Louis Farrakhan wants all black seperate states.

Why not? The idea of 50 states trying to be one country has been a failure.
LOL...define "failure".

2 senators for a state that very few people live in is ridiculous and so is the idea that a vote in a sparsely populated state is worth more than a vote in a state where people actually want to live.
The people in Wyoming or Vermont
deserve just as many rights and as much representation as the animals in New York or California.
Maybe you need to move to a country where only some people deserve rights but not others. That's not how America works.
They deserve one vote just like everyone else. Speaking of animals, why do we give representation to prairie dogs, coyotes and rattlesnakes? Our most populous state has nearly 70 times more people than our least populous state but the EC ratio is 18:1 . Why should a West Virginia meth head`s vote be worth more than my Pa. vote?
They deserve one vote just like everyone else. Speaking of animals, why do we give representation to prairie dogs, coyotes and rattlesnakes? Our most populous state has nearly 70 times more people than our least populous state but the EC ratio is 18:1 . Why should a West Virginia meth head`s vote be worth more than my Pa. vote?
Why should some New York or California heroin addict's vote count the same as my Oregon vote...which is cancelled out anyway by the residents of a handful of I-5 corridor cities (Portland, Eugene, Salem, etc.)?
And that W. Virginia meth head's vote does NOT count for more than your vote, if he or she votes at all.
They count exactly the same.

We live in a representative republic...not a democracy. You need to move somewhere where the biggest group gets to do whatever they feel like doing and screw everyone else. Good luck finding that place.
Yes the nut cake democrat os at it again.
Perhaps some of his followers will tell us which states he wants and where all the whites latinos and asian americans are to go.
I completely agree with him! Its why I respect the man,we have similar views on race.
And I'm okay with secession. I'm a big fan of the rights to freedom of association
Me too. Africa is where he can set up an independent State. Do you want to tell whites, yellows and browns to move out of their homes and towns because we is giving it over to black followers of this lunatic?

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