Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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Lol, no that isn't what you said. This is:

"The worlds 3 major religions all use the 10 commandments. Remember, the 10 commandments are from the old testament."

When will you stop lying?

You have a very short memory if you're claiming you kept up in the thread. I also said this:
All religions have a moral equivalent.


The governor knows that being sued by liberals would be a dream come true. It would increase his popularity. I bet they sue anyway.

---Louisiana governor ‘can’t wait to be sued’ after forcing the Ten Commandments in classrooms---

So you're saying the governor signed a bill in clear violation of the Establishment Clause just for kicks? Not to say it's all that surprising seeing as with the Roberts court there is no such thing as precedent anymore.
So you're saying the governor signed a bill in clear violation of the Establishment Clause just for kicks? Not to say it's all that surprising seeing as with the Roberts court there is no such thing as precedent anymore.

What religion is congress trying to establish in LA? You do know what the first 3 words of the 1st amendment are, right?

What religion is congress trying to establish in LA? You do know what the first 3 words of the 1st amendment are, right?

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.,"
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.,"

You got anything that's actually responsive to my questions?


I say the answer is yes for the whole country. Whether it is decided on a individual state level by every state or on some kind of a federal level. The United States has always been a Christian majority country largely based on Christian values, even though we are not technically a theocracy. We can do something like this without it being “fanaticism”. Or even any kind a semblance of religious supremacy.

Radical atheists/far left Christians will respond with false accusations against people and they will tell people how they think, they will make things up. They do that in threads like this. Otoh right wing Christians, who might disagree with the ruling generally have a civil disagreement

And for people who might say well, why not have something from the Quran or the Torah or the Hindu scriptures displayed in public. Well if we’re talking about Israel a Jewish majority country or Saudi Arabia a Muslim majority country ….and they had their religious scriptures in public schools, I would be fine with it.

Allow me to go even further. I believe in respecting the majority culture of the country one is living in. While living in Thailand and Cambodia, I respected the Buddhist religion and even visited a number of Buddhist temples. I think this is called common sense … remember the old saying “when in Rome.”
Also, church values and church organizations have played a big role in fighting the crack cocaine trade, and the brutality of the drug trade in black majority communities. So that’s a positive and that’s something that left wingers should recognize and support.

I say the answer is yes for the whole country. Whether it is decided on a individual state level by every state or on some kind of a federal level. The United States has always been a Christian majority country largely based on Christian values, even though we are not technically a theocracy. We can do something like this without it being “fanaticism”. Or even any kind a semblance of religious supremacy.

Radical atheists/far left Christians will respond with false accusations against people and they will tell people how they think, they will make things up. They do that in threads like this. Otoh right wing Christians, who might disagree with the ruling generally have a civil disagreement

And for people who might say well, why not have something from the Quran or the Torah or the Hindu scriptures displayed in public. Well if we’re talking about Israel a Jewish majority country or Saudi Arabia a Muslim majority country ….and they had their religious scriptures in public schools, I would be fine with it.

Allow me to go even further. I believe in respecting the majority culture of the country one is living in. While living in Thailand and Cambodia, I respected the Buddhist religion and even visited a number of Buddhist temples. I think this is called common sense … remember the old saying “when in Rome.”

Not to mention:

Point already responded to ^

And for people who might say well, why not have something from the Quran or the Torah or the Hindu scriptures displayed in public. Well if we’re talking about Israel a Jewish majority country or Saudi Arabia a Muslim majority country ….and they had their religious scriptures in public schools, I would be fine with it.

I say the answer is yes for the whole country. Whether it is decided on a individual state level by every state or on some kind of a federal level. The United States has always been a Christian majority country largely based on Christian values, even though we are not technically a theocracy. We can do something like this without it being “fanaticism”. Or even any kind a semblance of religious supremacy.

Radical atheists/far left Christians will respond with false accusations against people and they will tell people how they think, they will make things up. They do that in threads like this. Otoh right wing Christians, who might disagree with the ruling generally have a civil disagreement

And for people who might say well, why not have something from the Quran or the Torah or the Hindu scriptures displayed in public. Well if we’re talking about Israel a Jewish majority country or Saudi Arabia a Muslim majority country ….and they had their religious scriptures in public schools, I would be fine with it.

Allow me to go even further. I believe in respecting the majority culture of the country one is living in. While living in Thailand and Cambodia, I respected the Buddhist religion and even visited a number of Buddhist temples. I think this is called common sense … remember the old saying “when in Rome.”
Now all you have to do is explain haw this is not a violation of the establishment clause of the 1st amendment. Or....maybe you have a plan to revoke it.
Now all you have to do is explain haw this is not a violation of the establishment clause of the 1st amendment. Or....maybe you have a plan to revoke it.

Our laws in the USA are based upon the 10 commandments. Crimes against perjury, elder abuse, murder, burglary , etc. all have their roots in this document given to us by Almighty God.

Remember as well, the Pledge of Allegiance points out that we are "One Nation, under God" and our national motto is In God We Trust.

The USA is non-sectarian, sure. But that doesn't mean that we are atheist pos's.

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