual news of Americans dying in great numbers. So where's all the video of that happening? Seems legit.

Anyone who has been through American military boot camp for any branch of service, meaning anyone who's had NBC training, can quickly puzzle out that neither a homemade mask nor even a paper medical one is going to fucking protect you from an airborne virus. Give me a break already. MOPP gas masks use charcoal filters that are good for around 6-8 hours of protection, in conjunction with a hood that protects one's face and shoulders and eyes. If an airborne virus really was loose in American towns and cities then nearly everyone you or I know would be infected and sick. What a load of bullshit and man does it reek.

So if the virus is either not real or insanely mild, what is our government's true motivation for flushing our economy and millions of livelihoods down the drain, as well as restricting our individual liberty and freedom?

Lastly, do some simple research. Where was the US Army's USAMRIID during the start of this so-called pandemic? Eye opening indeed . . .
As usual, fantastic post. Thank you.
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

If these far left voters try to move outside the state we need a wall to keep all that virus out.
Any taxpayers left in Taxifornia needs to flee that shithole immediately.

If these far left voters try to move outside the state we need a wall to keep all that virus out.

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