Lou Dobbs's Huge Flip-Flop.


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
Lou Dobbs was on The O'Reilly Factor on Friday night for a discussion on Obama's speech to the Chamber of Commerce. In particular the discussion centered on a comment Obama made about businesses sharing their wealth with their employees.
Below is a synopsis via O'Reilly's website.

"While speaking to the Chamber of Commerce this week, President Obama urged business leaders to share their profits with American workers. The Factor asked Fox Business anchor Lou Dobbs to critique the President's speech. "He's again talking like a statist," Dobbs complained. "I don't know what he's trying to do, because in his interview with you he denied that he's a redistributionist. Now you hear him hectoring and lecturing business leaders, suggesting that they divide the national income in a certain way. The President really conveys his lack of understanding about the economy."
O'Reilly responded " "I'm worried about the folks who are working hard and not making much money while some CEOs are taking out $20-million or $30-million a year. And some of these boards of directors are corrupt, they make Mubarak look honest."

Bill O'Reilly: The O'Reilly Factor Flash - Friday, February 11, 2011

Now Lou Dobbs wrote a book in 2006 titled; War on the Middle Class

In the book, Dobbs wrote the following;

"But what about the employees who make it all possible? While the corporate profits increased in the last year, real wages have actually declined. While productivity is skyrocketing, the share of national income going to workers has fallen to the lowest level in forty years. At the same time, corporate America is cutting benefits and pensions. If this is Adam Smith's invisible hand at work, it's balled up in a fist and striking the solar plexus of the middle class. And outsourcing is playing a part in the decline of both pay and opportunity for American labor" (Page 110).

It seems Dobbs forgot all about his year long on-the-air campaign he had during his CNN days with his daily shows segment called,,,,"War on the Middle Class". During those segments he would constantly bring up the fact that workers were losing out to the economy in the form of flat wages and shrinking benefits despite record productivity! The guy was on this basically every show for a year straight! He made a lot money on his book
which harped on the same thing.

Now Dobbs has moved to Fox News and he has totally changed his tune. He went from a almost leader of a cause to becoming an antagonist to those beliefs that drove him to write a book about the subject.
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"He's again talking like a statist," Dobbs complained. "I don't know what he's trying to do, because in his interview with you he denied that he's a redistributionist. Now you hear him hectoring and lecturing business leaders, suggesting that they divide the national income in a certain way. The President really conveys his lack of understanding about the economy."
Obama said one thing and then says another, how is Dobbs wrong for pointing that out? Plus he's right, Obama doesn't understand the economy. If McCain were President now under these economic conditions, you Libs would be calling for his resignation. You know you would.

Now Lou Dobbs wrote a book in 2006 titled; War on the Middle Class. In the book, Dobbs wrote the following;

"But what about the employees who make it all possible? While the corporate profits increased in the last year, real wages have actually declined. While productivity is skyrocketing, the share of national income going to workers has fallen to the lowest level in forty years. At the same time, corporate America is cutting benefits and pensions. If this is Adam Smith's invisible hand at work, it's balled up in a fist and striking the solar plexus of the middle class. And outsourcing is playing a part in the decline of both pay and opportunity for American labor" (Page 110).
I believe this comment is about outscourcing jobs right? What did Obama and the Dems do to stop or at least slow down the loss of jobs overseas? They passed national health care that's what.

I used to watch Lou Dobbs on CNN because he was the only reason to watch CNN. I haven't seen him on Fox. What does he say differently now?
"He's again talking like a statist," Dobbs complained. "I don't know what he's trying to do, because in his interview with you he denied that he's a redistributionist. Now you hear him hectoring and lecturing business leaders, suggesting that they divide the national income in a certain way. The President really conveys his lack of understanding about the economy."
Obama said one thing and then says another, how is Dobbs wrong for pointing that out? Plus he's right, Obama doesn't understand the economy. If McCain were President now under these economic conditions, you Libs would be calling for his resignation. You know you would.

Now Lou Dobbs wrote a book in 2006 titled; War on the Middle Class. In the book, Dobbs wrote the following;

"But what about the employees who make it all possible? While the corporate profits increased in the last year, real wages have actually declined. While productivity is skyrocketing, the share of national income going to workers has fallen to the lowest level in forty years. At the same time, corporate America is cutting benefits and pensions. If this is Adam Smith's invisible hand at work, it's balled up in a fist and striking the solar plexus of the middle class. And outsourcing is playing a part in the decline of both pay and opportunity for American labor" (Page 110).
I believe this comment is about outsourcing jobs right? What did Obama and the Dems do to stop or at least slow down the loss of jobs overseas? They passed national health care that's what.

I used to watch Lou Dobbs on CNN because he was the only reason to watch CNN. I haven't seen him on Fox. What does he say differently now?

Re-read Dobbs to statements, what he was saying on his show and in his book (over a million sold) are one thing but now when Obama says it he's a "statist" and it's redistribution of wealth? The guy did a complete 180! It's very clear. And he's not talking about outsourcing on page 100 of the book, even though he touches on that and illegal immigration often in the book.
I agree with you on Obamacare. Even though I very strongly believe in healthcare reform, Obamacare isn't the answer. And yes, Obama and the dems certainly should have put unemployment and outsourcing of jobs on the front burner instead.
Finally, what Obama was suggesting in his speech to the Chamber was for fairer wages for the workers that reflect the success of the company.
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The answer to America's unemployment problem is to produce highly skilled, PRODUCTIVE people who have the skills and tools in their possession to make/produce high-value goods and services for their neighbors. And we must VALUE the high-quality goods produced by our neighbors more than we value similar products made overseas. A "proletarian" is an unskilled person with nothing to offer but his labor and his progeny. We should endeavor to produce as few of those folks as we possibly can, and let's face it, there are a lot of people walking around with "college degrees" that are really just prols who've seen Daytona at spring break. We need scientists and engineers and well educated farmers. What we have is a nation of communications majors. Ultimately, we want to create a slight shortage of labor and an environment where there are a lot of jobs for employees to choose from, where employers must compete for labor. A whole lot of this "war on the middle class" stuff would be fixed by those conditions.

Unions have their place, but that place isn't using contracts to take over their companies' business. The worst worker in the world is the American employee telling his boss what he will and won't do on a day-to-day basis in a plant. "Oh does the trash need emptying? And the trash guy is out sick? Well shove that trash up your a__, I'm not taking it out." I actually watched this conversation in a union plant where I worked summers, back in the 80s. The plant is closed now, so I guess it was the smart-mouthed employee that finally got it shoved up HIS a__.
Re-read Dobbs to statements, what he was saying on his show and in his book (over a million sold) are one thing but now when Obama says it he's a "statist" and it's redistribution of wealth? The guy did a complete 180! It's very clear. And he's not talking about outsourcing on page 100 of the book, even though he touches on that and illegal immigration often in the book.
I agree with you on Obamacare. Even though I very strongly believe in healthcare reform, Obamacare isn't the answer. And yes, Obama and the dems certainly should have put unemployment and outsourcing of jobs on the front burner instead.
Finally, what Obama was suggesting in his speech to the Chamber was for fairer wages for the workers that reflect the success of the company.
Businesses giving workers a raise and government redistribution of wealth are two different things would you agree? One is contract negotiations between workers and companies they work for. The other is government taking what doesn't belong to them and giving it those they see fit to get it, usually people who did nothing to earn it.

Obama actually said he wanted to "redistribute the wealth" when he was campaigning remember? He can't have it both ways either.

Also Lou Dobbs only flip flopped on his Immigration stance after he got shot at in front of his house! Can't say I blame him!

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