Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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The First Amendment is very clear, "Congress Shall Make No Law Respecting An Establiment of Religioin or The Free Excerise There of...." There is no State Sponsered, State Sanctioned, State Funded religion in this country. Not every student in Louisiana is a so-called "Christian", he is using the state to push a certain religion and that is wrong
I don't care one way or another if they paint it on their walls. I was discussing with my wife just a little while ago that whomever is going to make the signs for every public school and university class room in LA is probably either related or friend of a friend who helped pass this law. Going to make someone rich make all the signs.
Well, debbiereddiaperdoperbaby, you are all upset about semantics. Founded, based, is there really that big of a difference. There is no doubt in any historian or scholar that the Ten Commandments is part of the basis, our founding.

I get it, you are leech, a partisan hack, without the education or intelligence to have a civil discussion. Feel free to allow me to educate you a bit more if you like. I am happy to be here to address your ignorance, on semantics.
Then say what you mean. You are one fucking idiot.
The founders, most of whom were Christian, founded a nation and framed a constitution in which no religion was part of the gov't.
No collection of men from another religion could have set up such a tolerant framework.
The United States was founded on the Ten Commandments.
Time to teach the truth.
As heard today on whitey righty radio with ben weasel sharpoo, “one must disregard the constitution when deciding on constitutional issues”…
says debbiethereddiaperdoperbaby
semantics, I did say what I meant, the country is founded on the Christianity which is the Ten Commandments
It is your loss you do not see the greatness of our founding, our history.
So, why does the constitution not mention religion?
As heard today on whitey righty radio with ben weasel sharpoo, “one must disregard the constitution when deciding on constitutional issues”…
Gee, mr bigot, proving that the democrats are the party of bigot, have a history of bigotry, fought to keep slaves, fought to keep black people at the back of the bus, democrats fought to keep black people from using democrat water drinking fountains

you heard nothing of the sort that you paraphrase poorly
Gee, mr bigot, proving that the democrats are the party of bigot, have a history of bigotry, fought to keep slaves, fought to keep black people at the back of the bus, democrats fought to keep black people from using democrat water drinking fountains

you heard nothing of the sort that you paraphrase poorly
Derp derp derp
As I said, very similar. Read and learn child.

Lol, no that isn't what you said. This is:

"The worlds 3 major religions all use the 10 commandments. Remember, the 10 commandments are from the old testament."

When will you stop lying?
It's a clear constitutional violation unless they're gonna require the tenets of Satanism to be put right next to them. And of course few select bits of the Quran and the Torah, some Hinduism stuff, and lets not forget Taoism and everybody else.
Meanwhile at the SCOTUS

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